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1926-43 ACTORS comp. 13 pcs of Ppc and photos with signatures of actors, HRADILÁK Charles (1909–1972), JANEČEK Ladislav (1905–?), KUBLA Richard (1890–1964), OSTRÝ Viktor (191?–1953?), PETROVÁ Valja (1900–1976), ROMANOVÁ John (1920–?), SEDLÁČKOVÁ Marcela (1926–1969), ŠLEMROVÁ Růžena (1886–1962), VOJTA Joseph (1908–1977) 2x, WALESKÁ Blanka (1910–1986) 2x, WERNER William (1892–1966); interesting for film historians U:A5
1930-44 ACTORS selection of 16 pcs of Ppc and photos with signatures neznámých of actors, art studios Balzar, Deml and Hanuš, Heinrich, Kala, Mráz, Skácel, Ströminger, Šlár and oths.; interesting for film historians U:A5
1940 BAAROVÁ Lída (one's own name Ludmila Babková, 1914–2000), Czech actress; own Ppc with signature; very nice U:A5
1949 BAGAR Andrew (1900–1966), Slovak actor and theatre director; signature on postcard to Bratislava (ALS) U:A5
1945 MEDŘICKÁ Dana (1920–1983), Czech actress; photo A4 with dedication and full signature on face-side; nice U:A4