Online Auction 64 / Complete auction warning
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Philately / Europe / Albania arrow_forward_ios
1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 comp. 5 complete unfolded imperforate sheets of 50 stamps; cigarette paper without gum; only 2x small yellowing in margin, otherwise very fineU:A3v–
1962 Mi.699-702, 704-707, BLOCKS OF FOUR Fauna 0,50L - 15L perforated and ditto imperforated set in changed colors; VF, c.v.. 540€, sought U:A5
1962 Mi.Bl.15-Bl.16, Fauna 20L, both souvenir sheets; very nice quality, c.v.. 380€, soughtU:A5
Philately / Europe / Andorra (French Off.) arrow_forward_ios
1955-1957 Mi.142-163, 2 complete sets "Landscape" incl. popular air-mail 100Fr-500Fr; superb, c.v.. 280€U:A5
Philately / Europe / Denmark arrow_forward_ios
1851-1966 [COLLECTIONS] used collection on pages, part classic period from the first issue 1851, many complete sets also better stamps as Mi.66, 81, 143-145, 177-179, 180-181 etc..; higher catalogueU:Z
Philately / Europe / Aegean Islands arrow_forward_ios
1934 Mi.137-145, World Championship 1934 20c-10L with overprint ISOLE ITALIANE DELL' EGEO; c.v.. 1.300€, VFU:A5
Philately / Europe / Finland arrow_forward_ios
1930 Mi.161, Zeppelin 1930; superb left lower corner piece with part of marginal wmk, c.v.. 200€++U:A5
Philately / Europe / France / 1849-1918 arrow_forward_ios
1849 Mi.2a, Ceres 15C green; perfect piece, 3x signed, i.a. Thier, c.v.. 1.200€U:A5
1849 Mi.7, Maury 6; Ceres 1Fr dark carmine; VF, wide marginss, c.d.s. PARIS and cancel "gros points"; c.v.. Maury 3.700€U:A5
1853 Mi.17a, Napoleon III. 1Fr carmine; at right margin fault, exp. Kruger, c.v.. 4.200€, rareU:A5
1870-1871 Mi.36-44, Ceres REPUB. FRANC. 1C - 80C, without value 30C, various cancel.; included to sum as basic types and shades, cat. min. 1.250€U:A5
1870 Mi.41II, Ceres 20C type II., issue "Bordeaux"; exp. Aimé Brun and Schollmeyer, c.v.. 1.000€U:A5
1872 Mi.55, Ceres 80C red; fine, exp. Schollmeyer BPP, c.v.. 900€ (Maury 1.100€)U:A5
1876 Mi.61 I, Allegory 10 green, rare type I.; very fine marginal piece, c.v.. 1.000€++, rare stamp!U:A5
1876 Mi.63II, Allegory 25C ultramarine; lightly hinged, kat.450€+U:A5
1876 Mi.64I, Allegory 30C brown, rare type I.; very fine, c.v.. 450€U:A5
1876 Mi.66I, Allegory 75C, rare type I., exp. Schollmeyer, c.v.. 1.100€U:A5
1886 Mi.81I, 81II, Allegory 50C carmine, 2x, both types, type I with gutter, type II in rarer "carmine vif"; very fine, c.v.. 470€++U:A5
1903 Mi.112x, Sower 30C light violet; very fine highest value, MNH, c.v.. for ** 300€ U:A5
Philately / Europe / France / After 1918 arrow_forward_ios
1906-1938 Mi.121Vc, 140Vc, 154V, 156V, 157V, 159V, 163V, 164V, 186V, 187V, 193V, 275V, 277V, 363V, 390V, 398V, selection of 16 stamps; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.319€U:A5
1918 Mi.136, Red Cross 15C+5C, upper left corner piece with marginal ledge; hinge out of stsmp in margin, decorative piece, c.v.. 150€++U:A5
1927 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Exhibition Strasbourg, size 109x141mm; 2x minor gum fault, stamps with gutter VF, c.v.. ** 2.000€U:A5
1929 Mi.239, Merson 2Fr orange-red with overprint EXPOSITION PHILATIQUE LE HAVRE 1929; lightly hinged, exp. A. Brun, c.v.. for ** 1.000€U:A5
1929 Mi.241-242, Buildings 10Fr-20Fr; mint never hinged, c.v.. as basic types 590€U:A5
1931 Mi.264-266, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 40C-1,50Fr; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. 400€, rare issueU:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr, left bottom corner piece, lightly used; c.v.. 300€+U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr fialověmodrá / red; VF, c.v.. 1.100€U:A5
1947 Mi.782, PB 10x International Postal Congress in Paris 10L; stampsVF, minor faults on edge out of stamps, c.v.. 1.000€U:A4
Philately / Europe / France / Collections arrow_forward_ios
1849-2010 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection, from 1930´s mainly complete, on pages in 10 (!) spring folders, from classic issues Napoleon and Ceres - used, from issue 1900 as unuused and used, contains many better stamps also sets as Mi.136, 139, 144-151, 152, 169-172, 177-180, 211-214, 222, 229, 248, 255, 305-311, 408-415, Bl.4, 865, 987-990, 1053-1058 etc.., then stamp bklts Red Cross from year 1952 (i.a. Mi.956 (!), 984-985, 1032-1033 atd.), also joined printings, higher valid face-values etc..; to year 1945 part various quality */**/(*), overall very high catalogue value, we advice examination, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
Philately / Europe / Gibraltar arrow_forward_ios
1886 SG.10w, Victoria 2P brown puprple, WMK "CA" INVERTED; rare, c.v.. £850U:A5
