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1934 Mi.22-31, George V. + motives, complete set, all used, well preserved, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1937 Reg letter to England, with Mi.22-26, oval CDS ASCENSION REGISTERED/ 23.DE.37, thin/light number of date-stamper, without Reg labels and arrival CDS, good condition U:A5
1887-88 Mi.14, 23a, 34, Queen Victoria, comp. of 3 various values, by/on/at unused stamp. Mi.23a, 34 heavier hinges, c.v.. 105€ U:A5
1887 Mi.15, Queen Victoria 1Sh, unissued revenue Great Britain with black overprint "BRITISH BECHUANALAND/", line perforation 13½;, c.v.. 50€ U:A5
1891-97 Mi.40, 43, 44 and 45, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. Great Britain and 1x Cape of Good Hope, values ½P, 1P, 6P and 1Sh, all with 2-lines black overprint "BRITISH BECHUANALAND", on stmp 1P significant incomplete overprint in the word "British", cat. min. 40€ U:A5
1923 Mi.66-77, Postage 5c - 10Fr, complete set, only value 75c hinged, other mint never hinged, catalogue value for hinged 50€ U:A5
1894-1914 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, contains 3x double PC from that 1x uprated, 7x single PC, 2x p.stat postcard, addressed to abroad, small stains and defects U:A5
1936 airmail letter to Brussels with Mi.131 2x, 164, CDS STANLEYVILLE/ 17.10.36, sent by first flight Stanleyville–Bruxelles, on reverse arrival, decorative U:A5
1936 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.138, 159, 161, CDS ELISABETHVILLE/ 19.8.36; decorative U:A5
1977 Mi.182-186, Fauna WWF, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1898-1904 RHODESIA / MASHONALAND comp. 7 pcs of Us p.stat, contains 4x PC from that 2x double, 3x p.stat envelope from that 2x uprated, addressed to to Germany and Austria; part signs of age - stains U:A5
1898 Mi.55; SG.57ab, overprint INTERNAL POSTAGE, without kontolního overprint, cat. Gibbons £95 U:A5
1885 Mi.8; SG.8, overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND/, cat. Gibbons £170, rather rare highest value from the first issue U:A5
1896 double PC 1d with overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND uprated by. overprint stamp. 1½; + 1d, unilaterally Us to Germany, CDS RAMOUTSA, arrival NYPHENBURG/ 25/Aug 96; good condition U:A5
1863 Mi.1II; SG.18ba, Triangle 1P, partially začernalé margins, inexact margins, examination recommended, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1853 Mi.2Iwa; SG.2, Triangle 4P, 1 side close margin to margins, overall good condition, c.v.. £180 U:A5
1858 Mi.2IbY, 3IbX; SG.6a, 7a, Triangles 4d - bisected stmp, 6d; interesting franking on larger piece of letter, trigonal postmark CGH, to Cradock, photo-certificate Richter, rare, by estimation cat. min. 3500£ U:DR
1855 Mi.4Iya; SG.8, Triangle 1Sh, wide margins, small place thin place (thin place), c.v.. £200 U:A5
1863 Mi.6; SG.7d, Triangle 6P slate, wide margins, new gum, one from most precious kapských trojúhelníků, cat. Gibbons for stamp with original gum £3500, here for the first time on offer U:DR
1868 comp. 3 pcs of Allegory, contains Mi.11 - wide L margin, Mi.30 - wmk 3 (CA) and Mi.37 - value 5Sh with beautiful cancel., c.v.. 50€; in addition free Mi.21 type II., wide numeral(s) "3", turned overprint (!) - repaired U:A5
1882 SG.45, Allegory 5Sh orange, wmk P 3 (CA), sought highest value, heavier but well readable numeral pmk "227", c.v.. £300 U:A5
1871-1902 selection of 48 pcs of stamps, various types, wmk and color shades, several interesting postmarks also stamps, for example. 5Sh Mi.61, usual quality, c.v.. uncounted U:A5
