1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / more/larger accumulation unused stamps from issue Hradčany after/around postage-due and SO 1920 in big 32 sheet stockbook, in addition supplemented with about/by better sets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from 50. and 60. years; mainly hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / small collection Un stamp. with also mint never hinged, supplemented with duplication, contains basic set stamp. Hradčany, incl. imperforated 10h green, 25h ultramarine, basic incomplete set stamp. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Scout 20h light red, stamp. from miniature sheet Anthem-issue also sheet issue corner blk-of-4 with L coupons and Pl 1, set Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, part opposite facing pairs, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk 1920, postage-due, newspaper, supplemented with several entires; all in/at one older 12-sheet stockbook
1910-1976 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA / Czechoslovakia/ TEREZÍN / GERMANY collection 76 pcs of various bank-notes and orders in album, contains i.a. complete set Terezínských orders 1 - 100 Koruna (quality N), order Ministry of Internal Affairs, 100Kčs Gottwald, inflation German bank note/-s and modern bank note/-s from abroad; various quality, unissued 10K 1919 - faksimilie Czech National Bank FP
1942HEYDRICHReinhard (1904-1942), in years 1941–1942zastupující empire protektor Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, SS-Obergruppenführer etc.., autograph (!) on/for official strojopisném letter addressed on/for minister transport Kamenický Šenov with heading "Der Reichsprotektor in Bohemia un Moravia", datace 22. May 1942 (!!) - 5 days before/(in front of) atentátem, incl. original letter envelope/-s; exceedingly rare, in the Czech market absolutely rare occurrence!
Pof.RV133-RV162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), complete set of 30 pcs of, incl. RV147 15f Charles with overprint "Köztarsaság" (minor faults); mainly mint never hinged, all exp. Vrba, 4x II. printing, in/at set sought!
Pof.11a IIp, 25h black-violet, bar type ZP74/1, significant deep shade; mint never hinged, very wide margins, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, luxury piece bar type in/at černofialovémodstínu!
1918-1921[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with all values stamp. Hradčany incl. values 1000h, 500h, 400h, 300h and other, supplemented with forerunner parallel franking Austrian stamp., part mixed franking, cuts with other issues as Legionaire, T. G. Masaryk 1920, Pigeon-issue. issue Chainbreaker and issue Agriculture and Science, several interesting postmarks - single-circle, nationalized etc.., placed on 23 stock-sheets in/at transparent box, valuable selection of, from estate from abroad, profitable offer!
Pof.83a+b, overprint PORTO 1h grey, horizontal pair, stmp L wide "O" and stamp. R thin "O" in overprint PORTO, both stamp. overprint type I POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, c.v.. 12.000CZK, rare types combination overprint PORTO on/for superb pair!
1930Pof.L12Aa, 5CZK light brown with rare perf 12¼; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Pithart, very rare stamp, missing in most collections!
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / comp. of ca. 400 pcs of entires, letters, p.stat, postcard, part R, line sent abroad (Switzerland), various more interesting franking issue Hradčany, letterpress issues, also Festival, Congress, air-mail etc..; originates from abroad, various quality, part only front sides, as multiple interesting, placed in 5 letter files for entires in/at smaller box
1939PLATE PROOF Štefánik 60h, inscription CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVAKIA, plate proof unissued stmp - print definitive gravure in blue color (uvažované for stamp with validity in Slovakia), on/for white smooth paper without gum; very fine, minimum usage!
1952 Pof.649 plate variety, Agriculture 2Kčs with plate variety 70/1,2 - little arc by/on/at staff flags; mint never hinged, in catalogue underprized, sought defect!
1840-1963 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 14 pages in stockbook A4, from Penny Black, various issues - line engraved, embossed, issues 1853-1883, also Edward VII., George V., Edward VIII., George VI. and Elizabeth II., several higher face values, shades, postmarks, perf etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / duplication in 14 various stockbooks and albums, modern and classic period, various countries as USA, USSR, Austria, Germany, Protectorate etc.., part also motives, choice notebooks; placed in filled IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Pof.RV1-RV21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem); complete set 21 pcs of, value 10K unclear print; mainly mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Fr, Vrba etc.., sought
Pof.1-26, complete set of (without Pof.6, 9 and 13) with extremely wide margins, total 29 pcs of stamp., supplemented with about/by 5 shades colors, 15h spiral type, 20h blue-green with plate variety dot in value tablet , 120h black-grey; several pieces with quite small hint hinged, 1 pcs of exp. Vrba, rare occurrence
Pof.11 joined bar types, 25h violet, upper corner blk-of-10, contains 6x bar types combination (!), pos. 1 - bar subtype, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, plate 2, in addition on pos. 11 and 12 type II arc; mint never hinged, in the middle vert. fold, exp. Vrba, decorative block joined bar types!
Pof.18 production flaw, 75h grey-green, horizontal pair with lower margin and control-numbers, with unusual production flaw - practically blind print L stamps; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, rare and decorative production defect
Pof.21 production flaw, 120h grey, horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw - cord through/over middle stamp.; stamp. with production flaw mint never hinged, exp. Le, Vrba, decorative production defect!