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1867 LEVANT Mi.3I, 5I, Franz Joseph 5Sld (pair) and 15Sls (str-of-3), rough print with whole CDS blue color RETTIMO and FILIPOPOLI, 15Sld with whole wmk "K", c.v.. total min. 485€ U:A5
1879 LEVANT Mi.3I, Franz Joseph 5Sld red, str-of-5, rough print on cut-square with CDS CANEA (Crete), c.v.. ca. 400€, very nice multiple to specialized collection U:A5
1908 PLATE PROOF LEVANT, CRETE comp. 8 pcs of imperforated plate proofs in original colors, from that 1x 30Pia Postage due stmp on original paper without gum U:A5
1864 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Vienna with Mi.23, Double-headed Eagle 15Sld brown, perf 9½;, CDS BUCAREST and CDS ALEXANDRIEN, c.v.. 600€ U:A5