Mail Auction 35 / Other Collector`s Domains / Literature, Magazines

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134566 - 1898 BÁSNĚ  Vrchlický, Jaroslav: Symfonie, III. issue, is
1898 BÁSNĚ Vrchlický, Jaroslav: Symfonie, III. issue, issued Otto, Prague, 168 page., very fine
Starting price: CZK
134134 - 1973 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  Over day rechten Gebrauch der Musk
1973 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Over day rechten Gebrauch der Muskete für die jungen and unerfahrenen Soldaten, 43 facsimile according to original mědirytin Jacoba de Gheyn, Berlin, number copy/imprint 74, in protective box, superb
Starting price: CZK
130415 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  Emanuel Moravec: Samostříly, is
1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Emanuel Moravec: Samostříly, issued Odbočka Czechoslovak national council/court in Russia, Yekaterinburg, 24 page., pocket format; manual about/by light kulometech (= samostříly) Lewis and Chauchat, author was/were legionnaire, later minister in/at Bohemian and Moravian government, in y 1945 spáchal sebevraždu; citace from televizního pořadu Historie.cs: ... absolutely unique and probably his the first issued work are "Samostříly", issued else/yet in Russia 1918 ...
Starting price: CZK
134402 - 1936 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  team of authors: Album vítězné
1936 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS team of authors: Album vítězné ofensivy Gen. A. Brusilova, on/for memory 20. Anniv 1916-1936, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Prague, interesting reproduction, good condition
Starting price: CZK
134389 - 1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  team of authors: Z fight for sout
1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS team of authors: Z fight for south Slovakia, collection memories from y. 1918-19, issued Szomolányi, Nové Zámky; 120 page., Slovak, interesting texts and photos, i.a. legionary memorial in/at Nových Zámcích (zničen in y 1939); good condition
Starting price: CZK
134401 - 1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  Šapilovský and team of authors:
1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šapilovský and team of authors: Před dvaceti léty, reminder heroes world war 1914-1934, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Praha-Vršovice; 94 page., very interesting information and photo, good condition
Starting price: CZK
136470 - 1940-45 CS.FP IN ENGLAND  comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, military
1940-45 CS.FP IN ENGLAND comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, military issue, i.a. Against the Superiority, Křídla in vyhnanství, Strýc Pajzák in/at resistance and oths., partially illustration BARTOŠÍK (Dolfa) Adolf (1907–1989), Czech artist, propagator esperanto, soldier and pedagogue; interesting
Starting price: CZK
136488 - 1940-41 MILITARIA  journal Batt./Guidon, daily journal 1. in
1940-41 MILITARIA journal Batt./Guidon, daily journal 1. infantry batt./guidon in England in/at camp Moreton Paddox, parts I-III, bounded; high hictorical value, autentic čtení
Starting price: CZK
136479 - 1941 MILITARIA  Regimental Badges and Service Caps, London,
1941 MILITARIA Regimental Badges and Service Caps, London, 32 page., very good condition
Starting price: CZK
135564 - 1939-45 MILITARIA  selection of literature, Němečtí soldi
1939-45 MILITARIA selection of literature, Němečtí soldiers and Adolf Hitler (Czech language), Deutsche Soldaten, VB-Feldpost, Mutter and Kind, Our Kriegsschiffe and ihre Weapons (German); interesting
Starting price: CZK
136497 - 1940-45 MILITARIA, BIBLIOGRAFIE  selection of nízkonáklado
1940-45 MILITARIA, BIBLIOGRAFIE selection of nízkonákladových prints from environs Czechosl. army in England, various pamflety, samizdat, also with 16 pcs of xylographs (author Fanderlík) from military environs, postcard, envelope/-s and letter papers; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
134579 - 1935 NAZI PROPAGANDA  Adolf Hitler, Bilder aus dem Leben des
1935 NAZI PROPAGANDA Adolf Hitler, Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers, Cigaretten / Bilderdienst, Hamburg, 136 page., texts and 200 paste-in photos, good condition
Starting price: CZK
131451 - 1907-48 SOKOL  comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Pátý Sokol festiv
1907-48 SOKOL comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Pátý Sokol festival in Prague in days 28.–30. June and 1. July, redakcí J. Scheinera; Lví silou, pocta and dík Sokol community, issued Máj, Prague, 172 page., torn original cover
Starting price: CZK
135734 - 1901-38 SOKOL  interesting selection of, publication Všesok
1901-38 SOKOL interesting selection of, publication Všesokolské slety 1882-1938, Jízda Sokol (IV. Sokol festival), VII. Sokol festival; also with invitation card for ceremonial evening Sokol Střešovice, festival document and entrance ticket 1932, 3x domovenka - Russian Sokol (from that 1x Russian alphabet); interesting
Starting price: CZK
133891 - 1923? ART, HISTORY  Grandjean, Rene: Décoration Egyptienne,
1923? ART, HISTORY Grandjean, Rene: Décoration Egyptienne, issued ERNST Henri, Paris, předmluva and 36 blackboard A3, in hard cover, good condition
Starting price: CZK
134569 - 1939 KLÁŠTERSKÝ Antonín: Chodský song, ilustrovala Mary
1939 KLÁŠTERSKÝ Antonín: Chodský song, ilustrovala Mary FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ (1892–1984), issued Fastr, Prague, superb
Starting price: CZK
134585 - 1917 LADA Joseph (1887–1957), Kučírek: Fairy tales about
1917 LADA Joseph (1887–1957), Kučírek: Fairy tales about/by zvířátkách, issued Anthony Svěcený, Prague, 128 page., good condition
Starting price: CZK
136234 - 1947 POSPÍŠIL Jozef, BÁLENT Boris: Exlibris in Slovakia,
1947 POSPÍŠIL Jozef, BÁLENT Boris: Exlibris in Slovakia, issued Foundation "Matice slovenská"; 58 page., very fine
Starting price: CZK
134567 - 1924 SETON Ernest T.: Arktickou prérií, cestopis, translat
1924 SETON Ernest T.: Arktickou prérií, cestopis, translated Nekovařík, issued Knihovna Walden, Prague, 290 page., good condition
Starting price: CZK