Mail Auction 35 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Philatelic Domains

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137294 - 1918 WIEN - LEMBERG / PC Charles 8h sent by airmail to Lviv,
1918 WIEN - LEMBERG / PC Charles 8h sent by airmail to Lviv, uprated with airmail stamps with overprint FLUGPOST Mi.225-227x, CDS FLUGPOST WIEN 1/ 1.VI.18, on reverse arrival LEMBERG; good condition
Starting price: CZK
135319 - 1900-18 POSTAL-AGENCIES  comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with postal agen
1900-18 POSTAL-AGENCIES comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk, BORAČ, MEDLOVICE, RONOV and TRNAVA (TŘEBÍČ); nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
136302 - 1899 SHIP MAIL / LLOYD AUSTRIACO XVII / 19.7.99, blue single
1899 SHIP MAIL / LLOYD AUSTRIACO XVII / 19.7.99, blue single circle cancel. on Ppc (Makarska), with Mi.51, addressed to to Zagreb, arrival ZÁGRÁB/ ZAGREB/ 21.JUL.899 in front, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
135721 - 1918 FIELD POST / ITALY  Mi.1-19, Charles I. with overprint
1918 FIELD POST / ITALY Mi.1-19, Charles I. with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, 4 complete set + Mi.1A-7A Postage due stmp stamp. with overprint new values, 4 complete set; all used on free sheets paper with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, cat. min. 260€
Starting price: CZK
133985 - 1866 BAVARIA  completely in good condition parcel wrapping,
1866 BAVARIA completely in good condition parcel wrapping, sent from Regensburg, straight line postmark REGENSBURG, to Brno via Wien, parcel label WIEN, off. data, rests of seals
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
133983 - 1871 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  parcel card as folded l
1871 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS parcel card as folded letter f. SOLFINGER, Chrudim, with documentary stamp 5 Kreuzer (1870), CDS CHRUDIM 16/1, blue arrival postmark SWRATKA, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
134126 - 1915 Maxa F68, commercial PC with Mi.142 with perfin F.M. f.
1915 Maxa F68, commercial PC with Mi.142 with perfin "F.M." f. Francis Melichar, Brandýs n. L.., CDS BRANDÝS N. L./ 2.VII.15; nice identification entire
Starting price: CZK
136583 - 1906 Maxa J50, identification commercial PC with 5h Franz Jo
1906 Maxa J50, identification commercial PC with 5h Franz Joseph with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückel sons, CDS NOVÝ JIČÍN/ 18/2 06; good condition
Starting price: CZK
135563 - 1907 Maxa R2, commercial letter with Mi.134, 10h pair with p
1907 Maxa R2, commercial letter with Mi.134, 10h pair "with perfin "R"" f. Reimann sons in Prague with CDS PRAGUE 2.V.07; identification entire good condition
Starting price: CZK
135333 - 1899 Maxa S41, commercial PC with 2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph wit
1899 Maxa S41, commercial PC with 2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph with perfin "Spiro", f. Ignaz Spiro & sons, Böhm. Krumauer Maschinenpapier-Fabriken, CDS KRUMAU/ 31.3.89, addressed to to Vienna, nice
Starting price: CZK
135288 - 1915 PC Mi.216 with perfin JGLER, MC WIEN/ 3.7.15, uživatel
1915 PC Mi.216 with perfin "JGLER", MC WIEN/ 3.7.15, uživatel perfin "M. Igler´s Neffe, Wien", sound condition
Starting price: CZK
135286 - 1896 PC Mi.P74 with perfin S.F & Co, CDS INNSBRUCK/ STADT/ 2
1896 PC Mi.P74 with perfin "S.F & Co", CDS INNSBRUCK/ STADT/ 28.4.96, identification entire, oval commercial cancel. sender "S. Freudenfells & Co./ Innsbruck" in front, addressed to to Vienna, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
135335 - 1901 commercial PC with 5h Franz Joseph with perfin in form
1901 commercial PC with 5h Franz Joseph with perfin in form of initials "BAK", f. Bleiindustrie - Actiengesellschaft, Grundmühlen - Klostergrab, lined postmark KLOSTERGRAB/ 29.6.01 (catalogue Votoček. 1024/3. - used about/by 5 years earlier then catalogue of Votoček uvádí!), perfin "BAK" in catalogue Czechosl. pefinů still isn't evidován (!), identification entire, lower 2 holes after/around office perforator, otherwise good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
135282 - 1910 invoice f. Koppe & Wetjen, Wien, with revenue 10h issue
1910 invoice f. Koppe & Wetjen, Wien, with revenue 10h issue 1898 with perfin "K.W.", cross fold and 2 holes after/around office perforator, lower dusky, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
135321 - 1907-15 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with perfins, identification enti
1907-15 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with perfins, identification entire with perfin "F.W." F. WICHTERLE, PROSTĚJOV and zcizený perfin M.E.B. on Ppc from Jičín
Starting price: CZK
136210 - 1902-08 comp. 5 pcs of parcel cards with with perfins, i.a.
