News (year: 2012)
We are looking forward to your visit in Prague or in Brno!
Dear clients,
we would like to announce our Christmas e-shop offer which will be opened on Wednesday, December 17 at 3 p.m.
We are looking forward to your interest.
Team Burda Auction
We annouce our special advent offer in our e-shop on thursday 13th of December at 15:00 CEST. There will be great and especial stamps and covers, for example Black Penny, specimens, colonies, US local issues, old italian states etc. We are looking for your interest!
As every year, we prepare special advent offer of unique classic stamps and letters in our e-shop. The short preview shows you one of the extraordinary item - the cover form Ceylon from 1863, with franking of 7 stamps, 3x 2P blue, SG.3 and 4x 1P green, SG.28 from ex Frederick R. Harris collection. We start our special "before Christmas" e-shop offer on 13th of December 2012.
We offer you all great unsold lots for starting price + buyer´s premium. We are looking forward for your orders!
In our office in Brno, Bohunická 81 you may pick up your items from Public auction 38 every day from 9-12 and 13-16 hours.
All clients with emails will receive their invoices with the links to their invoices! All unsold items are available for starting price plus Buyers PremiumWe are looking forward to your orders!
In a new article we try to bring you a short reflection of the philatelic market. There have been some important changes of valuation of classic and modern stamps in the brand new Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth & Empire Stamps 2013 catalogue compared to "older" issue of 2012!
New article brings you interesting information about Great Britain classic stamps so called „Treasury Roulette", or „Gladstone Roulette" from 1848-1854. We also offer you one of these rare stamps of „Treasury Roulette", which comes from great collection of extraordinary and one of the greatest colletor of history of philately - Maurice Burrus. This especial lot with superb genealogy can be found in our next Public Auction 38 under the number 618.
We present you new specialized article by prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr., the philately expert of Czechoslovakia after 1945, about the stamp Space Exploration 5Kčs, with single roll embossing! This unique PB we offer under te auction nr. 2587.
Dear clients,
We begin the viewing of lots soon! From this Friday, November 2, 2012 you are warmly welcome to examine all lots and items (including collections and huge lots) for upcoming Public Auction 38 without restriction in our office in Brno, Bohunická 81 from 9:00 - 16.00 hours. The overview of other viewing days can be found here! We are looking for your visit!
Two-day long Public Auction 38 is going on 16th-17th of November 2012 in Conference Center CITY, Prague.
Friday, Nov.16, 2012 - European Countries, Colonies, United States and Overseas
Saturday, Nov.17, 2012 - Gerhard Hanacek Collection, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia-Moravia, Czech Republik and Slovakia
We are looking forward to your bidds by phone, email, fax, mail atc.
You can also participate in our auctions through the internet interface on-line in real time. Our worldclass platform WebRoom offers you bidding from comfort of your homes! To participate in the live bidding via WebRoom, please do the simple registration.
Dear clients! We again present you extraordinary offer of lots of Europe and Overseas! In our upcoming Public Auction 38 we have prepared for the first day of auction, 16th of NOVEMBER, for example unused classic stamps, overprints and rare special types of cancellations, specimens, trialprints, collections and other unique a precious lots, mainly of Great Britain, Croatia, San Marino, Italian States, USA, South America, India, Mauritius, New Foundland, Witu etc.
The next Public auction 38 promises the extraordinary and especial event. We are very proud that we can provide our clients with, in Czech Republic, unmatched offer of classic stamps of Europe, Overseas, USA and Colonies. Besides this, our next Public auction 38 will also satisfy all collectors of stamps of Czechoslovakia I. The leading auction house in Czech Republik, Burda auction s.r.o., was given the opportunity to offer for next auction the marvelous foreign collection of stamps of Czechoslovakia I. It is an unique and for decades collected large collection of typography issues Masaryk 1920, Pigeon 1920, Breaking Chains 1920, Agriculture and Science 1920 and Agriculture and Science 1923! The very important and for specialist well-known austrian collector, Mr. Gerhard HANACEK, has collected it for many years. With his great effort of collecting, buying and selling has rised the extraordinary collection of mostly very, very rare material. Mr. Gerhard Hanacek has rightfully achieved several awards with his Exhibit "Czechoslovakia 1920-1923" and promotes czechoslovakian and czech philately! His Exhibit consists not only of stamps and covers, but there are also trialprints, unaccepted designs, stamps with special perforations, joined types, plate flaws, retouches, forgeries, postal forgeries and so on.
In the following overview we bring you only small presentation of items which will be offered in our next Public auction 38. We are also preparing the special printed and full-coloured catalogue for Mr. Gerhard Hanacek´s Exhibit items. Please enjoy!
Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.
Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.
The new auction features 3,263 items.
You can participate via our WebRoom platform from your PC in the real time! Try the Simulator.
lots #1-1542 Europe, Overseas, Other Collector\'s Domains
lots #1543-3263
Czechoslovakia, Bohemia-Moravia, Czech Rep. and Slovakia
We offer purchasing with very low commission - only 15,6 %.
In most cases also there are low starting prices! (especially prices of collections and bulky lots)
All lots are illustrated with many images, especially collections.
Favourable shopping guaranteed!
