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1906 Mi.29-31, 33-41, Landscape, incomplete set 12 pcs of stamps with perf 4441, sought U:A5
1906 Mi.33, 38, 40 2x, 44, Landscape, comp. 5 pcs of stamps with various perf - identified, marked U:A5
1906 comp. 15 pcs of stamps issue Landscape with various perf - identified, marked U:A5
1906 PLATE PROOF Mi.44, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer, comp. 2 pcs of complete sheets in/at black and blue color, copper print on original paper without gum, on/for black sheet approving signature Th. Hrnčíř 6.11.1906, toned - spots, otherwise very fine, quite extraordinary offer, decoration every specialized collection U:A3v–
1908 PC 5h uprated with stamp Mi.31-32 to Saigon (!), CDS K.u.K.. MILIT.POST SARAJEVO/ 22/2/08, very unusual destination U:A5
1917 letter with multicolor franking overprint Surtax stamp. Mi.89 2x, 93, 94 3x, 117, CDS SARAJEVO 6.I.17, small tearing in margins envelope/-s U:A5
1918 Reg letter to Prague, franked with. i.a. Surtax stamp. Mi.142 2x, Aid to War Crippled, and block of four stamp. Mi.125, Charles 5h, CDS DOBRLJIN/ 10.IV.18 + print line FP cachet postmark, good condition U:A5
1895-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of stamps on album sheets in spring folder, cat. over 600€ U:Z
1900-18 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, partial specialisation, various perf, shades and oths., placed in 20-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 2200€ U:Z
1906-10 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, placed on free album sheets, heterogeneous material, various perf, interesting, suitable for next elaboration U:Z