1902-08 comp. 5 pcs of parcel cards with with perfins, i.a. DORNBIRN, JÄGERNDORF, HAINDORF and BRNO, various condition
Starting price: CZK
135280 - 1898-1919 comp. 7 pcs of various revenues with perfins from
1898-1919 comp. 7 pcs of various revenues with perfins from our territory, any other one, from that 1x Czechoslovakia, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
136981 - 1912 S.M.S. GREIF black straight line postmark on/for franke
1912 S.M.S. "GREIF" black straight line postmark on/for franked with. postcard addressed to to Budapest, CDS TRIESTE/ 23.XII.12, superb print ship postmark, torpédovka 63T
Starting price: CZK
136982 - 1902 S.M.S. PLANET  violet straight line postmark on/for fra
1902 S.M.S. "PLANET" violet straight line postmark on/for franked with. postcard sent to Budapest, CDS ABBAZIA/ 3.7.07 and postal agency pmk DRAGA (MOŠTĚNICE), superb print ship postmark, school ship for plavčíky torpédovek, exceptional postcard village Moštěnička Draga, in addition over splice Hungarian stamp. Austrian, interesting piece!
Starting price: CZK
136715 - 1915 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc to Vienna with postmarks POLA and S.
1915 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc to Vienna with postmarks POLA and S. M. BOOT "27", in addition violet Zensuriert, fine readable print, originates from one correspondence
Starting price: CZK
136305 - 1917 K.u.K.. MARINETELEGRAPHENSTATION/ MOVAR, red double cir
1917 K.u.K.. MARINETELEGRAPHENSTATION/ MOVAR, red double circle pmk with emblem and CDS ROGOZNICA/ 21.6. on Ppc addressed to to School army telegrafistů, fine readable cancel., good condition
Starting price: CZK
134465 - 1914-18 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 44 pcs of Ppc with vario
1914-18 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 44 pcs of Ppc with various ship postmarks, interesting also for collectors of picture-postcards - soldiers, men, ships, town and motives; nice
Starting price: CZK
135278 - 1914 MALTESE RITTERORDEN (knight's order) GROSSPRIORAT (grea
1914 MALTESE RITTERORDEN (knight's order) GROSSPRIORAT (great priory) von. BOHEMIA and AUSTRIA., Hospital Train A, round postmark with Maltese cross, CDS PRAGUE/ 9.XII.14, nice imprint
Starting price: CZK
137781 - 1915 request líst on/for mailing field post, Nachfraggeschr
1915 request líst on/for mailing field post, Nachfraggeschreiben, off. cancel. K.u.K. Infanterieregiment count von Ahensperg un Traun Nr.21 supplemented with postal FP-postmark./ 79/ 3.V.15, vert. fold
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
135271 - 1915-18 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with military unit postmarks PFER
1915-18 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with military unit postmarks PFERDE-EPIDEMIE-SPITAL KOBIERZYN-KRAKAU and SCHWERE AUTOKOLONE; nice
Starting price: CZK
135344 - 1916 Haubitzbaterie No. 2/ des K.u.K.. Gebirgsartilleriereg.
