Mail Auction 35 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Postal stationery

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111060 - 1872 postal stationery cover Mi.U60, VI. issue 5 Kreuzer, se
1872 postal stationery cover Mi.U60, VI. issue 5 Kreuzer, sent as Reg to Prague, on reverse uprated with stamp Mi.38 I, arrival PRAG, torn flap, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€
Starting price: CZK
137615 - 1868 Mi.U55, 5 Kreuzer red, uprated with stamp Mi.37 2x, Reg
1868 Mi.U55, 5 Kreuzer red, uprated with stamp Mi.37 2x, Reg, CDS WOLFRAMITZ 7/3, rare, superb
Starting price: CZK
135674 - 1882-1913 comp. 6 pcs of PC: Mi.P26, German-Czech text; P75,
1882-1913 comp. 6 pcs of PC: Mi.P26, German-Czech text; P75, German-Czech text; P84A, German-Czech text, answer part; P216, sent to Feldpost (Field-Post) č.114 already 25.VIII.14; P216 uprated with stamp Mi.139 and 140; P217 addressed to to Paris; all postally used in Bohemia, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
134622 - 1896 Mi.K22, letter-card 5 Kreuzer red, German text, uprated
1896 Mi.K22, letter-card 5 Kreuzer red, German text, uprated with stamp 2x 5 Kreuzer Franz Joseph., lined postmark FRANZENSBAD/ 20.9.96, sent as Reg to Prague (originally as Express with tím, that 5 Kreuzer doplatí recipient wasn't akceptováno), arrival postmark PRAG/ 20.9.96 on reverse, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
137618 - 1897 letter-card Mi.K15, 3 Kreuzer green, to Rumania, uprate
1897 letter-card Mi.K15, 3 Kreuzer green, to Rumania, uprated with stamp Mi.50 3x, 51 2x, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 11/4/97, nice
Starting price: CZK
136306 - 1901 Mi.P130 uprated with stamp 5h Franz Joseph., CDS KARLSB
1901 Mi.P130 uprated with stamp 5h Franz Joseph., CDS KARLSBAD/ STATION/ 4.4.01, addressed to to New York, more times redirected (3 cancel. in front and 2 on reverse) and returned sender, in front cancel. RETOUR and arrival postmark KARLSBAD/ 17.6.01, sought by specialists, light dusky margins, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
134623 - 1903 Mi.K44, letter-card 6h orange, sent as Reg in the place
1903 Mi.K44, letter-card 6h orange, sent as Reg in the place, uprated with stamp 25h Franz Joseph., CDS PRAG/ 20.10.03, arrival postmark PRAG 1/ 20.10.03 on reverse, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
134624 - 1904 Mi.K41, letter-card 6h orange, uprated by. on reverse 4
1904 Mi.K41, letter-card 6h orange, uprated by. on reverse 4x 1h Franz Joseph., CDS HABRY/ 8.3.04, all margins (!), arrival postmark ČÁSLAV/ 9.3.04 on reverse, nice piece
Starting price: CZK
134634 - 1904 private commercial postal stationery cover with printed
1904 private commercial postal stationery cover with printed stamp. 6h Franz Joseph. yellow, CDS SMÍCHOV 1/ 8.1.04, addressed to Escomptní bance in Prague, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
134625 - 1907 Mi.K45b, letter-card 10h red, inside paper yellow, soug
1907 Mi.K45b, letter-card 10h red, inside paper yellow, sought variant, sent as Reg to Brno, uprated with stamp 5h + 20h Franz Joseph., CDS ŠLAPANICE/ 26.II.07, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 2/ 26.2.07, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
135673 - 1908 Mi.P208, Jubilee pictorial PC 5h Franz Joseph. sent as
1908 Mi.P208, Jubilee pictorial PC 5h Franz Joseph. sent as Reg in the place, uprated by. 1 + 12 + 12h, red special postmark PRAGUE/ ? ,1908 + CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.12.08 + Mi.P215, ditto with printed stmp in the middle, red special postmark PRAGUE 2.XII.1908, good condition
Starting price: CZK
134626 - 1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h Franz Joseph. sent as Reg, uprated with
1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h Franz Joseph. sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 25h same issue, CDS BRNO 7/ 15.10.17, official correspondence, interesting sender, good condition
Starting price: CZK
137571 - 1874 larger part of postal order with additional-printed red
1874 larger part of postal order with additional-printed red 5 Kreuzer stamp. VI. issue, Mi.A3, uprated by. 5 Kreuzer stamp. same issue rough print with CDS GISTERNITZ, vertical fold and punch cancelled
Starting price: CZK
136876 - 1912-15 Mi.RP29, 2 pcs of PC for pneumatic-tube post 25h Fra
1912-15 Mi.RP29, 2 pcs of PC for pneumatic-tube post 25h Franz Joseph, Us Prague pneumatic-tube post incl. arrival postmarks
Starting price: CZK
137616 - 1903 letter-card Mi.K44, 6h orange, sent as express in the p
1903 letter-card Mi.K44, 6h orange, sent as express in the place, uprated with stamp Mi.77, CDS PRAGUE, tete-beche/opposite bilingual straight line postmark; very rare
Starting price: CZK
135349 - 1900 Mi.P131, PC 5h Franz Joseph uprated with stamp 1+1+3h F
1900 Mi.P131, PC 5h Franz Joseph uprated with stamp 1+1+3h Franz Joseph, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 24.5.00, addressed to to Switzerland, arrival postmark ZÜRICH and ALTSTETTEN (Zürich)/ 26.V.00 in front, in the middle thin/light browny spots, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
134202 - 1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h F.J. sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 25h
1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h F.J. sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 25h, Mi.192, CDS LIBĚJICE/ 2/1 17, commercial correspondence, good condition
Starting price: CZK
135089 - 1869-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 930 pcs of p.stat, fro
1869-1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 930 pcs of p.stat, from that 138 pcs of "yellow", major-part Us p.stat is from Czech region, placed in box
Starting price: CZK