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1867 GUADALAJARA local issue Un real on/for rose (!) very thin paper with cross-section grid (quadrilliert), catalogues don't report, L in the middle small hole evidently after/around vypadlém zrnku, with part of oval cancel. GUADALAJARA, according to our opinion it is extremely rare classical stamp thanks to color used paper, exp. Friedemann, Thier, Schlesinger U:A5
1938 Mi.843-846BKlb, Columbus Day, imperforated complete 4 pcs of PB and Mi.847A-849A 2x + Mi.850A-855A Klb and Mi.860-863Klb, 75 years UPU, all issued without gum U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to USA with 2+2+5+25c, violet cancel. "AGENCIA POSTA/ Primer Correo Aereo/ Internatinal/ PANAMA R.deP." without date, Reg cancel, on reverse transit and arrival postmark MIAMI/ 13.FEB.29 and PHILADELPHIA/ 15.FEB.29, sound condition U:A5
1903 Mi.16-18 and 20-23, Seal, incomplete set, value 2Sh on reverse thin/light oblique fold, that's why interesting price
kat. 243€ U:A5
1903 Mi.16-25; SG.31-40, Edward VII, catalogue value for hinged 500€ U:A5
1875 Mi.6C; SG.37, Queen Victoria 4P, wmk CC, perf 14, color "rose-lake", nice piece with whole postmark and certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. Gibbons £40++ (Mi. 95€) U:A5
1930 Mi.88-92; SG.126-130, Tercentenary of Colony, complete set, mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons £130 U:A5
1907 postal stationery cover for Reg letters with printed stamp. 2P blue, uprated with stamp ½P same issue, CDS BARBADOS G.P.O./ 17.SE.07, addressed to to Netherlands, well preserved U:A5
1938 Mi.113-116; SG.118-121, George VI. - highest values, cat. Gibbons £128 U:A5
1938 Mi.113-116; SG.118-121, George VI. - highest values, cat. Gibbons £850 U:A5
1903 Mi.7 I.bH, Numerals 4c brown / blue, issue 1873, diagonally bisected, on small cut-square with whole CDS ST. THOMAS/ 27.1.1903, sought by specialists, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1882 Mi.7, 8 and 9, Queen Victoria, vertical bisected zn.Mi.2c with overprint new values, all existující variants, 1x ½P small black numerals, 1x ½P big red numerals and 1x words (Half Penny), at our place rare offer, Mi.8 without gum, cat. min. 100€ U:A5
1900 Mi.43, Allegory 25c, 2 postmark, the most expensive stamp. from the set, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1860 Mi.6a, Queen Victoria 1Sh brown, wmk No.1, line perforation 14, clear postmark U:A5
1921 Mi.98; SG.103, George V. 10Sh green, with wmk Script CA, nice piece with perfectly preserved dark color, cat. Gibbons £70 U:A5
1880 Mi.IV, King Alfons XII., value 10c carmine with year "1880", officially unissued, sought stamp., c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1948-51 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet 100 years of Stamp (originally Bl.2) with overprint "Convention/ American Airmail..." + Mi.Bl.4 (originally Block No.1) miniature sheet with overprint "50 Aniversario Descubrimiento...", both mint never hinged, incl. original cover, at our place rare usage, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1899 postal stationery cover 2C red uprated two stamps. 1C + 2C with CDS HAVANA/ Dec.20.99, addressed to to Germany, on reverse arrival postmark BERLIN/ 5.1.00, good condition U:A5
1965-70 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps, various motives - Art, Cosmos, Sport and oths., also with aerograms U:Z
1888 Mi.17, Allegory 15c/15c, black Opt, clear cancel., at top rusty teeth, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1949-2002 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stmp and miniature sheets in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 700€, index inserted U:Z
