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1939 TOURISM / BEROUN author Antonovič, issued Neubert and sons; format larger than A1, crosswise fold and tearing in R margin U:X
1947 TOURISM / DOKSY - STARÉ SPLAVY format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1935 TOURISM / DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ N. L. Land exhibition; format larger than A1, short tear in lower margin U:X
1946? TOURISM / KLADRUBY (dist. Tachov), author Novák, issued Planografia, Plzeň; format 68x47cm, adversely folded U:X
1938 TOURISM / LUHAČOVICE author R. Peithner, print Jarkovský and Svoboda, Brno; format larger than A1, light frayed margins U:X
1952-80 TOURISM / STRÁŽNICE comp. 5 pcs of promotional posters for International folklorní festival, annual volumes 1952, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1980, various authors; format A1, 1x frayed margins U:X
1930 TOURISM / VRANOV N. D. and Vranovská dam, author Miloš Endler, print Neubert and sons, Prague, dolepený original advertising text; format larger than A1, tearing in upper margin, light frayed U:X
1947 TOURISM / ZLÍN 550 y. of town Zlín, author V. Hroch; format larger than A1, frayed margins, improved/repaired tearing in upper margin U:X
1947 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / KARLOVY VARY sign. E Plamp., print Schulz Prague; format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1947? TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / LÁZNĚ LIBVERDA signed "K", print Cíl Liberec, format larger than A1, tearing in upper margin U:X
1935 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / LÁZNĚ VELICHOVKY author Hayer, print Melantrich, format larger than A1, tearing in lower margin U:X
1938 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / LUHAČOVICE authors Paiger, Povolný, print Neubert and sons, Prague; format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1936-61 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / LUHAČOVICE comp. 3 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, 1x tearing in margins U:X
1938? TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ author Přibyl, format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1947-64 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ comp. 3 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1940 TOURISM / MORAVIA author Horák, issued Neubert and sons; format A1, over-mounted German text U:X
1947 TOURISM / MORAVIAN WALLACHIA author Kouřil, print Baťa, format larger than A1, good condition U:X
1947-80 TOURISM, FESTIVALS, COSTUMES / Czechoslovakia comp. 9 pcs of promotional posters, i.a. STRÁŽNICE 1952 and 1953; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1950-70 TOURISM, CASTLES, / Czechoslovakia comp. 8 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1958-62 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / Czechoslovakia comp. 5 pcs of promotional posters, i.a. Luhačovice, Karlovy Vary; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1947 TOURISM, SPA INDUSTRY / Czechoslovakia print Doležal, ČERVENÝ KOSTELEC, format larger than A1, good condition U:X
1956 TOURISM Čedok, Czechoslovak Airlines, advertising spa industry, format larger than A1, damaged LL corner U:X
1950 TOURISM Czechoslovak Airlines and SABENA, print Lithographie "LINSMO", Brussels; format larger than A1, good condition U:X
1947 TOURISM / Czechoslovakia authors Kurážová - Míšek, print Schulz, Prague, format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1947-48 TOURISM / Czechoslovakia comp. 4 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, 1x damaged - cut off upper margin and tearing in margin U:X
1947-70 TOURISM / Czechoslovakia comp. 9 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1925-45 TOURISM / DENMARK comp. 4 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, 1x tearing in margins U:X
1946 TOURISM / DENMARK - VARDE author V. Hancke, printing-works Andreasen & Lachmann, Copenhagen, format larger than A1, very fine U:X
1941 TOURISM / DENMARK, RANDERS author Henrik Hansen, format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1960-80 TOURISM / HUNGARY comp. 5 pcs of promotional posters, format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1945 TOURISM / NETHERLANDS author Paul Erkelens, format larger than A1, torn in lower margin U:X
1945 TOURISM / NETHERLANDS author Paul Erkelens, format larger than A1, oříznutý upper margin, otherwise very good condition U:X
1950 TOURISM / OSTENDE–DOVER author Ray Ber, format larger than A1, very fine U:X
1938 TOURISM / OSTENDE–DOVER author J. van Noten, format larger than A1, torn in lower margin U:X
1933 TOURISM / OSTENDE–DOVER author L. Royon, format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1937-50 TOURISM / SWEDEN comp. 5 pcs of promotional posters; format larger than A1, standard quality U:X
1950 TOURISM / SWITZERLAND comp. 2 pcs of promotional posters - SILS and COIRE, format larger than A1, good condition U:X
1935 TOURISM / SWITZERLAND - BÜRGENSTOCK signed Ernst, format larger than A1, torn in upper margin U:X
1935? TOURISM / SWITZERLAND - ST. MORITZ printing-works Eidenbenz-Seitz & Co., format larger than A1, torn in upper margin U:X
1963 TOURISM / VALTICE, LEDNICE comp. 2 pcs of promotional posters, authoress Grabmüllerová, issued by Krajské centre památkové care Brno, format larger than A1, very fine U:X
1950-70 TOURISM / OVERSEAS comp. 4 pcs of promotional posters - 2x Canada (1x motive HUNTING), Mexico (SABENA) and Cuba, format larger than A1, repaired tearing in margin U:X
1947 TOURISM, ART / BELGIUM, BRUGES format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1935 CHEMIST'S Thymolin, kartónová schedule 23x33cm, very nice U:Z
1963 MOVIE Chinese film Lang Šan-po and Ču Jing-tchaj, format 79x109cm, very fine U:X
1956 MOVIE / IX. Film festival KARLOVY VARY print GT Děčín; format larger than A1, very good condition U:X
1934 MILITARIA / BZENEC author Bartošík, format 63x47cm, also with same postcard, superb U:A3s|
1938 MILITARIA / BZENEC author Bartošík, format 84x59cm, short tear in folds U:A3s|
1941 MILITARIA, PROPAGANDA exile print, printed in England, format 38x50cm, rare U:A3s|
1942 MILITARIA, PROPAGANDA Winston Churchill, montáž, printed in England, format 50x76cm, exceedingly rare U:A3s|
1930? PLATE TAGS / FOOD PROCESSING Sana - margarín; format 32x40cm, weight 1kg, superb U:X
1938 SPORT / SKIING Čedok, advertising skiing in Giant Mountains, author K. Hehl, issued Neubert and sons; format larger than A1, crosswise folds and worn through U:X
1945 SPORT / SKIING Hälsingland, author Bengt Brattström; format larger than A1, short tear in lower margin U:X
1938 SPORT / SKIING advertising skiing in Norway, author Schenk, issued Norsk Lithografisk Officin, Oslo; format larger than A1, very fine U:X
1955 TOTALITARIANISM agitation poster for obor hutnictví, 85x60cm, folded into format A4, good condition U:A3s|
1939 ART / FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ Mary (1892–1984), Babička; format larger than A1, cross folds, torn in lower margin U:X
1947 ART / LEBANON author Bressoud, format larger than A1, folds, frayed margins U:X
1939 ART, SPA INDUSTRY / FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ Mary (1892–1984), bath Poděbrady, Industrial printing-works Prague; format larger than A1, improved/repaired tearing in upper margin U:X
1927-57 EXHIBITIONS / DOMAŽLICE Land exhibition, comp. 2 pcs of promotional posters from y 1927 and 1957; format larger than A1, good condition U:X
1927 EXHIBITIONS / DOMAŽLICE Land exhibition; format larger than A1, crosswise fold, good condition U:X
1942 EXHIBITIONS / ZLÍN format larger than A1, good condition U:X