1st Auction Day, FRIDAY, Aug 24, 2012
(Philately of Europe, Overseas, Other Collector\'s Domains)
1st Part
06:30-11:00 GMT (08:30-13:00 CEST)
Items 1-901
Break 11:00-12:00 GMT (13:00-14:00 CEST)
2nd Part
12:00-15:30 GMT (14:00-17:30 CEST)
Items 902-154
2nd Auction Day, SATURDAY, Aug 25, 2012
(Philately of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Rep, Slovakia)
1st Part
06:30-11:00 GMT (08:30-13:00 CEST)
Items 1543-2447
Break 11:00-12:00 GMT (13:00-14:00 CEST)
2nd Part
12:00-16:00 GMT (14:00-18:00 CEST)
Items 2448-3263
You can make use of independent agent:
Dr. Milos Hauptman, Czech Republic, +420 602 366 437
For the first day of the auction, on Friday, 24th of August we have prepared firstclass and premium lots of classic stamps of European Countries, Colonies, United States and Overseas. In the sphere of medium and more expensive lots we tried to gain and then offer our clients unique and so far unoffered items for your delight and new experience! Besides so far unoffered second stamp of the world, Queen Victoria 2P blue or Mauritius SG.3, strong representation of Confederate States, Great Britain (e.g. unused £1 I.R.OFFICIAL SG.O11 !) or the first emission of Brazil, we are proud to present TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Lady McLeod, SG.1, the one of the most precious classic stamp in the world. Its 26 preserved pieces put this very rare stamp on the similar level as red and blue Mauritius!
The second auction day, Saturday, 25th of August,will offer lots and items of Czechoslovakia, Czech Republik and Slovakia.
For instance, there is the legendary set of Tristan Relief (ST. HELENA SG.172-175) and other great lots of United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia I.
Dear clients!
We would like to present You new material and lots for fixed prices in our e-Shop which will be added on Friday morning. We are proud to offer You especial and extraordinary classic stamps and letters of Europe, colonies, overseas and Czechoslovakia 1918-39. Many of offered items can be considered as rare and very special and it gives You a great opportunity to complete Your collections.
We are looking forward for Your interest! Please enjoy purchasing with Us.
Please contact Us personally in our office in Brno, Bohunická 81 (Mo-Fri 9-12, 13-16) or in our bureau in Prague 4, Jihlavská 78 (Wed 10-16). By phone 420 511 120 030 or send Us an e-mail
We are looking forward to You!
Dear customers,
We are testing our broadcast from the Public Auction 36.
Auction has been closed. The transmition has ended.
Use web or email. The next updating you can expect on Monday, APR 16, 2012 in the morning when the score sheet will be displayed on the web.
Deadline for WebRoom registration (live bidding) today at 20:00 GMT.Click on the link Register to WebRoom. WebRoom is going to be opened at 6:00 GMT.
Prague, Jihlavska 78
APR 6, 2012 09:00-17:00 Hrs Friday APR 13, 2012 09:00-16:00 HrsSaturday
APR 7, 2012CLOSED Sunday
APR 8, 2012EasterMonday
APR 9, 2012Easter
APR 10, 2012 09:00-17:00 HrsWednesday
APR 11, 2012 09:00-17:00 Hrs
Public Auction 36, featuring on Saturday, April 14, 2012, enables live internet bidding for our clients. They may enjoy bidding from the comfortable places of their homes or anywhere else in the world they may be. Burda Auction, s.r.o. is proud to present you our extraordinary bidding service via unique platform Burda-WebRoom. Only through this exeptional, easy to use and safe application is possible to bid live.
To participate in live internet bidding:
Some items are very rare and they are only in the most prestigious collections.
The offer is in our opinion unrepeatable.
We hope our auction brings to all clients thrilling experiences and philatelic pleasure.
Registered clients can find their invoices after login on the web in the Myplace.
Order unsold lots for starting price + commission.
The last updating of live score of The Mail Auction #35 was at 10:50 GMT.
We keep receiving of your bids to deadline at 21:00 GMT.
Use web, email or fax. The next updating you can expect on Thursday, FEB 16, 2012 in the morning when the score sheet will be displayed on the web.
After that the FINAL SALE will start. You can order unsold lots for starting prices + 13% commission.
The new auction features 3,719 items (83 % of philately). The most interesting lots are traditionally in the branch of the classic, especially in Great Britain (Queen Victoria issues). There are many rare and sought items from the Commonwealth, USA, China, Germany, Austria, Russia and Soviet Union and from the Czech philately.
For buyers we have very low commission - only 15,6 %.
In most cases very low starting prices! (especially prices of collections and bulky lots)
All lots illustrated by many photos, especially collections.
Favourable shopping guaranteed!
Current Mail Auction #35 of Burda Auction, Ltd., has the deadline on Wednesday, FEB 15, 2012 , at 21:00-GMT (22:00-CET).
You can send your bids from internet interface, by email or fax (Czech Rep. +420 511 120 033).
You can also buy in our i-Shop for fixed prices. We will join your i-Shop and Auction for only one postal charge.
Closing date for bidding:
Wednesday, FEB 15, 2012 at 21:00 GMT
Now you can visit our web and preview all lots.
Regular customers and all suppliers will receive the printed catalog by mail in the week from Monday, January 30.