News (year: 2009)

 DEC 30 2009 CLOSED
 DEC 31 2009 CLOSED
29.12.2009Read more

Enjoy X-mas price reductions in i-Shop. Buy nice picture postcards, interesting philately and other.

Make a profitable order for fixed prices.

All prices are in CZK. Point your mouse pointer to symbol CZK and there will appear conversion into EUR and USD. Delivery charges are calculated extra.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

18.12.2009Read more

All registered participants of Public auction #26 can find their final invoice in MYPLACE. At the same time we announce that the final sale was open. Buy for starting prices + commission.

We\'re looking forward to your interest!

14.11.2009Read more
The last updating of live prices was at 10:55 GMT (11:55 CET).

We keep receiving of your bids to deadline at 21:00 GMT (22:00 CET). Use web, email or fax.

The next updating expect on Saturday, NOV 14, 2009 in the morning, when the web will be open for Live Bidding.

Start of Live Bidding is on Saturday, NOV 14, 2009, at 08:00 GMT (09:00 CET).

Don\'t forget register for Webroom! 

12.11.2009Read more
 Friday NOV 13, 09
 CLOSED Saturday NOV 14, 09
 Monday NOV 16, 09
 Tuesday NOV 17, 09 NATIONAL DAY  Wednesday NOV 18, 09

 Branch Prague: CLOSED
 Office Brno:  9-12 13-16Hrs.

 Thursday NOV 19, 09 MANUAL DELIVERY
09.11.2009Read more

1945 Pof.A360/362N, unissued Kosice MS with arc inscription, very rare, good quality

09.11.2009Read more

Blue Penny, facsimile, engraver Joseph Herčík, perfect

06.11.2009Read more
On the occasion of the 100.000th item elaborated by our firm we anounce the winning competition! Three clients will be selected by lot and get credit 3000CZK (120EUR) for shopping in auction or our internet shop.

For the participation you have to login on our web and be connected to the Simulator of Live Bidding on Thursday, NOV 5, 2009, from 20:15 to 20:30 CET (19:15–19:30 GMT).

We will display the name and the town of winners on the web.

Don\'t hesitate and take part!
03.11.2009Read more
Printed catalogues of The Public Auction #26 were sent away.
20.10.2009Read more
Material entry is done continually, for the Auction #27 at the latest to NOV 20 this year.

Public auction #28
Saturday, APR 17, 2010
Material entry until FEB 26 2010

Mail auction #29
September 2010
Material entry until JUN 25 2010

Public auction #30
Saturday, NOV 13, 2010
Material entry until SEP 24 2010
12.10.2009Read more

Dear Visitors!

The Public Auction #26 is open now. Deadline of mail bids is on Thursday, NOV 12, 2009, at 21:00GMT.

Date: Saturday, November 14 2009, start at 8:00 GMT (9:00 CET)
Place: Conference Center CITY in Prague 4, Na Strži No.65

We wish you pleasant adventures!


10.10.2009Read more
Registered clients can monitor stage of their delivery. Green square marks package prepared to posting. We pack matters for manual delivery in preference. Then we will pack paid matters.
23.09.2009Read more
Registered customers who took part in the Auction can find the invoice after login in MYPLACE.
To other bidders we have sent out invoices by post.

2.000 lots in the Auction are still available. Take advantage of low start prices!
At the same time we added 1.000 new lots to the Internet Shop.
We will join your Auction and Shop to one delivery.

18.09.2009Read more
Time: 08:20 GMT - Score sheet available!

Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.

17.09.2009Read more

The last updating of live score of The Mail Auction 25 was at 09:55 GMT.

We keep receiving of your bids to deadline at 20:00 GMT.

Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Thursday, SEP 17 2009 in the morning when the score sheet will be displayed on the net.

After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order lots for starting prices + 13% commission.

16.09.2009Read more
Schedule of Wednesday, SEP 16 2009
 09:55 GMT
 The last udating of running score
 10:00 GMT
 The last display of score on the web  20:00 GMT
 DEATHLINE After deathline the PC will generate invoices.  SEP 17, a.m.  Display of Final score sheet on web
15.09.2009Read more
There are five various examples of bidding in the text below. Take a look!
09.09.2009Read more
Burda Auction at international fair COLLECTOR in Prague

Visit our stand No.208 at fair COLLECTOR in Prague.

We are looking forward to you!

02.09.2009Read more
Jihlavska 78, Prague 4 TuesdaySEP 08, 200915:00-19:00 Hrs.WednesdaySEP 09, 200909:00-16:00 Hrs. NOTE ! Examination is limited to single lots! Examination of bulky lots only on request!
01.09.2009Read more

Dear Visitors!

The Mail Auction 25 is open now. Closing date is on Wednesday, SEP 16, 2009, at 20:00GMT.

We are looking forward to your bids.

We wish you pleasant adventures!


18.08.2009Read more

Buy with discount advantageously - Visit our i-Shop !

We have reduced prices of 3000 items. Discounts are from 5 to 40 %. Prices in the i-Shop are fixed. (Delivery charges are calculated extra.)

18.08.2009Read more

Dear Customers,

We will open The Mail Auction 25 in some days. Have a see Auction Timetable, please.

13.08.2009Read more

Holiday from July 27 to August 7, 2009

We won\'t attend your orders In the time of holiday. We will take up activities on Monday Aug. 10, 2009. Thank you!

The last expedition will be sent on Friday, July 24.

20.07.2009Read more
Do shopping in i-Shop. Prices in CZK are fixed. Move your mouse pointer to symbol CZK and there will appear conversion into EUR and USD.
07.05.2009Read more
We added a lot of new items to the i-Shop especially picture postcards - photo, litho and others. Have a look at this!
28.04.2009Read more
Prague branch, Jihlavska 78, Wednesday, April 1, 2009, from 10 to 16 Hrs.
01.04.2009Read more

Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.


