News (year: 2008)

We reduced prices of some lots in i-Shop.
18.12.2008Read more

Brno, Bohunicka 81 (Map). Open from January 5 2009.

We thank our customers and wish merry Christmas and happy new year for everyone!

11.12.2008Read more

Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.

28.10.2008Read more

Dear Customers,

Thank you for paticipation in The 22nd Public Auction with Live Bidding.


Monday, Oct.27 2008, OFFICE CLOSED


Wednesday, Oct.29 2008, OPEN

We will issue invoices on Wednesday, Oct.29 2008. All registered clients can find their ivoice in the Myplace on our web.

After that the FINAL SALE will be started (for starting prices + commission)

25.10.2008Read more

Mail Bids counted. It is waiting for Live Bidding.

Start - Saturday, Oct.25 2008 at 07:00 GMT (09:00 CEST)

24.10.2008Read more

The last updating was at 13:55 GMT and displayed on the web at 14:00 GMT.

We keep receiving of your bids to closing at 20:00 GMT.

Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Friday, Oct. 24 2008, when the web will be open for Live Bidding. Start of Live Bidding is on Saturday, Oct.25 2008, at 07:00 GMT (09:00 CEST).

23.10.2008Read more
Take part in The 22nd Public Auction with simultaneous Internet Bidding from your home!

Basic steps to register:

  • Register on our web. It is easy and free of charge.
  • Login with your Username and Password.
  • Register to Webroom. It is without obligation. Controll please your personal form and send by clisk to button just below.
  • Expect our e-mail resolution.
  • We will display new link on web before the start of the auction. After click will open the new window (similar as Simulator).
  • 21.10.2008Read more

    Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008, start at 7:00 GMT (9:00 CEST)
    Place: Conference Center CITY in Prague 4, Na Strži No.65

    Full article >>

    20.10.2008Read more
    In the firm domicile in Strelice u Brna, Mala Stranka 8:
    All lots no-limits. FridayOct. 17, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. MondayOct. 20, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. TuesdayOct. 21, 200808:00-12:00 Hrs. WednesdayOct. 22, 2008EXAMINATION IN PRAGUE *) ThursdayOct. 23, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. FridayOct. 24, 2008 SaturdayOct. 25, 2008DATE OF AUCTION: **)
    *) In the firm branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4:
    All lots no-limits. WednesdayOct. 22, 200809:00-18:00 Hrs.
    **) In Conference Center CITY in Prague 4, Na Strži (str.) No.65:
    All lots no-limits. SaturdayOct. 25, 200808:00-09:00 Hrs.
    16.10.2008Read more
    For English speaking clients:RNDr. Miloš Hauptman
    Bubenská 412/7
    170 00 Praha 7
    Česká republika
    tel.: +420 602 366 437
    13.10.2008Read more
    Registered clients can monitor stage of their delivery. Green square marks package prepared to posting. We pack matters for manual delivery in preference. Then we will pack paid matters.
    13.10.2008Read more
    Dear Customers,
    Thank you for participation in the 21st Mail Auction. We advise the FINAL SALE will be available during web interface only to Friday, Oct. 3, 2008.
    01.10.2008Read more
    Time: 09:30 GMT - Score sheet available!

    Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

    Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.

    Purchase in the i-Shop we associate with auction and final sale.
    01.10.2008Read more

    The last updating was at 13:55 GMT and displayed on the web at 14:00 GMT.

    We keep receiving of your bids to closing at 20:00 GMT.

    Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Wednesday, Oct. 1, about eleven GMT when the score sheet will be displayed on the net.

    After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order lots for starting prices + 13% commission.


    30.09.2008Read more

    14:00/16:00 The last updating of live score. 16:00/18:00 Telephon will be swich over to fax. 20:00/22:00 CLOSING
    Wednesday a.m. Display of Score sheet + Start of final saleWednesday p.m.
    Display of invoices



    30.09.2008Read more
    Dear customers!
    Thank you for your bidding thorough the web interface. Don\'t forget to send your Bid Sheet! You have to click on the link Send Bid Sheet in your Bid Sheet quite below. If you won\'t receive our confirmation e-mail, contact us!
    26.09.2008Read more
    There are five various examples of bidding in the text below. Take a look!
    23.09.2008Read more

    In the firm branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4:

    Wednesday Sep. 24, 2008, 09:00-18:00 Hrs. 

    NOTE! Examination is limited to single lots! Examination of bulky lots only on request

    22.09.2008Read more

    We are looking forward to your personal visit in our exhibition stand!
    Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Wien.

    Thursday, Sep 18, 2008, 9-19 Hrs.

    Friday, Sep. 19, 2008, 9-19 Hrs.

    Saturday, Sep. 20, 2008, 9-18 Hrs.

