Pof.7, 15h bricky red, LL blk-of-15 with margin and control-numbers, 4x joined spiral types, from that 1x STk (pos. 91), types spiral marked and exp. by Gilbert., margins with smaller wrinkled but stamps nice, between 3 and 4 column folded, c.v.. ca. 2450CZK
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, small study selection of on stock-sheet A5, blocks of four, prints only on gum, double prints, print on/for extremely thin paper, offsets
Pof.7b, 15h red, 2 pcs of, beauty shades and wide margins, pos. 25 and 53, both stamp. in/at minulosti expertized as red-brown (Karásek), 1 pcs of newly exp. Beneš - red
Pof.7b, 15h red, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, nice full shade, plate 1, hint on one stamp. and margin, exp. Beneš - red, jewel of every collection Hradčany!
Pof.7 STs+p, 15h, LR corner blk-of-4, printing plate 1, pos. 91, 92, 2x joined spiral types, 1x combination ST spiral and bar, transparent thin apír, small stain in paper in lower margin, exp. by Gilbert., cat. min. 1150CZK
Pof.8, 20h blue-green, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - double impression, also with 8D, marginal piece, line perforation 11½; with omitted perf L
1918[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection issue Hradčany, also with duplication, placed in 6 albums, all in cardboard box, various perf, color, postmark, plate variety, perfins, blocks etc.. a lot of of material, some better pieces, unexamined on/for types and bar; total 14kg of material
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album, by estimation 2200 pcs of plate variety on stmp Hradčany, imperforated also perforated and Red Cross 1920 (complete set plate variety), all described, i.a. pairs and blocks of four, interesting research material
Pof.1, 1C, 1D, value 1h brown, comp. 3 pcs of sheets - imperforated, line perforation 13¾; with double perf in lower margin and incomplete sheet (92 stamp.) with ministerial perf line perforation 11½;; places with dodělenou perf in margins
Pof.6C IIr, 10h green with frame type, single stmp and parcel dispatch card segment with stmp, CDS MIROSLAV/ 18.IX.20, both stamps - type IIr, 1x expertized
Pof.7D, 15h bricky red, horizontal pair with omitted vertical perf, horiz. perf 11½;, pos. 16-17, L stmp bar subtype IIa p, right stmp IIp, good margins, in gum light brown stains, exp. by Sablatura + Karasek, cat. min. 1950CZK
Pof.7F, 15h bricky red, block of four with upper margin, line perforation 13¾:11½;, joined spiral types, plate 2, pos. 15 open spiral, slightly off center, vertical vlomy in paper, marked and exp. by Gilbert., cat. Merkur-Revue 3500CZK
Pof.7F, 15h bricky red, vertical pair, line perforation 13¾:11½;, joined spiral types, pos. 21+31, marked and expertized Gilbert + Kraus, slightly off center, c.v.. 1500CZK