1851-1966 [COLLECTIONS] used collection on pages, part classic period from the first issue 1851, many complete sets also better stamps as Mi.66, 81, 143-145, 177-179, 180-181 etc..; higher catalogue
1849-2010[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection, from 1930´s mainly complete, on pages in 10 (!) spring folders, from classic issues Napoleon and Ceres - used, from issue 1900 as unuused and used, contains many better stamps also sets as Mi.136, 139, 144-151, 152, 169-172, 177-180, 211-214, 222, 229, 248, 255, 305-311, 408-415, Bl.4, 865, 987-990, 1053-1058 etc.., then stamp bklts Red Cross from year 1952 (i.a. Mi.956 (!), 984-985, 1032-1033 atd.), also joined printings, higher valid face-values etc..; to year 1945 part various quality */**/(*), overall very high catalogue value, we advice examination, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1819 Sassone 1, "Cavallini" di Sardegna, so-called. "Sardinskýkoníček" 15C blue, superb print on/for small letter from first period usage - May 1819; jedná with about/by slavné forerunner of nalepovacích stamps, according to some authors are právě this the first post. stamps world!, c.v.. 2.800€
1941ITHAKA - Italská occupation / Sass.POSTA AEREA No. 10, Greek air stmp 50Dr with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, exp. E. Diena, A. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 10.000€; one of most precious stamps ionských islands also all Italian okupačních issue, is known only several pieces, in catalogue fast increasing!
1918 ISSUE FOR CROATIA / Mi.34Y, postage-due Black numerals 50f with blue overprint HRVATSKA SHS, block of four, wmk Y; mint never hinged with certificate Šedivý Federation of Czech Philatelists, c.v.. ca. 300€
1923 SG.101, George V. £1 violet / black, wmk Mult Crown CA; lightly hinged, right lower small paper fault, after all nice piece, rare stamp, lightly hinged, c.v.. £1.400
1936 ZEPPELIN / 1. NAF, Sie 496, ZULEITUNG with mixed franking including 2x Hindenburg 50Pfg, c.d.s. CONSDORF 1.5.36, through Frankfurt and back New York, arrival CONSDORF 18.5.36; very fine
1931 UNGARNFAHRT / Zeppelin-letter, Sie.103c with both stamps Mi.478, 479, CDS LEGI POSTA/ BUDAPEST/ 931 MAR 27; very fine, Sie. 250€ (only used stamps 180€)
1924 Mi.355-361, Eagle 3Pf - 50Pf, complete set as leftbottom corner blocks of four with plate numbers and control-numbers; mint never hinged, exp. Peschl BPP, cat. min. 1.750€, rare!
1933 Mi.508-511, Nothilfe 5+15Pf - 50+150Pf, part of miniature sheet with wmk, CDS BAMBERG 10.2.34; stamps in perfect quality, certificate Schlegel, cat. min. 2.000€
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.9-14 IVb, forgeries of Brit. stamps George VI., complete set of corner pieces 1/2P - 3P with overprint LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE / ST. LUCIA.; issued without gum, c.v. 800€