Mail Auction 35 / Philately / Africa / South and Central Africa

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135048 - 1934 Mi.22-31, George V. + motives, complete set, all used,
1934 Mi.22-31, George V. + motives, complete set, all used, well preserved, c.v.. 180€
Starting price: CZK
135050 - 1937 Reg letter to England, with Mi.22-26, oval CDS ASCENSIO
1937 Reg letter to England, with Mi.22-26, oval CDS ASCENSION REGISTERED/ 23.DE.37, thin/light number of date-stamper, without Reg labels and arrival CDS, good condition
Starting price: CZK
133158 - 1887-88 Mi.14, 23a, 34, Queen Victoria, comp. of 3 various v
1887-88 Mi.14, 23a, 34, Queen Victoria, comp. of 3 various values, by/on/at unused stamp. Mi.23a, 34 heavier hinges, c.v.. 105€
Starting price: CZK
133157 - 1887 Mi.15, Queen Victoria 1Sh, unissued revenue Great Brita
1887 Mi.15, Queen Victoria 1Sh, unissued revenue Great Britain with black overprint "BRITISH BECHUANALAND/", line perforation 13½;, c.v.. 50€
Starting price: CZK
133160 - 1891-97 Mi.40, 43, 44 and 45, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. Great Br
1891-97 Mi.40, 43, 44 and 45, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. Great Britain and 1x Cape of Good Hope, values ½P, 1P, 6P and 1Sh, all with 2-lines black overprint "BRITISH BECHUANALAND", on stmp 1P significant incomplete overprint in the word "British", cat. min. 40€
Starting price: CZK
132107 - 1923 Mi.66-77, Postage 5c - 10Fr, complete set, only value 7
1923 Mi.66-77, Postage 5c - 10Fr, complete set, only value 75c hinged, other mint never hinged, catalogue value for hinged 50€
Starting price: CZK
137462 - 1894-1914 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, contains 3x dou
1894-1914 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, contains 3x double PC from that 1x uprated, 7x single PC, 2x p.stat postcard, addressed to abroad, small stains and defects
Starting price: CZK
135342 - 1936 airmail letter to Brussels with Mi.131 2x, 164, CDS STA
1936 airmail letter to Brussels with Mi.131 2x, 164, CDS STANLEYVILLE/ 17.10.36, sent by first flight Stanleyville–Bruxelles, on reverse arrival, decorative
Starting price: CZK
137641 - 1936 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.138, 159, 161, CDS
1936 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.138, 159, 161, CDS ELISABETHVILLE/ 19.8.36; decorative
Starting price: CZK
135066 - 1977 Mi.182-186, Fauna WWF, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 1
1977 Mi.182-186, Fauna WWF, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 110€
Starting price: CZK
137476 - 1898-1904 RHODESIA / MASHONALAND  comp. 7 pcs of Us p.stat,
1898-1904 RHODESIA / MASHONALAND comp. 7 pcs of Us p.stat, contains 4x PC from that 2x double, 3x p.stat envelope from that 2x uprated, addressed to to Germany and Austria; part signs of age - stains
Starting price: CZK
136055 - 1898 Mi.55; SG.57ab, overprint INTERNAL POSTAGE, without kon
1898 Mi.55; SG.57ab, overprint INTERNAL POSTAGE, without kontolního overprint, cat. Gibbons £95
Starting price: CZK
137085 - 1885 Mi.8; SG.8, overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND/, cat. Gibbo
1885 Mi.8; SG.8, overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND/, cat. Gibbons £170, rather rare highest value from the first issue
Starting price: CZK
137378 - 1896 double PC 1d with overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND uprate
1896 double PC 1d with overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND uprated by. overprint stamp. 1½; + 1d, unilaterally Us to Germany, CDS RAMOUTSA, arrival NYPHENBURG/ 25/Aug 96; good condition