1900 MAFEKING Mi.15b; SG.18, 1P Major Goodyear, very fine piece on cut-square, cat. Gibbons £275 ++ U:A5
1890-1908 comp. 13 pcs of various Us p.stat issue queen Victoria and Edward VII., contains 8x PC from that 2x view card with imprinted stamp, 1x p.stat envelope, 2x R p.stat envelope, 1x newspaper p.stat strip, 1x letter-card, various postmark, part addressed to abroad, signs of age, stains U:A5
1895 postal stationery cover with printed stamp. Queen Victoria 2½P olive green, uprated by. ½P Allegory, CDS GRAAFF REIM..../ 22.AP.95, addressed to to Germany, arrival FRANKFURT/ 12.5.95 on reverse, CDS worse readable, else preserved U:A5
1877 Mi.39, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint "HALF/ ½", 2 pcs, from that 1x unused, wide margin, type I., numeral(s) "½;" high 4,5mm is below HALF; 1x with numeral pmk "18", type II., numeral(s) "½;" only 3,5mm, above HALF, in the middle at top 1 short tooth; for specialist interesting, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1885 Mi.50, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint "ONE HALF/ PENNY.", 2 pcs of , from that 1 pcs of with significant printing Opt flaw near character "A", for specialist interesting, Michel doesn't report, cat. min. 40€ U:A5
1859-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection classic issue on 3 pages, i.a. SG.9, 10, 18, 21, 23, 24, 54, 76, 81, 85, 143 - Un and used £1.10, 157, average quality, cat. Gibbons min. £1,430 U:Z
1878 REVENUE STAMPS Mi.4, 6 and 9, from that 1x cancelled hand-made, high nominal value 1Sh, 2Sh and 5Sh, c.v.. 85€ U:A5
1893-1907 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, ORAŇSKO contains 9 pcs of PC from that 1x double uprated, ZULUAND 1x double, OIL RIVERS 1x uprated PC, BRITISH BECHUANALAND 1x PC, part addressed to abroad, much pieces with slight errors/flaws U:A4
1871 Mi.5 II.cC, Coat of arms 3P violet, dumb four-circle cancel., signs of age, in front at top toned and on reverse note by pencil., from old collection (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1888-91 selection of 17 pcs of stamps issue Queen Victoria, i.a. SG.3, 5 2x,12, 24, 25 2x, all very fine, only SG.12 fold, cat. Gibbons £330 U:A5
1918 LOURENCO MARQUES letter in the place franked with. portugalskou colonial stamp. 5c with additional-printing Red Cross Mi.164, additionally mounted Surtax war stamp. values 1c, Mi.1, CDS LOURENCO MARQUES/ 9.3.18; light fold in envelope U:A5
1934-38 Mi.52-69; SG.114-122, 139-143, George VI., cat. Gibbons £200 U:A5
1984 Mi.Bl.313A+B, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets Baden-Powell, also with ZAMBIE Mi.310-313, President Kaunda, FDC 28.APR.84; c.v.. 115€ U:A4
1879 Mi.7C, Queen Victoria 3P/6P violet, line perforation 14 : 12½;, original value 6P přetištěna břevnem about/by length 14mm, on reverse old owner's mark and hints of more labels, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1864 Mi.9 AII., Queen Victoria 1Sh/6P green, wmk Crown (CC), line perforation 12½;, original value 6P přetištěna břevnem about/by length 16,5mm, lower dirty perf, on reverse old owner's mark and hints of more labels, sought value, local cancellation, new gum, cat. Gibbons 28£ U:A5
1929 Reg letter to USA with Mi.65 and 69, CDS ST. HELENA./ 4.MY.29, transit pmk LONDON/ 27.MY.29 and arrival SAN FRACISCO/ 10.JUN.29 on reverse, the bottom corners fold, otherwise nice U:A5
1969 Mi.160-174, Fauna, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 50€ U:A5