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1871 BARRANDE Joachim (1799–1883), French palaeontologist; handwritten parcel card with documentary stamp 5 Kreuzer, CDS PRAG-KLEINSEITE 29/7, parcel label From Prag-Kleinseite, sent to mining director in Zbiroh, full signature incl. red seal with monogram "JB"; sought U:A5
1881 MENDEL Gregor Johann (1822–1884), founder of genetics, stamped release with autograph, documentary stamps issue 1881, blue service postmark Augustiánského monastery in Alt-Brünn (Staré Brno), superb U:A3s|
1861 NAPP Cyrill F. (1792–1867), opat starobrněnského monastery, Mendelův friend and ochránce, stamped release with autograph, documentary stamps The 2nd issue., nice red seal U:A3s|
1844 ŠEMBERA Alois Vojtěch (1807–1882), Czech jazykovědec, literary historian and translator, Professor češtiny on/for Olomouc univerzitě and Viennese univerzitě; certificate in the name of Johann HEEGER from Prostějov, imprinted stamp 15 Kreuzer issue 1840, nice red seal U:A3s|