Starting price: CZK
134532 - 1863 Mi.1II; SG.18ba, Triangle 1P, partially začernalé mar
1863 Mi.1II; SG.18ba, Triangle 1P, partially začernalé margins, inexact margins, examination recommended, c.v.. £500
Starting price: CZK
134535 - 1853 Mi.2Iwa; SG.2, Triangle 4P, 1 side close margin to marg
1853 Mi.2Iwa; SG.2, Triangle 4P, 1 side close margin to margins, overall good condition, c.v.. £180
Starting price: CZK
136021 - 1858 Mi.2IbY, 3IbX; SG.6a, 7a, Triangles 4d - bisected stmp,
1858 Mi.2IbY, 3IbX; SG.6a, 7a, Triangles 4d - bisected stmp, 6d; interesting franking on larger piece of letter, trigonal postmark CGH, to Cradock, photo-certificate Richter, rare, by estimation cat. min. 3500£
Starting price: CZK
134534 - 1855 Mi.4Iya; SG.8, Triangle 1Sh, wide margins, small place
1855 Mi.4Iya; SG.8, Triangle 1Sh, wide margins, small place thin place (thin place), c.v.. £200
Starting price: CZK
136626 - 1863 Mi.6; SG.7d, Triangle 6P slate, wide margins, new gum,
1863 Mi.6; SG.7d, Triangle 6P slate, wide margins, new gum, one from most precious kapských trojúhelníků, cat. Gibbons for stamp with original gum £3500, here for the first time on offer
Starting price: CZK
135469 - 1868 comp. 3 pcs of Allegory, contains Mi.11 - wide L margin
1868 comp. 3 pcs of Allegory, contains Mi.11 - wide L margin, Mi.30 - wmk 3 (CA) and Mi.37 - value 5Sh with beautiful cancel., c.v.. 50€; in addition free Mi.21 type II., wide numeral(s) "3", turned overprint (!) - repaired
Starting price: CZK
132588 - 1882 SG.45, Allegory 5Sh orange, wmk P 3 (CA), sought highes
1882 SG.45, Allegory 5Sh orange, wmk P 3 (CA), sought highest value, heavier but well readable numeral pmk "227", c.v.. £300
Starting price: CZK
132113 - 1871-1902 selection of 48 pcs of stamps, various types, wmk
1871-1902 selection of 48 pcs of stamps, various types, wmk and color shades, several interesting postmarks also stamps, for example. 5Sh Mi.61, usual quality, c.v.. uncounted
Starting price: CZK
137330 - 1900 MAFEKING  Mi.15b; SG.18, 1P Major Goodyear, very fine p
1900 MAFEKING Mi.15b; SG.18, 1P Major Goodyear, very fine piece on cut-square, cat. Gibbons £275 ++
Starting price: CZK
137460 - 1890-1908 comp. 13 pcs of various Us p.stat issue queen Vict
1890-1908 comp. 13 pcs of various Us p.stat issue queen Victoria and Edward VII., contains 8x PC from that 2x view card with imprinted stamp, 1x p.stat envelope, 2x R p.stat envelope, 1x newspaper p.stat strip, 1x letter-card, various postmark, part addressed to abroad, signs of age, stains
Starting price: CZK
136428 - 1895 postal stationery cover with printed stamp. Queen Victo
1895 postal stationery cover with printed stamp. Queen Victoria 2½P olive green, uprated by. ½P Allegory, CDS GRAAFF REIM..../ 22.AP.95, addressed to to Germany, arrival FRANKFURT/ 12.5.95 on reverse, CDS worse readable, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
132189 - 1877 Mi.39, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint HALF/ ½, 2
1877 Mi.39, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint "HALF/ ½", 2 pcs, from that 1x unused, wide margin, type I., numeral(s) "½;" high 4,5mm is below HALF; 1x with numeral pmk "18", type II., numeral(s) "½;" only 3,5mm, above HALF, in the middle at top 1 short tooth; for specialist interesting, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
132190 - 1885 Mi.50, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint ONE HALF/ PENNY
