*) In the firm branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4.
Bulky lots only on request!
News (year: 2008)
May, 8 Legal Holiday
Friday May, 9
We put on the i-Shop some new items. Displayed lots you can find in categories: Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-39 / Postage Due Stamps, Air Post and Hradcany 1918 - Imperforated.
Printed catalogue of The 20th Mail Auction we will send round in the start of May.
The 20th Mail Auction enabled on the Internet!
The branch office in Prague, Jihlavska 78, will be open on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Personal visit is to be arranged in advance.
On Wendnesday, APRIL 09, 2008, is the branch office in Prague, OUT OF SERVICE.
Now you can find us in the new addresse:
Jihlavská 823/78, Praha 4, in the same house as restaurant Silencio, 60m on foot from underground station Kačerov, line C.
Our branch in Prague will be moving to the new premises. From APR 1, 2008 you can visit us every Wednesday 10a.m.-4p.m. in street: Jihlavská 823/78, Praha 4, in the same house as restaurant Silencio, 200m on foot from underground station Kačerov, line C.
We apologize!
Comparison Table:
Praha FEB 06, 08 (Wednesday)
09-18 Hrs. Na Dolinách 44, Praha 4
Bratislava FEB 08, 08 (Friday)
13-15 Hrs.
ALBUM, Lazaretská 11, Bratislava
Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.
Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.
The last updating was at 14:55 GMT and displayed on the web at 14:58 GMT.
We keep receiving of your bids to 23:00 GMT.
Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Wednesday about eleven GMT when the score sheet will be displayed on the net.
After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order lots for starting prices + 13% commission.
Dear bidders!
You can also visit our Internet Shop to buy some interesting lots for fixed prices. You can save postage fees. We will send you auction and shop lots in one delivery!
Dear customers!
For reasons of creation of the auction\'s score sheet is branch office in Prague, Na Dolinach 44, OUT OF SERVICE.
Thank you for understanding.
Warning! Examination is limited to single lots! Examination of bulky lots only in Strelice!
Registration isn\'t obligatory, is free of charge and registered visitors can after login use many advantages.
Thank you for your bidding thorough the web interface. Don\'t forget to send your Bid Sheet! You have to click on the link Send Bid Sheet in your Bid Sheet quite below. If you won\'t receive our confirmation e-mail, contact us!
All lots no-limits. MondayJanuary 14, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs TuesdayJanuary 15, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. WednesdayJanuary 16, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. ThursdayJanuary 17, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. FridayJanuary 18, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. SaturdayJanuary 19, 2008NO EXAMINATION SundayJanuary 20, 2008NO EXAMINATION MondayJanuary 21, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. TuesdayJanuary 22, 200808:00-12:00 Hrs. WednesdayJanuary 23, 2008EXAMINATION IN PRAGUE ThursdayJanuary 24, 2008NO EXAMINATION FridayJanuary 25, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. SaturdayJanuary 26, 200808:00-15:00 Hrs. SundayJanuary 27, 2008 MondayJanuary 28, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. TuesdayJanuary 29, 2008CLOSING
Dear customers!
There is the graphics symbol of your interest. Number of a colored square displays your interest in the lot.