Online Auction 64 / Exclusive items
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1941 ITHAKA - Italská occupation / Sass.POSTA AEREA No. 10, Greek air stmp 50Dr with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, exp. E. Diena, A. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 10.000€; one of most precious stamps ionských islands also all Italian okupačních issue, is known only several pieces, in catalogue fast increasing! U:A5
1911 Mi.10H (earlier MI.I), PROVISORIUM LONGJI, letter with bisected stmp "Jachta" 20Pfg, CDS LONGJI / CAMEROON 19/5 11; next to service pmk postal office; very fine letter, certificate R. Steuer BPP, c.v.. 9.000€(!), important colonial rarity, is known only several these letters! U:DR
1899 Mi.5I, Eagle 25Pfg orange, upotřebený piece with CDS YAP CAROLINE ISLANDS 22/2.01; very fine piece with certificate Steuer, c.v.. 3.400€, very rare U:DR
1899-1900 Mi.1I-6I, "Krone -Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint MARIANEN 48°, all on cut squares with CDS SAIPAN, various dates; very fine, values 3, 5, 25 and 50Pf with certificate Jäschke BPP, value 10 and 20Pf exp. Jäschke BPP, c.v.. 10.000€++, rare offer! U:DR
1840 PLATE PROOF SG.1 (SG. Spec DP20), "Rainbow Trial" 1P red-brown, from plate 1 for Penny Black, very fine piece, c.v.. £4.500, very rare! U:DR
1853 SG.11, Tallship 1C vermilion (lithography Waterlow), very fine piece with CDS DEMERARA; c.v.. £1.700 U:A5
1920 SG.110a, George V. 1Sh dark green with rare wmk - SUBSTITUTED CROWN; lightly hinged, c.v.. £1.800, very rare stamp! U:DR
1916-1919 SG.191y, Allegory 3Sh dark violet with INVERTED and also REVERSED transparent wmk Mult Crown CA; lightly used, c.v.. £2.250, rare stamp! U:DR
1943 SG.146w, Nelson ½P green, marginal block-of-4 with transparent INVERTED wmk; c.v.. £400+ U:A5
1897 SG.9+9a, Victoria "Diamond Jubilee" ½P dark violet and green, block of four, left bottom stamp DOUBLE additional printing; stamp with double printing MNH, very fine multiple with certificate BPA, c.v.. £1.400++, scarce U:DR
1860 SG.1b, Victoria 1P rosa-red, wmk "star", "Double impression"; usual condition of perforation, certificate BPA (i.a. Holcombe), c.v.. £2.500 U:DR
1891 SG.56a+c, Victoria 3P with provisional overprint ONE HALF PENNY, overprint DOUBLE and on both sides; very fine piece with original gum, certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £2.000, scarce U:DR
1872 COSTAL MAIL; St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Co. Ltd, 2x "Steamship" 1 Pence blue; very fine, with violet oval postmark of company St. Lucia SCC; only 12 examples known, ex. W.W. Forsyth Collection, Harmer-London 1978 U:DR
1881 SG.35, Victoria 1Sh vermilion with overprint 4P; VF, exp. H. Bloch, certificate Phil. Foundation N.Y., c.v.. £1.600++; rare U:A5
1903-1904 SG.16, Edward VII. 50R grey / orange brown, wmk Crown CC; F - VF, c.v.. £2.500, sought U:DR
1921 SG.75, George V. 50R "carmine and green", wmk Mult Script CA; light vertical bend, nice piece, rare high value, c.v.. £3.250, rare offer U:A5
1848 SG.3, MAURITIUS POST PAID, 1P orange vermilion "earliest impression"; very fine piece, grid pmk "3" from postal office SOUILAC; c.v.. £18.000, scarce! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.14, MAURITIUS POST PAID, 2P blue "intermediate impression";VF, cancel. "1", exp. A. Diena, certificate H. Bloch, c.v.. £3.500 U:DR
1848-1859 SG.18, MAURITIUS POST PAID, pair 1P red on bluish " worn impression"; very fine pair with whole frame INLAND, certificate RPSL, cat. min. £2.700, rare U:DR
1859 SG.34, Britannia 1Sh vermilion; VF, rich color, exp. Stolow, certificate FEC - H. Bloch, c.v.. £3.250, very rare stamp U:DR
1902-1903 SG.145, Edward VII. £10 orange / green; very fine unused example of this scarce high value with large part o.g., certificate B.P.A., c.v.. £14.000, important colonial rarity!! U:DR
1857 SG.15, "Black Swan" 2P brown-black / red, local lithographic issue from Perth; issued without gum, very nice piece, certificate RPS Victoria, signed Peter Jaffé, c.v.. £9.000, scarce U:DR
1935 SG.140b, Jubilee George V. 2½P, upper left corner block-of-4 with rare plate variety - Short extra flagstaff; very fine and very rare multiple, c.v.. £3.500+, scarce U:DR
1912 SG.323s, George V. 1000Rs red / purple SPECIMEN, wmk "multiple CA", very fine, c.v.. £1.800 U:DR
1854 SG.1, Victoria 1/2 Ann "vermilion"; very fine, rich color, issued without gum, ex. G.J. Hynes, c.v.. £3.500, scarce! U:DR
1856 SG.50, Victoria 2 Annas green UNISSUED, date cancel. SEP 6 / 56; c.v.. £4.000 + ca. 20%, scarce! U:DR
1920-1921 SG.59, EEF 20Pia grey, horizontal pair (!), overprint PALESTINE, perf 14; CDS JERUSALEM 18.9.22; very fine centering and preserved perf, certificate BPA London, c.v.. £5.000++, extremely rare U:DR
Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, same facing 4-stamp gutter.; mint never hinged, small fold, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., very fine piece rare gutter! U:A5
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / plate proof in/at green color, full value tablet, 2. arrangement E. Charles, V. printing, die proof on/for chalky carton paper without gum; wide margins, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, decorative piece hledaného proof print! U:A5
