1919CPP1A + CPP11, Viennese prints dispatch-notes, 1x for inland, 1x for international transport, CPP1A short tear in lower margin, otherwise both well preserved, c.v.. 2800CZK
1920 CPP11, dispatch note to Switzerland uprated with stamp Pof.6, 22, 200h blue-violet and 142, Masaryk 1000h brown, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE/ 26.V.20; on reverse arrival BERNE; fold in UL corner
1925 CPP16, two complete post. dispatch-note for international transport addressed to to Switzerland, 1x fiscal fee 10h, 1x fiscal fee zvýšen on/for 50h, interesting, sound condition
1925 CPP16, more/larger part post. dispatch-note for international transport, for payment fiscal fee additionally mounted stamp. 40h issue Chainbreaker, Pof.154, franked cash, addressed to to SHS, CDS LOMNICE U TIŠNOVA/ 24.VI.25, on reverse arrival postmark. NOVI SAD/ 28.VII.25, good condition
1930-31 international postal order, selling price 10h printed below state coat of arms, mark D1930, 2 pcs of, 1x Un and 1x postally used, with vyplněnou amount 200ÖSch, addressed to to Vienna, with Pof.224 2x, 258, CDS PŘÍBOR/ 25.XI.31, arrival WIEN 71/ 27.XI.31 on reverse, sound condition
1920-26 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of whole Un dispatch notes various issue, international, C.O.D., 1x forerunner Hungarian, 1x whole Us international dispatch note Hradčany CPP13 (worse condition with damaged margin), Un blank form/-s good condition
1919-35 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 pcs of various postally Us PC, i.a. contains CDV1a as Registered (fold), CDV1b blue Monogram with uprating + 1x with surtax, 2x letter-card CZL1, 3x letter-card CZL2 without margins, 1x pneumatic tube postcard CPO2 sent as express, double PC Hradčany, Coat of arms and other PC Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Coat of arms; various quality, interesting
1919-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of various PC as i.a. T. G. Masaryk CDV30 16 pcs of, Olypijský congress CDV31a 6 pcs of, b-e after/around 3 pcs of (from that always 2 pcs of with special postmark), CDV32 5 pcs of, CDV33, CDV34 double 2 pcs of, CDV35, CDV36 double 2 pcs of, Podatky CPL2 A 3 pcs of, B 2 pcs of, C 2 pcs of, Pneumatic tube post CPO2, Adresní address label A+C, Zálepky Coat of arms 3 pcs of, 7 pcs of CDV Coat of arms various from that 3x double, high catalogue value, profitable offer