News (year: 2006)

Visit our i-shop to view a lot of new post-cards (and not only that)!
27.12.2006Read more
Printing catalogues are sent now. It will be received during Christmas. In the case of not receiving, e-mail us. Thank you!
22.12.2006Read more
Keep the scale. If a bid fails to conform with the scale, its price shall be changed downwards. Thank You!
22.12.2006Read more
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
22.12.2006Read more
We complete pics of collections. Every lot has several photos.
13.12.2006Read more
The 16th Auction is running now! You can order from the web interface in your PC or you can use the FAX: 00420 547 239 520 or you can send the Bid Sheet by Post. Our address: Burda Auction, s.r.o.Mala Stranka 8CZ-66447 Strelice u BrnaCzech Republic
04.12.2006Read more
Dear lovers of art!
Take an invitation to our picture-gallery of sketches for post stamps of Czech artists.
Very interesting for lovers of stapms and also paintings!
Look for the 16th auction!
30.11.2006Read more
The start side of our Next Auction is fully working now.
27.11.2006Read more
Here is the preview of the 16th Auction.
We prepare it for December and closing date will be in January 07.
24.10.2006Read more
On Wednesday 25.10.06 we won\'t be in Prague office in street Na Dolinach 44, Praha 4.
You can make an appointments on next Wednesday in the 1st of November 2006.
18.10.2006Read more
You can ask for descriptions of lots in English! E-mail us!
Don\'t forget to enter concrete numbers of asked lots please!
13.10.2006Read more
In the shop of Mr. Molnoši "ALBUM", address: street Lazaretská 11, Bratislava
Friday 06. 10. 2006 10:30-16:00 Hrs.
03.10.2006Read more
In the firm branch, address: street Na Dolinách 44, Prague 4
Wednesday 04. 10. 2006 09:00-18:00 Hrs.
02.10.2006Read more
The invoice and list of unsold items are given in post office. You can buy unsold lots.
25.09.2006Read more
Receiving of your bids to The 15th Auction are definitely finished. Very thanks for your interest!
22.09.2006Read more
Final sale starts at the start price + commission.
22.09.2006Read more
Advantage for registered clients:
Go to Myplace and click on Invoices.
Register yourself!
22.09.2006Read more
Score sheet displayed! Look to your "Myplace" if you are our registered client. You can register now to know your result in the 15th auction.
22.09.2006Read more
We accept your bids incoming by post, e-mail or fax.
14:00 GMT Last up-dating. It will be displayed at 14:49 GMT.
16:00 GMT We switch off out telephone set. (Fax will run for ever) You can use email or fax.
22:00 GMT CLOSING DATE The next day we will process only bids incoming by post with daily postmark 21.09.2006.
Friday, 22.09.2006 After processing of all bids we display score sheet of the 15th auction and start final sale at the start price +13% commission.
21.09.2006Read more
The last up-date of results has been published. We will accept your bids today until 24 GMT+2.
21.09.2006Read more
As our server is very overloaded we advance the date to 22:30 GMT.
21.09.2006Read more
During time of 9th International Trade Fair Collector in Prague will be restricted processing of your internet bids and requests of web-registration. Also updating of web will be restricted.
Standard work starts on Sunday, September 17.
13.09.2006Read more
Visit The 9th International Trade Fair Collector in Prague... ...and after that come to our branch office Na Dolinach 44, Prague 4. Viewing Hours of the 15th auction are arranged from Wed. to Sat. (September 14th-16th) 09:00-18:00 Hrs.
How to get to our office?
08.09.2006Read more
Simply mail us and we will reply you a new computer-generated password. After successful login you can change the password in "Myplace" and "Change Password"
07.09.2006Read more
... issued for a visit of Red Cross delegation, green colour(!!!), Pof.PrA1c, numbered 100 (!), Guarantee Certificate Dr. Benes, very good quality, small marks. It is not known how many pieces are in the world collections, however in Czech republic only 3 unused pieces are known. Extreme Rarity!! Excellent investment opportunity.
04.09.2006Read more
In the firm branch in Prague, Na Dolinách 44:
Viewing of bulky lots is limited. In the case of your interest, mail us in advance, please. Thursday14. 9. 200609:00-18:00 Hrs. Friday15. 9. 200609:00-18:00 Hrs. Saturday16. 9. 200609:00-18:00 Hrs.
04.09.2006Read more
You can ask for descriptions of lots in English! E-mail us!
Don\'t forget to enter concrete numbers of asked lots please!
21.08.2006Read more
Continuous results of the 15th Auction have been published.

15.08.2006Read more
The 15th Auction has been displayed and printed catalogues have been sent.
The 15th Auction is on-line.
12.08.2006Read more
Office FILATELIE BURDA, Praha 4, Na Dolinach 44, 14700

Every wednesday 10:00-16:00
27.03.2006Read more
Office FILATELIE BURDA, Praha 4, Na Dolinach 44, 14700
Every Wednesday 10:00-16:00
27.03.2006Read more
Score sheet available - 8th March 2006 15:49 GMT

Final sale started!
Thank you for your interest in our auction!
08.03.2006Read more
We added to our i-shop more than 500 items of picture stationery CSR 1918-39.
02.03.2006Read more
See 14th auction. We are looking forward to your orders!
10.02.2006Read more
Guarantee Certificate of expert Frantisek Benes.
07.02.2006Read more
See our internet shop. You can order just from your internet browser!
31.01.2006Read more
Editing text of 14th auction is before finishing. We will distribute the new catalogue in early February. The closing date will be in early March.
23.01.2006Read more
The new catalogue of the 14th will be displayed very soon!
We just do emendation!
23.01.2006Read more
Burda Auction
Dejvická 306/9
Praha 6, 160 00
Czech Republic, EU
How to find us, Map
Opening hours
Mon.   9-12 / 13-17
Tue.   closed for public
Wed.   9-12 / 13-17
Thu.   closed for public
Fri.   closed for public
arrange visit in advance
Mon. - Fri.   Parking fee
Sat. - Sun.   Parking free
Mon. - Sun.   Parking fee
Burda Auction, s.r.o.
IČ: 276 97 754
DIČ: CZ27697754
Company is registered in: OR u MS v Praze oddíl C, vložka 230154.
O nás: Burda Auction je největším aukčním domem v České republice se zaměřením na filatelii. Nabízí zprostředkování prodeje a nejvyšší zhodnocení poštovních známek, dopisů, mincí, bankovek, řádů a vyznamenání, autografů a pohlednic v mezinárodních veřejných aukcích konaných v Praze s možností dražby přes internet. Provádí ocenění, prodej, výkup a investiční poradenství. Do aukcí i přímého prodeje stále přijímá zajímavý filatelistický a další sběratelský materiál. Na vyžádání nabízí vyplácení zálohy předem.