News (year: 2010)

The Mail Auction 27 with bidding deadline in February 24, 2010, is running now!

 You can also personally come to our main office in Brno (Czech Rep.) or to branch office in Prague for viewing.

New catalogues will sent away to our abonents free of charge to the end of the next week.

The catalogue you can order in our internet shop.

Visit our internet shop. We have reduced prices of 4500 items. Shop and Auction we can join to spare your costs of delivery.

31.01.2010Read more

Expressive X-Mas price reduction is running on to the end of January.
Buy in our internet shop nice picture postcards, interesting philately and other.

Make a profitable order for fixed prices. All prices are in CZK. Point your mouse pointer to symbol CZK and there will appear conversion into EUR and USD.
Delivery charges are calculated extra.

08.01.2010Read more