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1942 PR90+PR91+PR93, comp. 12 pcs of various entires with special postmark, MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU/ OLMÜTZ/ PARDUBITZ/ Drei years im Grossdeutschem Reich - from that 4x as Registered, 1x PC Linden Leaves 60h, contains all distinctive letters a-b; good condition U:A5
1942 PR107+PR108/ PaL, BUDWEIS/ MÄHRISCH OSTRAU/ Wehrkampflage der SA 1942, 3x commemorative sheet with special postmark; good condition, sought! U:A4
1943 PR113/ PaL, PaD, BÜNN 1/ Tag der Briefmarke 10.1.1943, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets PaL and 3 pcs of Ppc PaD; good condition U:A5
1943 PR114/ PaL, PaD, IGLAU 1/ Tag der Briefmarke 10.1.1943, comp. 4 pcs of commemorative sheets PaL, 2 pcs of Ppc PaD and 1 memorial envelope/-s POB sent as Registered (toned); good condition, sought! U:A5
1940 SPR31, ZLÍN 1/ Visit film harvest 1940, machine slogan pmk on special envelope POB a-a, franked with. but Un (toned in envelope) + envelope and cut square with same advertising cancel. PRAGUE 25/ch1; good condition, rare SPR postmark ZLÍN! U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!, certificate of mailing on/for R mailing with one print special postmark from 30.I.45; good condition, rare document with rare commemorative postmark! U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!, Reg letter in the place with St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna + 2,50 Koruna with two print special postmark from 26.I.45; good condition, rare Reg letter with rare commemorative postmark! U:A5
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL SHEETS selection of 29 various univerzálních prints used collector to otiskování commemorative postmarks special postmark, total 34 commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc, contains i.a. 1x print PR73 ZLÍN/ Untergau 490 Sommerlager Burgberg and several postmarks AUTOPOŠTY, 4 pcs of German memorial/special Ppc Hana Pustka with German special postmark, Un commemorative sheet PARDUBICE III/ Putovní exhibition zemědělská PaL a-a etc..; good condition U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS NA VÝSTŘIŽCÍCH / collection 170 pcs of various special postmark postmarks on cut-squares and cards incl. distinctive characters or date cancelling, supplemented with 110 pcs of dubletů, contains i.a. 2x PR117 Bolshevism never!; all placed in full larger stockbook U:Z
1940 WORK CAMP / RAB Lager (camp) Bysterz (camp v Brně-Bystrci for building empire motorway), postcard addressed to to Austria, with 60h, CDS BYSTERZ 21.III.40, red four-line cancel. "Reichsautobahnlager ....." fine readable; rare photo postcard camp!, nice quality U:A5
1943-1945 TEREZÍN - MALÁ PEVNOST / PŘÍBĚH - comp. 12 pcs of pre-printed cards Terezín prison sent in/at course years one prisoner on/for addressee to Domažlic, 4 various varieties cards, all pulled-down stamps, fragmety CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O., all with signature censor; various quality, part stains, folds U:A5
1940 CDV1 sent to Slovakia, uprated by. 20+20+30h Linden Leaves, CDS PRAG 1/ 13.VI.40, handwritten notice about/by číslu civil document, German censorship OKW, arrival postmark RUŽOMBEROK 1/ 19.6.40, undelivered, label Odcestoval/Parti, on reverse note. departed and in front back Prague; decorative, nice quality U:A5
1945 stationery Express Card No.1, type II., urgent message sent from Plzeň to Dresden, CDS PLZEŇ 4/ 16.II.45, addressed to to prison in Dresden and redirected to Leipzig, handwritten notice, 15. February was/were made hloubkový strike on/for Plzeň and surroundings; toned, folds, rare! U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] smaller basic collection on/for 45 hingeless pages in spring folder, overprint issue ** (exp. by Gilbert.), then various issue, part with coupons, also postage-due, official and several entires, in addition supplemented with about/by smaller 8 sheet stockbook A4 with duplication; various quality **/* U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 4 stockbooks A4, i.a. 2x overprint issue, coupons, plate number, more/larger blocks, complete counter sheet Pof.102, etc.., supplemented with about/by 1x stockbook with cancel. duplication and 1x basic collection in spring folder doplněnou about/by part Slovakia 1939-1945; various quality U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / collection 25 pcs of letter cards, contains 9 pcs of forerunner Czechosl. Bohemian and Moravian letter cards Coat of arms 1CZK, Pof.CZL2 - various variants + 16 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian CZL1 - CZL5, from that 5x Ex, 3x R, 1x Reg and Express, 2x pneumatic-tube post, 4 pcs of abroad (2x Sudetenland, Slovakia, Germany); placed in letter file A4, sound condition U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / comp. of ca. 25 pcs of various entires, i.a. 2x with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) PARDUBICE 5.VII.40, 3x money letter, R, special postmark etc.., part only front sides U:O5