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1911 Mi.89II, Luitpold 5M type II with CDS MUNICH; exp. Helbig BPP, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1911 Mi.90II, Luitpold 10M type II with CDS MUNICH; very fine piece, exp. Helbig BPP, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1919 Mi.134BI-135BI, unissued imperforated Lewis III. 35Pf and 75Pf without overprint; very fine, exp. Hlebig BPP, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1872 REPRINTS 1872 / Mi.8-12, 14, Coat of arms ½S - 4S + 1½S; hinged, c.v.. 900€ U:A5
1923 Mi.171PU-183PU, official 100M/60Pf - 10Mrd - 3M; complete imperforated set, all marginal pieces, signed, c.v.. 650€++ U:A5
1923 Mi.188, official Numerals 50/25Pfg red orange, used piece with CDS STUTGART; certificate Winkler BPP, very fine piece, c.v.. 1.100€, rare! U:A5
1872 Mi.1-11, 14, Eagle - Small plate, selection of 19 stamps, complete set, various colors; mostly fine, c.v.. 1.930€ U:A5
1872 Mi.16-27, 29, Eagle - Laege plate, selection of 28 stamps, various colors; mostly fine, c.v.. 2.630€ U:A5
1900 Mi.63a, REICHSPOST 1M; left bottom corner piece, superb, c.v.. 550€++ U:A5
1924 Mi.355-361, Eagle 3Pf - 50Pf, complete set as leftbottom corner blocks of four with plate numbers and control-numbers; mint never hinged, exp. Peschl BPP, cat. min. 1.750€, rare! U:A5
1933 Mi.481, Friedrich The Great 25pf ultramarine, upper right corner block of four with control-numbers; small hinge in margin, stamps superb, exp. Schlegel, c.v.. ca. 1.500€ U:A5
1933 Mi.496, CHICAGOFAHRT 1M, corner piece with control-numbers, light CDS OPPELN; c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1933 Mi.508-511, Nothilfe 5+15Pf - 50+150Pf, part of miniature sheet with wmk, CDS BAMBERG 10.2.34; stamps in perfect quality, certificate Schlegel, cat. min. 2.000€ U:A5
1934 Mi.556-564, Profession; complete set, marginal pieces, mint never hinged, c.v.. 650€+ U:A5
1934 Mi.556-564, Profession; complete set, VF, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, left corner blocks-of-15 with control-numbers; 1 stamp minor fault; cat. min. 1.800€ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, right corner blocks-of-15 with control-numbers; very fine; cat. min. 1.800€ U:A5
1917-1918 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.4, 5, Germania 10Pf carmine and 15pf black-violet, perforated blocks of four; upper stamp hinged., the bottom mint never hinged, marked Spionage Fälsung/ Behrens U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.9-14 IVb, forgeries of Brit. stamps George VI., complete set of corner pieces 1/2P - 3P with overprint LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE / ST. LUCIA.; issued without gum, c.v. 800€ U:A5
1923 INFLATION / 10 letters from inflation, "Massenfrakaturen" with high face-values, incl. rarer multiple frankings; cat. min. 660€++ U:A5
1932 ZEPPELIN / LUPOSTA FAHRT Mi.231-235 on card of return flight with green deck postmark, on stamps exhibition cancel. 30.7. 32; c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1943 ALBANIA / Mi.K1, letter-card with overprint "14 Shtator 1943"; very fine, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1941 FRANCE - Franzosische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Polar Bear" 100Fr; popular miniature sheet with size 94x 116mm, at right small production gum fault, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1944-1945 LAIBACH / Mi.1-60, P1-P9; hinged, very fine, c.v.. for * 1.225€, rare offer! U:A4
1943 SERBIA / Mi.94-98, printing sheet with 2x plate variety - 98I - color stains on pos. 24 and 98II - color stain below 2. and 3. window of airplane; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 290€ U:A4
1942 SERBIA / postcard (Belgrade) addressed to Germany, franked with airmail stamp Mi.66, CDS BELGRADE 29.X.42, German censorship; non-philatelic, toned, high catalogue value! U:A5
1949 WUERTTEMBERG / Mi.40A-43A, Red Cross 10+20Pf - 40+80Pf; complete set, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1949 Mi.17-20, end 1M - 5M with black overprint BERLIN, used; very fine with certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 2.110€ U:A5
1949 Mi.33-34, end 1M and 2M with red overprint BERLIN used; superb, exp. and certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 830€ U:A5
1949 Mi.35-41, UPU 12Pf - 2DM; very fine complete used set, certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1949 Mi.61-63, Goethe 10Pf -30Pf; complete used set, very fine, certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1950 Mi.68-70, 10+5Pf - 30+5Pf; complete used set, very fine, certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1949 Mi.71, Marshall Plan 20Pf, upper left corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers; the bottom stamp with minor gum fault, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 400€++ U:A5