Pof.48aII, Coat of arms 2 Koruna dark blue, landscape format, very well centered overprint II. type; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, very fine piece, exceedingly rare stamp! U:DR
Pof.57B blank coupon, Rectangle 2h with bottom blank coupon, line perforation 11½, in the middle OMITTED VODOROVNÁ PERFORACE; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expert Benes., Karasek, Lešetický, exceedingly rare piece, exists max. 8 pcs of, here for the first time in auction! U:DR
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red with R margin (!) 5,5mm, overprint type I.; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky and Gilbert, very nice decorative piece! U:DR
Pof.83a+b, overprint PORTO 1h grey, horizontal pair, stmp L wide "O" and stamp. R thin "O" in overprint PORTO, both stamp. overprint type I POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, c.v.. 12.000CZK, rare types combination overprint PORTO on/for superb pair! U:A5
Pof.89z, 1f grey / black, wmk "z", rarest overprint type II.; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., exceedingly rare stamp in excellent quality, only rare occurrence, in collections type II always missing! U:DR
Pof.118, 10CZK brown / violet with R margin with control-numbers and with part of overprint, type I., well centered; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., very nice and decorative piece! U:DR
Pof.126Pz, Black numerals 1f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Pz , overprint type IV.; lightly hinged, at top short tooth, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky and Gilbert, c.v.. 35.000CZK, rare stamp! U:A5
Pof.127Pz, Black numerals 2f green / black with L margin with control-numbers, wmk Pz, overprint type IV.; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., very nice and decorative piece! U:A5
Pof.129Py, Black numerals 12f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Py - L-wards, overprint type IV.; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Mrňák, Mikulski, Karasek and Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 125.000Kč, exceedingly rare stamp in very nice quality! U:DR
PLATE PROOF Pof.162Mv(4), palte proof of the value 80h in/at original violet color, 2-stamps. VODOROVNÉ MEZIARŠÍ on common paper without gum with perf; lightly hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, quite rare occurrence, exceedingly interesting item this issue! U:DR
1930 Pof.L12Aa, 5CZK light brown with rare perf 12¼; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Pithart, very rare stamp, missing in most collections! U:DR
Pof.L14C, 20CZK grey-blue with R margin, rare perf line perforation 13¾ : 12¼; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Karasek, rare usage! U:DR
1928 Pof.DL60+DL60, Definitive issue, unissued 4-stamps SVISLÉ MEZIARŠÍ values 50h + 50h, imperforated, with wide L margin and DESKOVÝM ČÍSLEM "34"; superb, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba certificate, cat. Merkur-Revue 31.000Kč, rare usage rare gutter with plate number! U:A5
1919 PLATE PROOF values 1Rbl silhouette/profile, larger format 27x46mm (!), in light brown color, without perf, on cut-square with part of postmark JERDEŇ ESTL. 21.6.19; Vrba certificate, genuineness of pmk - see. certificate, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1948 Pof.Ms485, Gottwald 1,50Kčs brown, pair vertical 7-zn. gutter (!), complete marginal 14-pás from undetached 50 and 100 pcs of sheet, exp. by Gilbert., rare, in/at c.v.. -,-, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.A2334/2335A, miniature sheet Tizian, plate proof of whole miniature sheet, master die in black color and blind print red color incl. loga exhibition PRAGA 78, supplemented with additional-printing SPECIMEN in black color, print on/for on stamp paper with gum, perf; mint never hinged, very fine, for the first time in auction, rare! U:A5
1984 Pof.2630N, imperforated (!) stamp. Winter Olympic Games Sarajevo 3Kčs with lower margin and part/-s upper stamp.; mint never hinged, on/for vyžádáni exp. labour, catalogue very misvalues, in auction 52 sold after/behind 16.500CZK, sought! U:A5
1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; improved/repaired upper corners, rare stamp, exp. and certificate Karásek in catalogue podceněna stmp! U:A5
1986 Pof.A2747B, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P., imperforated, type I.; mint never hinged, only small fingerprints, certificate Vychron, known only several pieces, minimum usage in/at Aukci 62 prodán other piece after/behind 45.000CZK U:A4
1933 ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), Czech writer, intelektuál, journalist, dramatist - quite UNIKÁTNÍ selection of two Čapkových rukopisů, consequently issued in/at časopise Přítomnost in 1933: 1) Past Šrámkova and past kritiků (24 sides) and 2) Past kritiků and her důsledky (14 sides), handwritten notice, strokes of pen and printing notice; both statě belongs to vrcholným Čapkovým polemikám, in/at original mailbox with vazbou in form of book/-s with umělecky provedeným koženým book back, exlibris Wenceslas Palivec 1942, origin Charles Scheinpflug, extraordinary offer! U:DR