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1944 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.106-110, Tatra large format, complete set of in 100 stamps sheets, lot of plate variety, value 30h plate 2 with plate variety stamps ZP7-10 and pos. 17-20 vymoletovány about/by 0,5mm value; mint never hinged, horiz. folded in perforation, value 30h in perforation almost divided on/for poloviny
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.117, 118, Před ohnivým wyvern, comp. 3 pcs of sheets of 100, value 2 Koruna green with wmk P3, 2x value 3,80Ks violet with wmk P3 and better P4 (!); mint never hinged, vertical folded in perforation, 1x in margin short permit in perforation, otherwise nice pieces U:A3v–
1939-1941 PERFORATION SPECIALITIES / comp. 15 pcs of bloks of four and one corner stmp - 6x corner blk-of-4 with perf provedenou from the back side, 9x block of four and corner stamp. with horiz. perf provedenou from the front side and sváslá perf from the back side; mint never hinged U:A4
1939 Station letter to Brno - 2 pre-printing envelope/-s sent from Bratislava to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. 1x 4-coloured franking stamp. Hlinka, 1x i.a. with Czechosl. parallel Coat of arms 30h, CDS BRATISLAVA 2; interesting U:A5
1944 PC with 10h Kriváň and 70h Tisso, Sy.44 and 106, provisory straight line postmark HORNÁ ŠTUBŇA, on reverse dated 13.9.1944; CDS with ztratilo during Slovak National Uprising, sound condition U:A5
1940-1944 comp. 10 pcs of entires sent Flight, from that 2x first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV, 7x addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x to Sweden, rich mixed franking air-mail and postage stmp., part as Registered, Ex, censorship; good condition U:A5
1943 1. FLIGHT BRATISLAVA-PREŠOV / PREŠOV-BRATISLAVA two R+Ex+Let-dopisy 1. flight franked with. Leteckou stamp. 10 Koruna, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43 and PREŠOV 1/12.V.43; nice U:A5
1939 PLATE FLAWS / Sy.NV1-NV9, Slovak Rep. 2h - 1CZK, selection of plate flaws on 3 pages from exhibit, part corner pieces with plate number, all described; as multiple interesting U:A4
1939 Sy.NV3, NV9 plate number, Newspaper stamps with overprint 7h orange and 1Ks grey, marginal pieces with plate number 3 and plate number 1; minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1939 Sy.NV10x-NV21x, Coat of arms (I) without watermark, complete set of with VODOROVNÝM grid; value 50h brown hinged, exp. by Sablatura., other mint never hinged, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1939 Sy.NV10x, Coat of arms (I) 2h yellow-brown without watermark, horiz. marginal Pr with horiz. grid; superb, c.v.. 80€+ U:A5
1939 Alb.NV11Ya, 5h kovově blue with wmk P2; superb, exp. by Synek + certificate Synek, rare usage U:A5
1939 Sy.NV11Xx, Newspaper stamp 5h blue, block of four without watermark with horiz. grid in gum; mint never hinged, certificate Synek, rare occurrence in blocks! U:A5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV23-NV28, complete set of in 100 stamps sheets, incl. plate variety; mint never hinged in/at ruličkách, only 15h with tearing in margin, c.v.. 180€ U:K
1939 comp. 4 pcs of newspaper wrappers + 1x cut square, 2x with Newspaper stamps II. 5h, 1x 10h and 2x postage stamp. Tatra 20+5h and 25h; various CDS, as multiple interesting U:A5
1939 PLATE NUMBERS / Sy.D1-D10X, Y, selection of total 34 corner pieces with plate number, the first issue without watermark i.a. with. 1Ks type II horiz. grid **, 5 Koruna vertical also horiz. grid, 2 Koruna 2x horiz. grid etc..; on 3 pages from exhibit, as multiple interesting U:A4
1939 Sy.D11Xy, D12Xy plate number, the first issue 10 Koruna and 20Ks, corner pieces with plate number 1, vertical grid, without watermark; mint never hinged, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1944 postal-agency DOLNÝ VINODOL (KOMJATICE) - No. 2077 - Hungarian occupation (!), cancel. ALSÓSZÖLLÖS/ 44.V.19./ Postai Ügyn, intrastate parcel card without L cut, franked with. 10+70f, 2 print postal agency pmk., arrival postmark EGER/ 44.V.20. on reverse, Tekeľ points doesn't report, sound condition U:A5
1936-1942 postal-agency PČOLINÉ (SNINA) - No. 2253, comp. 3 pcs of with cancel. No. 5: 1936 - letter on/for pojišťovnu addressed to to Prague; 1938 - postal order without L cut sent in the place, with CDS SNINA 12.XII.38, additional cancel. "Přechodná"; 1942 - censored letter to Bohemia; Tekeľ 3x 20 bodů
1944 postal-agency ČAKANOVCE (RADZOVCE) - No. 2031 - Hungarian occupation (!), intrastate parcel card without L cut, franked with. pair 50f, cancel. CSÁKÁNYHÁZA/ 44.III.8./ Postai Ügyn, 2 print postal agency pmk., arrival postmark EGER/ 44.III.10. on reverse; Tekeľ points doesn't report, sound condition U:A5
1939 Maxa M19, identification letter with 1 Koruna Hlinka, c.v.. Sy.30 with perfin "MG" f. Max Graber and son, accounting community, slogan pmk BRATISLAVA 1/ 11.VII.39; window envelope, sound condition U:A5