1883 Mi.9, 11; SG.26, 29, Queen Victoria ½P yellow + 1P rose red, both with wmk "crown" (CA) and line perforation 14, well centered, on reverse hints of 3 labels, cat. Gibbons £110 U:A5
1887 Mi.14, 16; SG.35, 41, Saint Ursula, cat. Gibbons £80 U:A5
1867-1889 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection of stmp issue Queen Victoria on old album sheet, contains i.a. SG.1, 5, 7, 8, 14b, 15, 21b, 24, 25, 26, 41, very fine, (for this stamp country extraordinary), rare offer, cat. Gibbons £1315 U:Z
1863 Mi.5; SG.7, Queen Victoria 4P indigo as blk-of-4, the bottom pair mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons min. £780 U:A5
1935 envelope for Reg letters with printed stamp. 3P dark blue, uprated with stamp 6c, Mi.118A, CDS REGISTRATION/ TRINIDAD/ 2.APR.35, addressed to to Vimperka, transit pmk PODMOKLY 1/ 21.IV.35 on reverse, sound condition U:A5
1881 Mi.9; SG.17-18, Queen Victoria, overprint issue ½P/1P as blk-of-4, original gum, some hinges, nice and interesting piece vykazující overprint combination types 9 and 10, cat. Gibbons £290++ U:A5
1867-89 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of classic on old album sheet, i.a. SG.1, 3-5, 8, 17, 19, 50-51, usual irregular perf, cat. Gibbons £740 U:Z
1885-1920 [COLLECTIONS] GUADELOUPE, MARTINIQUE, REUNION collection of stamps on free album sheets from very old collection, incl. better stmp with overprint, c.v.. Yvert 1999 min. 8120Fr U:Z
od 1852 [COLLECTIONS] BERMUDA, BARBADOS, JAMAICA etc.. classic issue on album sheets, i.a. Bermuda SG.14 (cat. Gibbons £1500, but excluded from sum through missing perf L), Jamaika SG.43, 45, Br. Honduras SG.63, 64, Cayman SG.13, 14, 15 Specimen and St. Lucia SG.62, 76 Specimen, cat. Gibbons £1,180 U:Z
1864 Mi.13, President Bernardino Rivadavia, 15c dark blue, výrobně imperfectly line perforation 11½;, oval pmk., c.v.. 130€ U:A5
1877 Mi.28, Postage stmp 5c with overprint new values "2", from old collection, nice, c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1858-1913 selection of 180 pcs of various stamp., line interesting issues, it contains e.g. Mi.1a, 2a, 4a, 11, 18-25, 27, 30-37, 41c, 45I.a, 46, 117, 119, 156-65, 180-81, in addition line color shades /excluded from sum/, from old collection, good quality, on sheet A4, cat. min. 565€ U:A4
1884 Mi.24b, Service stmp 90c with portrait F. Rivadavia (originally postage stmp Mi.25) with oblique red (!) overprint "OFICIAL", sought variant, from old collection, c.v.. 240€ U:A5
1858-59 BUENOS AIRES Mi.1, 9, 10, local issue, stamp. values 2P blue with nice margins and with common thin places in paper, value 4R green with close margins R, light thin places and 1P blue light cut from above, c.v.. 266€ U:A5
1949 international reply coupon 35c, uprated with stamp 5c, CDS BUENOS AIRES/ 15.NOV.49, additional franking on/for IRC coupons are rare U:A5
1843 Mi.1, Numerals 30R black, so-called. "Bull's Eyes", the first issue., gorgeous margins, nice piece to every collection overseas classic, exp. Ketzek, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1844 Mi.4-7, Numerals 10R - 90R black, so-called. "Goat's Eyes", The 2nd issue., standard quality, common margins, value 60R horiz. fold, all exp. Ketzek, c.v.. 274€ U:A5
1844 specialized selection of 26 pcs of stamps issue Numerals 10R, 30R, 60R, so-called. "Goat's Eyes", contains pair 10R, color postmark, various types print, margins etc.., extraordinary specialisation on/for favourite classic issue, cat. min. 880€ U:A5
