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border fortification; photo postcard, Un U:A5
1938 HORNÍ LITVÍNOV (Oberleutensdorf) - B/W photo postcard, collage with swastika as rising sun (Hakenkreuzsonne ), used in r. 1940, unstuck stamp, incomplete CDS OBERLEUTENDORF/ 28.10.40; rare postcard, good condition U:A5
1938 ŠUMPERK (Mähr. Schönberg.) - B/W photo postcard, collage with swastika as rising sun (Hakenkreuzsonne ), franked by. stamp. 6Pf, emergency straight line postmark Mähr. Schönberg + advertising double-circle "Mähr. Schönberg in day Befreiungstagen 1938"; rare postcard!, good condition U:A5
1939 BOLSCHEWISMUS OHNE MASKE - colored propaganda Ppc; upright with special postmark GROSSE ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE AUSSTELUNG WIEN; R at top wrinkled corner U:A5
1939-1945 AGRICULTURAL VZÁJEMNÁ POJIŠTOVNA / comp. of 3 colored Ppc - Chraňte against fire vaši úrodu and majetek / Vaše sole protection is krupobitní pojistka / Ručíte Vy....; on reverse with special postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) PARDUBICE; sound condition, interesting U:A5