Interestnig review of successfull Public auction 78 by Vladimír Dražan.
Philatelic Treasures in the i-Store
Dear Customers!
We managed to get into the i-Shop very interesting stamps! (ID 118.746-118.755)
GREAT BRITAIN, 1902, Mi.118A (SG.97), Edward VII., value £1 green, cat. Gibbons £2000, exp. Calves | BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY (RHODESIA), 1910, Mi.116 (SG.161), George V. and Queen Maria, cat. Gibbons £800 | BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA, 1903, Mi.68 (SG.67), Edward VII. £10 blue, cat. Gibbons £3750, exceedingly rare stamp !!! |