1849 specialized comp. 15 pcs of stamps issue Numerals, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", contains marginal pieces, postmark, double prints etc.., i.a. Mi.16 2x, 17, in addition Mi.19 1854, cat. min. 365€ U:A5
1861 Mi.21, Numerals 280R red, from favourite classic set "Coloridos", very wide margins, dumb postmark., from prvorepublikové collection (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1866-78 selection of 29 pcs of classical stamp and sets, i.a. Mi. 28-29 (Un), 30-36, 37, 38-45, 47, c.v.. 900€ U:A5
1876-78 Mi.31, 36 and 46,47, Emperor Pedro II. with plnovousem, comp. 4 pcs of, from that 700R and 1000R highest value, c.v.. 275€ U:A5
1878-79 Mi.46, Emperor Pedro II., value 700R brown, nice piece, the most expensive stamp. complete issue, exp. Rieger, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1889-90 Mi.73 and 82, Newspaper stamps 500R yellow and 500R green with almost whole CDS RIO DE JANEIRO/ 23.SEP.93, both exp. Rieger, c.v.. 67€ U:A5
1891-93 comp. 3 pcs of postal stationery covers; 1) with stmp 100R green, c.v.. Ascher No. 5a, format 120x95mm, type II inscription BRAZIL, uprated with stamp 100R, addressed to to Hungary; 2) with stamp. 200R black, Ascher No. 6a, same format, uprated with stamp 200R, sent as Reg to Vienna; 3) with stamp. 100R orange, Ascher No. 8c, format 134x109mm, uprated with stamp 100+100+100R, as Registered to Hungary; arrival postmark on reverse, good condition U:A5
1876-77 Mi.32-36, Fregata "Sandbach", from that value 6c unused + Mi.8, Service stmp with overprint "OFFICIAL", total c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1926 postal stationery cover with printed stamp. Ship 2c violet, uprated by. 4x 2c George V. + ship, CDS SUDDIE/ BRITISH GUIANA/ 6.MR.26, addressed to to USA, interesting Reg label, on reverse 5 transit and arrival cancel. incl. CHICAGO, ILL./ 26.MAR.1926, beginning browny spots, at our place rare entire U:A5
1910 Mi.92-93, 100 years independence, both highest value, nice, c.v.. 51€ U:A5
1927-28 Mi.142 + 168 I., 173 II., Portraits with overprint new values, 10c black Opt, used + 6Pes and 3Pes red Opt, both exp. Dr. Pirl, c.v.. 170€ U:A5
1863 Mi.20, Coat of arms on/for white background, value 20c red, at top close, other side/party very wide margins, dumb four-circle cancel., c.v.. 95€ U:A5
1890-1904 comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares with bisected stamps, 1x sign. Diena, in perfect quality U:A5
1935 Mi.364, III. Jihoamerické olympic games, sought high value 2P, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1940 Mi.411-420, 100. anniv of death general Santandera, complete set, c.v.. 240€ U:A5
1926-37 comp. 3 pcs of letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x as Registered, 2x By Air-Mail, nice frankings, CDS BARRANQUILLA, BOGOTA, good condition U:A5
1926 SCADTA air-mail letter sent to Bogoty, franked with. German stamp. Mi.356, 357 2x + airmail Surtax stmp company SCADTA 30C, pair Mi.LA544, CDS HAMBURG 1.2.26 + red cancel. air-mail company, on reverse blue cachet and red arrival postmark BOGOTA/ 26.II.28; good condition U:A5
1858 Mi.7 I., Coat of arms 1Pe rose, R little cut and L wide margins, on reverse owner's mark, exp. Rieger, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1868 Mi.15, Coat of arms 1Din green, half area with omitted color, only Braille printing (!), interesting speciality U:A5
1883-84 LOCAL POST Dept. CUZCO Mi.35, 36, 38, 40 + other stamp. according to c.v.. Michel unresolved, cat. min. 250€ U:A5