1916 Haubitzbaterie No. 2/ des K.u.K.. Gebirgsartilleriereg. No.6, 2-lines postmark on letter from Turkey to Bohemia, CDS FP 23-12-1916, on reverse hints after sticking in album, otherwise very nice
Starting price: CZK
134502 - 1917 postcard zničených Antverp sent by FP, franked Mi.15,
1917 postcard zničených Antverp sent by FP, franked Mi.15, 28, 30, 40 , CDS FP č.377/1.II.17 (Romania), military unit postmark "Fussartillerie - Batterie Nr.444", collector's mailing, well zachovaná
Starting price: CZK
135345 - 1918 Leichtkranken Abtg. des K.u.K.. Oesterr.-Ung./ Reserves
1918 Leichtkranken Abtg. des K.u.K.. Oesterr.-Ung./ Reservespitals in Konstantinopel, 2-lines postmark on Ppc from Constantinople to Bohemia, CDS FP 451/ 1.X.18, nice
Starting price: CZK
135346 - 1918 Reg letter sent to War Department, CDS FP 11/ 12.IV.18,
1918 Reg letter sent to War Department, CDS FP 11/ 12.IV.18, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
136303 - 1917 CDS Etappenpostamt DABROWA i.POLEN/ 6.XII.17 on postcar
1917 CDS Etappenpostamt DABROWA i.POLEN/ 6.XII.17 on postcard Mi.FP3b, uprated with stamp FP 3+3+12+20h, Mi.55 2x, 59 and 61, addressed to to Vienna, line red censorship mark., sound condition
Starting price: CZK
136304 - 1917 CDS Etappenpostamt ČAČAK/ 8.VII.17 on R letter franke
1917 CDS Etappenpostamt ČAČAK/ 8.VII.17 on R letter franked with. str-of-4 Mi.28, sent to Red Cross in/at Belgrade, 2 various censorship mark and cancel. sender in front, arrival Etappenpostamt BELGRADE/ 31.VIII.17 on reverse, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
137779 - 1917 K.u.K KRAFTWAGENKOLONNE No. 115, blue print circular FP
1917 K.u.K KRAFTWAGENKOLONNE No. 115, blue print circular FP cachet postmark with coats of arms supplemented with on/for letter envelope incomplete print FP/ 246/ 24.IV.17, good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
135723 - 1918 ITALY  Mi.20-23, Newspaper stamps with overprint new va
1918 ITALY Mi.20-23, Newspaper stamps with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, from that value 3c/2H Mi.20A with line perforation 11½; (!), in/at blk-of-10, with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, cat. min. 550€
Starting price: CZK
135726 - 1918 ITALY  Mi.20-23, Newspaper stamps with overprint new va
1918 ITALY Mi.20-23, Newspaper stamps with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, from that value 3c/2H with line perforation 11 ½;, in str-of-3 with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, c.v.. 155€
Starting price: CZK
135724 - 1918 ITALY  Mi.24-25, Express with overprint new values in/a
1918 ITALY Mi.24-25, Express with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, in/at blk-of-10 with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, cat. min. 500€
Starting price: CZK
135725 - 1918 ITALY  Mi.24-25, Express with overprint new values in/a
1918 ITALY Mi.24-25, Express with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, in/at 5ti-páskách with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
137777 - 1916-18 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ ITALY  comp. 4 pcs of cards fr
1916-18 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ ITALY comp. 4 pcs of cards from Czech prisoners in Italy, from that 1x sent to prisoner to Italy, Italian also Austrian censorship, 1x card with red postmark "Zabaveno abroad", nice print all postmarks
Starting price: CZK
135368 - 1915-16 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ ITALY  comp. 3 pcs of entires,
1915-16 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ ITALY comp. 3 pcs of entires, interesting postmarks, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
137806 - 1915-18 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 34 pcs of entires Austri
1915-18 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 34 pcs of entires Austrian field post, contains cards with postmarks various FP, zajateckou post Serbia, Russia, money letter addressed to on/for FP, surtax, postcard etc.., interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK