Interestnig review of successfull Public auction 78 by Vladimír Dražan.
Public Auction 43 - Viewing of lots

Dear customers,
we invite you to our new office at Dejvická 9, Praha 6 - Dejvice.
Viewing of lots:
Monday - Friday - August 18-22 09:00-17:00
During the Auction:
Saturday - August 23 - 08:00-16:00.
Sunday - August 24 - 08:00-16:00.
Public Auction 43 will be held in Prague, Skleněný palác - obřadní síň, Terronská 1, Praha 6 - Dejvice, August 23-24
Absentee bids and WebRoom registration will be accepted to Friday, August 22 - 20:00 GMT
Consignments for Public Auction 44 will be accepted to September 10, 2014.
Richard Burda and team Burda Auction.