    16.09.2008Read more

    together with international fair Collector.

    We are looking forward to your personal visit in our exhibition stand!


    09.09.2008Read more
    Printed catalogues of the 21st Mail Auction were sent away.
    04.09.2008Read more

    Registered clients can use after login the service - monitoring of selected lots. During browsing of the on-line catalogue of the 21st mail auction click to link Monitor in description of lots.

    You will compile your own catalogue which you can find on your Myplace.


    28.08.2008Read more

    Dear Visitors!

    The 21st Auction is open now. We are looking forward to your bids.

    We wish you pleasant adventures!

    27.08.2008Read more

    Dear Visitors,

    The catalogue of the next 21st Mail Auction is befor finalization. E-catalogue will be opened tomorrow on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Printed catalogue we will send round next week. For regular customers it is free of charge, others can order in our i-Shop.


    26.08.2008Read more
    We reduced prices of some lots in i-Shop.
    06.08.2008Read more

    On Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - out of service

    We apologize!

    27.07.2008Read more

    Our branch office in Prague, Jihlavska 78, is open from 10 to 16 Hrs.

    Personal visit is to be arranged in advance.

    14.07.2008Read more
    Dear visitors!
    You can use or new on-line catalogue of collector\'s material. Using of them only for registered customers after login. Register yourself. It is free of charge.
    04.07.2008Read more

    On Thursday, July 3, 2008, is office out of service.

    We apologize!

    03.07.2008Read more
    We reduced prices of some lots in i-Shop.
    02.07.2008Read more

    Burda Auction, s.r.o., seeks mint stamp Hradčany 1h brown with overprint VZOREC (specimen), line perforation 13¾, catalogue Pofis No.1Cvz, ŘZ 13¾, (Michel No.18C) single pieces or block of four.

    Offer for sale!

    23.06.2008Read more
    Use the last chance of purchase within the final sale !
    Comparison Table:
    09.06.2008Read more
    Personal delivery of won lots in Bratislava:
    Bratislava Collector\'s Days in exhibition ground of Incheba Expo Bratislava: Friday,
    June 6, 2008,13:00-15:00 Hrs. Stand No.302
    06.06.2008Read more
    For easy navigation you can use continuous browsing of unslold items.
    04.06.2008Read more
    Registered clients can monitor stage of their delivery. Green square marks package prepared to posting. We pack matters for manual delivery in preference. Then we will pack paid matters.
    03.06.2008Read more
    In the firm domicile in Strelice u Brna, Mala Stranka 8:
    Daily from 08:00 to 17:00 Hrs.

    Firm branch Prag 4, Jihlavská 78: Wednesday,
    June 4, 2008,09:00-18:00 Hrs.
    Bratislava Collector\'s Days in exhibition ground of Incheba Expo Bratislava: Friday,
    June 6, 2008,13:00-15:00 Hrs.
    30.05.2008Read more
    Score sheet available!

    Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

    Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.

    Purchase in the i-Shop we associate with auction and final sale.
    28.05.2008Read more

    The last updating was at 13:55 GMT and displayed on the web at 13:58 GMT.

    We keep receiving of your bids to closing at 22:00 GMT.

    Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Wednesday about eleven GMT when the score sheet will be displayed on the net.

    After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order lots for starting prices + 13% commission.

    27.05.2008Read more
    Dear customers!
    Thank you for your bidding thorough the web interface. Don\'t forget to send your Bid Sheet! You have to click on the link Send Bid Sheet in your Bid Sheet quite below. If you won\'t receive our confirmation e-mail, contact us!
    27.05.2008Read more
    We added many lots to i-Shop. You can purchase for fixed prices. Lots from i-Shop we will join with auction lots to one delivery. Economize your money!
    23.05.2008Read more
    MondayMay 19, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. TuesdayMay 20, 200808:00-12:00 Hrs. WednesdayMay 21, 2008EXAMINATION IN PRAGUE *) ThursdayMay 22, 2008NO EXAMINATION FridayMay 23, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. SaturdayMay 24, 200808:00-15:00 Hrs. SundayMay 25, 2008 MondayMay 26, 200808:00-18:00 Hrs. TuesdayMay 27, 2008CLOSING

    *) In the firm branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4.
    Bulky lots only on request!

    19.05.2008Read more
    There are five various examples of bidding in the text below. Take a look them!
    16.05.2008Read more
    Our new branch office in Prague, Jihlavska 78, is open from 10 to 16 Hrs.
    14.05.2008Read more
    CAUTION! The manual delivery of won lots will be in exhibition Bratislava Collectors Days on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13-15 Hrs. in exhibition ground of Incheba Expo Bratislava.
    12.05.2008Read more