1885 Mi.50, Queen Victoria 1P with overprint "ONE HALF/ PENNY.", 2 pcs of , from that 1 pcs of with significant printing Opt flaw near character "A", for specialist interesting, Michel doesn't report, cat. min. 40€
Starting price: CZK
136973 - 1859-1910 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection classic issue on 3
1859-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection classic issue on 3 pages, i.a. SG.9, 10, 18, 21, 23, 24, 54, 76, 81, 85, 143 - Un and used £1.10, 157, average quality, cat. Gibbons min. £1,430
Starting price: CZK
135400 - 1878 REVENUE STAMPS  Mi.4, 6 and 9, from that 1x cancelled h
1878 REVENUE STAMPS Mi.4, 6 and 9, from that 1x cancelled hand-made, high nominal value 1Sh, 2Sh and 5Sh, c.v.. 85€
Starting price: CZK
137461 - 1893-1907 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, ORAŇSKO contai
1893-1907 comp. 12 pcs of various Us p.stat, ORAŇSKO contains 9 pcs of PC from that 1x double uprated, ZULUAND 1x double, OIL RIVERS 1x uprated PC, BRITISH BECHUANALAND 1x PC, part addressed to abroad, much pieces with slight errors/flaws
Starting price: CZK
136336 - 1871 Mi.5 II.cC, Coat of arms 3P violet, dumb four-circle ca
1871 Mi.5 II.cC, Coat of arms 3P violet, dumb four-circle cancel., signs of age, in front at top toned and on reverse note by pencil., from old collection (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 220€
Starting price: CZK
136802 - 1888-91 selection of 17 pcs of stamps issue Queen Victoria,
1888-91 selection of 17 pcs of stamps issue Queen Victoria, i.a. SG.3, 5 2x,12, 24, 25 2x, all very fine, only SG.12 fold, cat. Gibbons £330
Starting price: CZK
136976 - 1918 LOURENCO MARQUES  letter in the place franked with. por
1918 LOURENCO MARQUES letter in the place franked with. portugalskou colonial stamp. 5c with additional-printing Red Cross Mi.164, additionally mounted Surtax war stamp. values 1c, Mi.1, CDS LOURENCO MARQUES/ 9.3.18; light fold in envelope
Starting price: CZK
137166 - 1934-38 Mi.52-69; SG.114-122, 139-143, George VI., cat. Gibb
1934-38 Mi.52-69; SG.114-122, 139-143, George VI., cat. Gibbons £200
Starting price: CZK
135459 - 1984 Mi.Bl.313A+B, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets Baden-Pow
1984 Mi.Bl.313A+B, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets Baden-Powell, also with ZAMBIE Mi.310-313, President Kaunda, FDC 28.APR.84; c.v.. 115€
Starting price: CZK
133618 - 1879 Mi.7C, Queen Victoria 3P/6P violet, line perforation 14
1879 Mi.7C, Queen Victoria 3P/6P violet, line perforation 14 : 12½;, original value 6P přetištěna břevnem about/by length 14mm, on reverse old owner's mark and hints of more labels, c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
133619 - 1864 Mi.9 AII., Queen Victoria 1Sh/6P green, wmk Crown (CC),
1864 Mi.9 AII., Queen Victoria 1Sh/6P green, wmk Crown (CC), line perforation 12½;, original value 6P přetištěna břevnem about/by length 16,5mm, lower dirty perf, on reverse old owner's mark and hints of more labels, sought value, local cancellation, new gum, cat. Gibbons 28£
Starting price: CZK
136356 - 1929 Reg letter to USA with Mi.65 and 69, CDS ST. HELENA./ 4
1929 Reg letter to USA with Mi.65 and 69, CDS ST. HELENA./ 4.MY.29, transit pmk LONDON/ 27.MY.29 and arrival SAN FRACISCO/ 10.JUN.29 on reverse, the bottom corners fold, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
135056 - 1969 Mi.160-174, Fauna, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 50
1969 Mi.160-174, Fauna, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 50€
Starting price: CZK