1889-1896 SG.22-33, Victoria 5C - 5Pta, complete set, wmk Crown CA; hinged, partly toned, c.v.. £225U:A5
1925-1932 SG.102-107, George V. 1Sh - £1, complete set, in addition 1x shade of 1Sh, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, 1x 1Sh thin place, c.v.. £250U:A5
1953-1959 SG.145-158, Elizabeth II. ½d - £1; complete set, 2x value 1½d and 3d - various shades; hinged; c.v.. £180U:A5
Philately / Europe / Croatia arrow_forward_ios
1945 Mi.Bl.8var, Unifil BF9; Sturmdivision – Block; exile issue (reprint), printing only 500, certificate RaybaudiU:A4
Philately / Europe / Italy / Italian States / Modena arrow_forward_ios
1852 Sass.10a + 10f, Coat of arms 40C, two printing errors CNET 40 and CENT 49 in perfect quality; c.v.. 1.000€U:A5
Philately / Europe / Italy / Italian States / Parma arrow_forward_ios
1853 Sass.6-8, Coat of arms 5C-25C, complete 2. issue; exp. i.a. Thier, c.v.. 3.100€, ex. Dr. RiegerU:A5
1859 Sass.12, STATI PARMENSI 5C modro green; very fine, exp. Schlesinger, c.v.. for (*) 1.750€ U:A5
Philately / Europe / Italy / Italian States / Sardinia arrow_forward_ios
1819 Sassone 1, "Cavallini " di Sardegna , so-called. "Sardinský koníček " 15C blue, superb print on/for small letter from first period usage - May 1819; jedná with about/by slavné forerunner of nalepovacích stamps, according to some authors are právě this the first post. stamps world!, c.v.. 2.800€U:DR
Philately / Europe / Italy / From 1919 arrow_forward_ios
1923 Mi.193, Manzoni 5L violet / black; VF with upper margin "with coupon, c.v.. 1.200€++U:A5
1930 Mi.345-357, Virgil, complete set incl. air-mails; mint never hinged, VF, c.v.. 420€U:A5
1932 Mi.373-384, Personalities - Dante , complete set; mint never hinged, superbU:A5
1932 Mi.391-407, Garibaldi 10C - 5L, complete set of 17 stamps; mint never hinged, Mi.398 minor gum fault, otherwise all nice qualityU:A5
1933 Mi.439-444, Zeppelin 3L - 20L; complete sought set, c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1934 Mi.463-478, 10C - 4,50L, complete set of 16 stamps; VFU:A5
Philately / Europe / Ionian Islands arrow_forward_ios
1941 ITHAKA - Italská occupation / Sass.POSTA AEREA No. 10, Greek air stmp 50Dr with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, exp. E. Diena, A. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 10.000€; one of most precious stamps ionských islands also all Italian okupačních issue, is known only several pieces, in catalogue fast increasing!U:A5
1941 ITHAKA - Italian occupation / Sass.POSTA AEREA No. 16, Greek airmail stamp 2Dr with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 1.500€U:A5
Philately / Europe / Yugoslavia arrow_forward_ios
1919 Mi.66-75Pp, Reaper 2f - 35f with inverted opt SHS HRVATSKA; hinged, certificate Bilandžič HFSU:A5
1951 Mi.Bl.5, miniature sheet Exhibition Zagreb 100Din; very fine, c.v.. 220€U:A5
1951-1954 SELECTION of / Mi.666-667, 689-692, 693-695, 733 and 751-754; very fine, c.v.. 250€U:A5
1953 Mi.729-730, World congress ESPERANTO 15Din and 300Din; mint never hinged, c.v.. 200€U:A5
1918 ISSUE FOR CROATIA / Mi.34Y, postage-due Black numerals 50f with blue overprint HRVATSKA SHS, block of four, wmk Y; mint never hinged with certificate Šedivý Federation of Czech Philatelists, c.v.. ca. 300€U:A5
1919 Mi.P30, postage-due Red numerals 12f with INVERTED blue overprint SHS HRVATSKA; hinged, certificate Bilandžič HFSU:A5
1910-1945 SELECTION / 15 various entires, 12x Yugoslavia, i.a. 4x with issues Chainbreakers, Reg, airmal, 3x parcel card etc.. + 3x Bosnia, various franking, CDS; various qualityU:A5
1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR CROATIA / specialized collection on 9 pages, contains overprints - inverted, shifts, double, different colors, types, also postage-due, newspaper etc..; all described, sought by specialists, high catalogue value!U:Z
Philately / Europe / Cyprus arrow_forward_ios
1882 SG.16-22, Victoria 1/2Pia - 12Pia, wmk CA, 4Pia (*) otherwise very fine, c.v.. £900U:A5
1894-96 SG.40-49, Victoria 1/2Pia - 45 Pia, wmk CA; very fine, c.v.. £250U:A5
1904-1910 SG.60-71, Edward VII. 5Pa - 45Pi, complete set of 12 stamps + SG.68a, 9Pi yellow-brown / carmine, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £415U:A5
1904-1910 SG.62a, Edward VII. ½Pi green / carmine with plate variety - "Broken top left triangle; very fine, c.v.. £225U:A5
19104-1910 SG.63b, Edward VII. 30Pa violet / green with plate variety - "Broken top left triangle"; very fine, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1921-1923 SG.85-99, George V., 10Pa - 45Pi, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £550U:A5
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