1921 CDV19, Hradčany - double PC, undetached PC in both directions Us to Germany and back, uprated with stamp Pof.153, CDS TEPLICE-ŠANOV/ 5.III.21, in Germany uprated with stamp Germania 30Pf, CDS BERLIN/ 9.3.21; rare
1920PLATE PROOF single PC abroad CDV20, in/at green color, with printed stmp 20h Hradčany and with monogram, Czech-French text, L irregular margin printing sheet, at top and lower by hand odstřiženo, good condition, rare occurrence!
1921-22 CDV23, Liberated Republic 40h, sent as Reg in IV. postal rate, uprated by. 25h Pigeon-issue and 100h issue Chainbreaker, CDS PELHŘIMOV/ 3.X.21, in UL corner print nítě and daktyloskopická hint from printing color + CDV24, Liberated Republic 50h, sent as Reg and Express, V. postal rate, uprated by. 100h issue Chainbreaker 3x, CDS ROUDNICE/ 21.VI.22; exact franking, usual quality
1925CDV26, international post card 150h issue Chainbreaker to Belgium, vracená back with mounted labels INCONU, RETOUR, posting MC PRAGUE 7.III.25, arrival postmark LOUVAIN/ 10.3.25, supplemented with straight line postmark ONBESTELBAR/ REBUT; small tearing in L margin PC
1927 CDV33, International Post Card, sent registered to Míšně, uprated by. multicolor franking, CDS PETROVICE/ 8.VII.27, arrival postmark MEISSEN in front; decorative
1931 CDV44, Masaryk - PC abroad 1,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of, 2x Un with various vzdáleností inscription against stamp. and dělícímlinkám, 2x Us to Netherlands and Russia
1935CDV46/6, Promotional abroad - Krkonoše addressed to to Germany, redirected and returned back with label PARTI, posting MC PRAGUE 25/ 12.VIII.35 and CDS BERLIN/ 17.8.35; good condition, nice document/attribut postal transport
1934 CDV49, PC Coat of arms to Hungary and redirected, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 13.VII.34, arrival postmark BUDAPEST/ 934 Jul.14., dolepený card with notices postal clerks
1933CDV50, double PC 50h Coat of arms with production flaw on/for I. part in/at additionally printed stamp big color stain in the word "hellers", rare usage expressive flaws, sought
1934CDV52/1-8, type I., complete set Carpathian Ruthenia, close interspace between picture and text, slightly wrinkled corners, several pieces with zrnitým paper, c.v.. 20.000CZK
1934 CDV52/3, 7, Carpathian Ruthenia - Palánok and Hutsuls, 2 pcs of picture Us PC, CDS ŽATEC; both blackened přijímení in/at recipient, rare usage Us PC issue Carpathian Ruthenia
1934CDV52/4, Carpathian Ruthenia - Černeckýmonastýr, CDS TEPLICE N. B./ 6.VII.34; light bend in UL corner - sound condition, rare usage Us PC issue Carpathian Ruthenia
1935 CDV58/3, FIS 1935, international post card 1,50CZK sent as express inland, cancelled special postmark same action ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO/ 18.II.35, arrival postmark BARDEJOV/ 19.II.35, wrinkled UL corner
1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 44 pcs of clear overprint PC CDV1, 1 pcs of CDV5a Small Monogram + 46 pcs of clear parallel Austrian and Hungarian PC and letter cards, all uprated stamp. Hradčany, only 3 pcs of with postmarks from favor
1919-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 70 pcs of Hradcany-issue PC CDV7-CDV22, mainly Us, various uprating, surtax, 1x Ex, 4x double clear PC etc.., mainly good condition, valuable selection of, cat. min. 6000CZK
[COLLECTIONS] CDV9, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 25, selection of 43 pcs of PC Hradčany + issue Chainbreaker, contains i.a. mentioned double PC much in more pcs., very good condition, only several pcs uprated or with special postmark, high catalogue value, profitable offer after/behind fragment catalogue price
1920[COLLECTIONS] selection of 32 pcs of clear PC SO1920 (overprint), CDV17, stamp. Hradčany 15h originates from plate VII, interesting research material - spiral types, shifted overprints and various production flaw
1920-25 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 33 pcs of PC issue Chainbreaker, CDV23-CDV29, mainly Us, 3x double CDV25 and CDV29 from that 1x in both directions Us (Rix), several PC with uprating, part with plate variety and production flaw in/at printed stamp., c.v.. ca. 2500CZK
1925-30 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of PC T. G. Masaryk, CDV30-CDV36, complete set of with additional-printing Olympic Congress, 2x double PC, 2x Us abroad etc.., c.v.. ca. 4000CZK
1928-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 36 pcs of PC Coat of arms, CDV37 - CDV65, from middle Us from that 6 pcs of as Registered or Ex, 1x Reg and Express, 6 pcs of two-sided Us double PC, interesting selection of, c.v.. ca. 5000CZK
1928-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of pictorial post cards, contains i.a. CDV39/1-18, 40/1-36 (from that 5x with special postmark), 41/2-8, 45/1-3 (all with special postmark), 47/1-4, 54/1-3 + 5-7 (all with special postmark), 60/1-20 (all wrinkled corners), 69/209-223, 70/3-8, 71/1-8, supplemented with other 15 pcs of various pictorial post cards - mainly used, good condition, high catalogue value
1930-33 [COLLECTIONS] selection of two lines pictorial post cards Jubilee and advertising travel movement, CDV39/1-18 outside 1 which/what is Us Ex, all red special postmark from favor, CDV40 from that 25 pcs of various all Us + 7 pcs of with red special postmark from favor, from complete line missing only 4 pcs of, c.v.. 6000CZK
1919 CZL1 letter-card 20h, Viennese print, 1x with výrazým shift printed stmp downward in/at different shade dark green color, uprated stamp. 10h + 1x standard piece for comparison
1920PLATE PROOF complete letter-card/-s for pneumatic-tube post, CPO3, in/at original brown color with printed stmp issue Chainbreaker 160h, address line, but without price/-s and without perf, rose unsmooth paper, back part with light fold in corner, quite unknown usage!
1920TCP of the front part of letter-card for pneumatic-tube post, CPO3, in original brown color with printed stamp of the issue Chainbreaker 160h, address line, but without value and without perforation, pink unsmooth paper; at top in margin smaller stain from black printing color
19294x trial printings p.stat stamps 80h, printing A, used on/for příkazceCPV12ZT, various color, 1x on paper with gum, 3x chalky paper, 1x marked and exp. by Karasek., 2x exp. by Gilbert., nice