30.03.2009Read more
List of Starting Prices

Mail Bids counted. It is waiting for Live Bidding.

Start - Saturday, March 28 2009 at 08:00 GMT (09:00 CET)

27.03.2009Read more

The 24th Public Auction with simultaneous Internet Bidding available during the auction.

Thursday, March 26, 2009, 15:00 GMT (16:00 CET) - last update of live prices on web

Thursday, March 26, 2009, 21:00 GMT (22:00 CET) - deadline of mail bids

Thursday, March 26, 2009, 21:00 GMT (22:00 CET) - termination of Registration to Webroom (for Live Bidding)

Friday, March 27, 2009 about 11:00 GMT (12:00 CET) - display of the list of lots with starting prices for public sale

Saturday, March 28, 2009, 08:00 GMT (09:00 CET) - start of the Public Auction with simultaneous Internet Bidding available during the auction

You can participate in the auction through special internet interface just from your home PC! There are three basic steps how to register to our Webroom:

26.03.2009Read more
The last updating of live prices was at 14:55 GMT (15:55 CET) and displayed on the web at 15:00 GMT (16:00 CET).

We keep receiving of your bids to deadline at 21:00 GMT (22:00 CET). Use web, email or fax.

The next updating expect on Friday, March 27, 2009 in the morning, when the web will be open for Live Bidding.

Start of Live Bidding is on Saturday, March 28, 2009, at 08:00 GMT (09:00 CET).

26.03.2009Read more
In the company domicile in Brno, Bohunická 81:
All lots no-limits. MondayMarch 23, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. TuesdayMarch 24, 200909:00-12:00 Hrs. WednesdayMarch 25, 2009EXAMINATION IN PRAGUE *) ThursdayMarch 26, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. FridayMarch 27, 2009 SaturdayMarch 28, 2009DATE OF AUCTION: **)
*) In the company branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4:
All lots no-limits. WednesdayMarch 25, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs.
**) In Conference Center CITY in Prague 4, Na Strži No.65:
All lots no-limits. SaturdayMarch 28, 200908:00-09:00 Hrs.
23.03.2009Read more
Take part in The 24th Public Auction with simultaneous Internet Bidding from your home!

Basic steps to register:

  • Register on our web. It is easy and free of charge.
  • Login with your Username and Password.
  • Register to Webroom. It is without obligation. Controll please your personal form and send by click to button just below.
  • Expect our e-mail resolution.
  • We will display new link on web before the start of the auction. After click will open the new window (similar as Simulator).
  • REMARK: Deadline for registration to Webroom is on Thursday, March 26, 2009, at 21:00 GMT.
  • 19.03.2009Read more
    Unsold items of the 23rd Mail Auction you can find in the archive of auctions. Order by email, phone or fax! Unsod lots are marked as no bid.
    11.03.2009Read more
    Registered clients can monitor stage of their delivery. Green square marks package prepared to posting. We pack matters for manual delivery in preference. Then we will pack paid matters.
    11.03.2009Read more
    Extraordinarily on Friday, March 13, from 9a.m. to 5p.m.
    10.03.2009Read more
    Time: 11:15 GMT - Score sheet available!

    Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.

    Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.


    06.03.2009Read more

    The last updating of live score of 23rd mail auction was at 14:55 GMT and displayed on the web at 15:00 GMT.

    We keep receiving of your bids to deadline at 21:00 GMT.

    Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Friday, March 6, 2009 about eleven GMT when the score sheet will be displayed on the net.

    After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order lots for starting prices + 13% commission.



    05.03.2009Read more
    There are five various examples of bidding in the text below. Take a look!
    04.03.2009Read more

    In the company domicile in Brno, Bohunická 81:

    Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 9-12 Hrs.

    In the firm branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78:

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 9-17 Hrs.

    02.03.2009Read more

    There is a new sign of Index of Interest on the web. What does the index depend on?
  • Display of enlarged picture. If you point the mouse pointer to the preview picture there will appear enlarged picture in the right corner below.
  • Display of the gallery. If you click on the preview picture there will open a new window.
  • Bids. We count every bid including increase of original bid.
  • 27.02.2009Read more


    1 - Auction number.
    2 - Preview picture. Click here with your mouse pointer and new window will appear. There you can enlarge the picture, to have a look on the back side of the stamp, download the picture, ask for more pictures or e-mail us when the picture is wrong.
    26.02.2009Read more
    In the company domicile in Brno, Bohunická 81:
    All lots no-limits. MondayFeb. 23, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. TuesdayFeb. 24, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. WednesdayFeb. 25, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. ThursdayFeb. 26, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. FridayFeb. 27, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. SaturdayFeb. 28, 2009 SundayMarch 1, 2009 MondayMarch 2, 200909:00-17:00 Hrs. TuesdayMarch 3, 200909:00-12:00 Hrs. WednesdayMarch 4, 2009EXAMINATION IN PRAGUE *) ThursdayMarch 5, 2009CLOSING FridayMarch 6, 2009OFFICE CLOSED
    *) In the company branch in Prague, Jihlavska 78, Praha 4
    20.02.2009Read more

    Registered clients can use after login the service - monitoring of selected lots. During browsing of the on-line catalogue of the 23rd mail auction click to link Monitor in description of lots.

    You will compile your own catalogue which you can find on your Myplace.

    18.02.2009Read more

    Registered clients can use after login the service - monitoring of selected lots. During browsing of the on-line catalogue of the 23rd mail auction click to link Monitor in description of lots.

    You will compile your own catalogue which you can find on your Myplace.

    18.02.2009Read more