1949 Mi.113-115, 10+2Pf - 30Pf, complete set of UR corner pcs. with control-numbers, Mi.113 and 114 with plate flaws: Mi.113III - retouch Mi.113I - irregular "U" and "T" in DEUTSCHE + Mi.114III - vertical red line right on edge of the stamp.; VF, certificate Schlegel, c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1951 Mi.139-140, 10+5Pf + 20+5Pf, upper left corner pieces with control-numbers; superb, c.v.. 220€++ U:A5
1951 Mi.140I, 20+5Pfg red with sought plate variety - Srung im mittlern Fresko; VF, exp. Schlegel BPP, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1954 Mi.177-196, Heuss 2Pf-3M in horizontal pairs; overall nice quality, 50Pf superb, only 90Pf, 1DM and 3DM hinged, cat. min. 1.300€, rare offer U:A5
1954 Mi.189-190, Heuss 50Pfg and 60Pfg, marginal pieces, 1x with part of dates of print; superb, exp. Schlegel BPP, c.v.. 245€ U:A5
1901 Mi.9. Provisional TIENTSIN 5Pfg Reichspost with hand-made overprint CHINA; rare issue, very fine, exp. Richter, Bothe, certificate Lantelme, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1901 Mi.27III, Reichspost 5M with overprint CHINA; very fine piece, signed Kühne, c.v.. 260€ U:A5
1906-1922 Mi.38-47, blocks of four CHINA 1C - $2½ on 3Pfg-5RM Deutsches Reich with wmk; luxury quality, all dollar values are Friedensdruck 26/17, exp. Bothe, c.v.. 1.620€++ U:A4
1896 VORLÄUFER / larger part parcel of dispatch-note franked on front side by pair Mi.V50d, Adler 50Pf + on reverse ditto + vertical pair with MEZIARŠÍM + Mi.V48d, Adler 20Pf, CDS SHANGHAI 7.5.96; very fine, certificate Steuer BPP, cat. only single stamp. 820€, like that markedly more, rare entire! U:A5
1899 Mi.1-6, Krone-Adler 3C/3Pfg - 60C/50Pfg, stamp 10Pfg is Mi.3d (UV hellzinnober); very fine, c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1900 Mi.7SP-19SP, Marocco 3C-6Pes 25C, complete set "Reichspost", stmp 5M type I/IV, all with overprint SPECIMEN; very nice quality, c.v.. for * 2.700€, extraordinary offer!, these specimens with nabízejí mostly as single, all sets with practically are rare and missing also in big collections! U:A5
1905 Mi.30A, DEUTSCHES REICH 1P25C/1M carmine, 26:17; very fine mint never hinged piece, c.v.. 360€ U:A5
1900 Mi.23II, Reichspost 5M with overprint 25Pia, so-called. II. type; exp Steuer, c.v.. 260€ U:A5
1901 Mi.11-21b, Emperor´s Yacht 2P - 3R; complete basic set, highest values hinged, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1905-1919 Mi.28b, Emperor´s Yacht 45 purple-red / black, used; very fine piece, exp. Mansfeld, Steuer, Pfenniger, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1897-1900 Mi.1-6, 7-19, Krone Adler with overprint CAMEROON and Yachts set without watermark, 5RM at top minor fault, otherwise all very fine (25Pfg is Mi.5b - dunkelorange), c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1911 Mi.10H (earlier MI.I), PROVISORIUM LONGJI, letter with bisected stmp "Jachta" 20Pfg, CDS LONGJI / CAMEROON 19/5 11; next to service pmk postal office; very fine letter, certificate R. Steuer BPP, c.v.. 9.000€(!), important colonial rarity, is known only several these letters! U:DR
1899 Mi.5I, Eagle 25Pfg orange, upotřebený piece with CDS YAP CAROLINE ISLANDS 22/2.01; very fine piece with certificate Steuer, c.v.. 3.400€, very rare U:DR
1910 Mi.10H, Provisional PONAPE - bisected "Emperor´s Yacht" 20Pfg on cut-square with CDS PONAPE 12/7 1910; very fine, certificate Jaschke-Lantelme, c.v.. 3.000€ U:A5
1915-1919 Mi.17-18, Emperor´s Yacht 2M and 3M, used; very fine, both exp. Steuer BPP, c.v.. 270€ U:A5
1900 Mi.1II FII, Eagle 5Pfg light violet-red with overprint CHINA 1PFg with plate variety - without blue horizontal lines (Ohne Blaustrich); mint never hinged, exp. Steuer and Bothe, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1899-1900 Mi.1I-6I, "Krone -Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint MARIANEN 48°, all on cut squares with CDS SAIPAN, various dates; very fine, values 3, 5, 25 and 50Pf with certificate Jäschke BPP, value 10 and 20Pf exp. Jäschke BPP, c.v.. 10.000€++, rare offer! U:DR
1900 Mi.1II-6II, Krone, Adler 3Pf - 50Pf; hinged, value 3Pf mint never hinged, c.v.. 245€ U:A5
1901 Mi.16-17, Emperor´s Yacht 1M and 2M, used; very fine, exp. Bothe and Pfenniger, c.v.. 195€ U:A5
1899 Mi.1II-6II, Krone-Adler 3Pfg - 50Pfg MARSCHALL INSELN so-called. II. Berlinissue; very fine and rare set, exp. Steuer BPP, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1901-1916 Mi.22-23, Emperor´s Yacht 1M and 2M, used; very fine, 2M exp. Steuer BPP, c.v.. 240€ U:A5
1916 Mi.27BI, Emperor´s Yacht 5M, 25:17; very fine marginal piece, c.v.. 150€+ U:A5