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1898 BÁSNĚ Vrchlický, Jaroslav: Symfonie, III. issue, issued Otto, Prague, 168 page., very fine U:O5
1973 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Over day rechten Gebrauch der Muskete für die jungen and unerfahrenen Soldaten, 43 facsimile according to original mědirytin Jacoba de Gheyn, Berlin, number copy/imprint 74, in protective box, superb U:K
1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Emanuel Moravec: Samostříly, issued Odbočka Czechoslovak national council/court in Russia, Yekaterinburg, 24 page., pocket format; manual about/by light kulometech (= samostříly) Lewis and Chauchat, author was/were legionnaire, later minister in/at Bohemian and Moravian government, in y 1945 spáchal sebevraždu; citace from televizního pořadu Historie.cs: ... absolutely unique and probably his the first issued work are "Samostříly", issued else/yet in Russia 1918 ... U:A5
1936 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS team of authors: Album vítězné ofensivy Gen. A. Brusilova, on/for memory 20. Anniv 1916-1936, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Prague, interesting reproduction, good condition U:O5
1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS team of authors: Z fight for south Slovakia, collection memories from y. 1918-19, issued Szomolányi, Nové Zámky; 120 page., Slovak, interesting texts and photos, i.a. legionary memorial in/at Nových Zámcích (zničen in y 1939); good condition U:O5
1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šapilovský and team of authors: Před dvaceti léty, reminder heroes world war 1914-1934, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Praha-Vršovice; 94 page., very interesting information and photo, good condition U:O5
1940-45 CS.FP IN ENGLAND comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, military issue, i.a. Against the Superiority, Křídla in vyhnanství, Strýc Pajzák in/at resistance and oths., partially illustration BARTOŠÍK (Dolfa) Adolf (1907–1989), Czech artist, propagator esperanto, soldier and pedagogue; interesting U:K
1940-41 MILITARIA journal Batt./Guidon, daily journal 1. infantry batt./guidon in England in/at camp Moreton Paddox, parts I-III, bounded; high hictorical value, autentic čtení U:Z
1941 MILITARIA Regimental Badges and Service Caps, London, 32 page., very good condition U:O5
1939-45 MILITARIA selection of literature, Němečtí soldiers and Adolf Hitler (Czech language), Deutsche Soldaten, VB-Feldpost, Mutter and Kind, Our Kriegsschiffe and ihre Weapons (German); interesting U:O5
1940-45 MILITARIA, BIBLIOGRAFIE selection of nízkonákladových prints from environs Czechosl. army in England, various pamflety, samizdat, also with 16 pcs of xylographs (author Fanderlík) from military environs, postcard, envelope/-s and letter papers; very interesting U:K
1935 NAZI PROPAGANDA Adolf Hitler, Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers, Cigaretten / Bilderdienst, Hamburg, 136 page., texts and 200 paste-in photos, good condition U:Z
1907-48 SOKOL comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Pátý Sokol festival in Prague in days 28.–30. June and 1. July, redakcí J. Scheinera; Lví silou, pocta and dík Sokol community, issued Máj, Prague, 172 page., torn original cover U:O4
1901-38 SOKOL interesting selection of, publication Všesokolské slety 1882-1938, Jízda Sokol (IV. Sokol festival), VII. Sokol festival; also with invitation card for ceremonial evening Sokol Střešovice, festival document and entrance ticket 1932, 3x domovenka - Russian Sokol (from that 1x Russian alphabet); interesting U:O4
1923? ART, HISTORY Grandjean, Rene: Décoration Egyptienne, issued ERNST Henri, Paris, předmluva and 36 blackboard A3, in hard cover, good condition U:Z
1939 KLÁŠTERSKÝ Antonín: Chodský song, ilustrovala Mary FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ (1892–1984), issued Fastr, Prague, superb U:O5
1917 LADA Joseph (1887–1957), Kučírek: Fairy tales about/by zvířátkách, issued Anthony Svěcený, Prague, 128 page., good condition U:O5
1947 POSPÍŠIL Jozef, BÁLENT Boris: Exlibris in Slovakia, issued Foundation "Matice slovenská"; 58 page., very fine U:O5
1924 SETON Ernest T.: Arktickou prérií, cestopis, translated Nekovařík, issued Knihovna Walden, Prague, 290 page., good condition U:O4