1939 Maxa S58, identification commercial PC franked with. 20h and 1 Koruna Hlinka, c.v.. Sy.27 and 30, both with perfin "ST" f. Stollwerk, čokoláda and cukrovinky, CDS BRATISLAVA 26.IX.39; decorative, but back side without message U:A5
1940 Maxa H17, identification letter franked with. 2 pcs of 30h Hlinka, c.v.. Sy.28 with perfin "HFs" f. Heinrich Francek's Sons, kávoviny, slogan pmk BRATISLAVA 2/ 30.V.40; window envelope, sound condition U:A5
1940 Maxa K5, identification Reg letter in the place franked with. 2 pcs of 30h Hlinka and 4 pcs of 50h Tiso, c.v.. Sy.28 and 43, all with perfin "K" f. Michael Kann, spinning mill konopí, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.XI.40; very fine, decorative entire, Reg letters with perfins are sought! U:A5
1942 Maxa C18, identification Reg letter with 3 Koruna Hlinka and 30h Tatras, c.v.. Sy.32 with perfin "Ch" f. Chemische Indistrie A.G. (former Dynamitka), stamp. Sy.51 without perfin, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 23.XI.42; on envelope stains after glue and lower light cut U:A5
1944 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG STARÝ SMOKOVEC/ KLV-Lager Slo/51, Sporthotel Kämmchen, German PC 6Pf, Mi. P302A, addressed to to Vienna, CDS STARÝ SMOKOVEC 25.VI.44, německo-slovenské (!) three-line camp cancel. in violet color, censorship; tearing in R margin U:A5
1942 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG TOVARNIKY/ KLV-Lager Slo 250/ Deutsches (German) Heim, postcard (Topolčany) addressed to to Berlin with 1,20 Koruna, CDS TOPOLČANY 19.VI.42, supplemented with three-line camp cancel. in violet color, more times Us censorship; good condition, usage mailing KLV from year 1942 is rare! U:A5
1943 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG MATLIARE / KLV-Lager Slo/68, penzion Weisswasser, letter to Vienna franked with. 4x 50h Princes, CDS MATLIARY 30.VI.43, three-line camp cancel. on reverse, more times passed through censorship; good condition U:A5
1943 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG VEĹKÝ SLAVKOV/ KLV-Lager Slo/144, Hotel Kunsch, letter to Dortmundu with 2 Koruna, CDS VEĹKÝ SLAVKOV 15.XI..43, four-line camp cancel. in blue color on reverse, more times passed through censorship; incl. content, torn lapel U:A5
1944 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG TATRA-LOMNITZ / KLV 99 Haus Orava, answer part from double PC A. Hitler. 6Pf addressed to to Vienna from child camp for children from bombardovaných towns in Germany, these camps was/were under administration of Hitlerjugend, CDS TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA 27.VI.44, passed through censorship; good condition, rare U:A5
1944 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG VYŠNÉ RUŽBACHY/ KLV-Lager - unnumbered, 2 letters to Germany, 1x with 2 Koruna and 1x 70h + 1.30Ks, both CDS VYŠNÉ RUŽBACHY/ PODOLINEC illegible date, 1x red and 1x blue four-line camp cancel. "K.L.V.-LAGER/ Bad Rauschenbach/ Post: PUDLEIN/ SLOWAKEI unnumbered camp, censorship; good condition U:A5
1939-1944 CDV2, CDV8, CDV11, comp. 15 pcs of Us PC Hlinka 50h, Tiso 50h and 70h, from that 13x uprated by., mainly addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia or Sudetenland, 1x mixed franking with Czechosl. parallel stamp., 1x mounted fiscal revenue; good condition U:A5
CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us I. part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 22.V.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, rare, rare usage! U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / very interesting závěrečná part of collection / exhibit on/for more than 60 pages, from Blue Štefánik, overprint issue incl. 10CZK, production flaw overprints, then issue Hlinka - various perf, plate number, production flaw, postage stmp, also air-mail, newspaper, postage-due, corner pieces with plate number, plate and production defects, 3x miniature sheet For Children-issue, unissued stmp etc..; various quality (part viewing of quality recommended), major part better stamps examined various experts, c.v.. more than 1.200€, it is worth seeing! U:K
1939-1945 PLATE FLAWS / very interesting selection of more than 50 various plate flaws, from issue Hlinka - after/around postage-due; on 5 pages from exhibit, all described, mainly mint never hinged U:A4
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY / accumulation bloks of four and blocks various issues - postage stmp, newspaper, delivery and postage-due, several better blocks Hlinka 2,50 Koruna and 3 Koruna with wmk and line perforation 10¼, Tatra with wmk also without, various varieties of paper, several blocks with plate mark etc..; placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / complete used collection incl. expertized overprint issue, value 5CZK with right coupon and value 10CZK with bottom coupon, supplemented with better perf stamp. Hlinka, i.a. 50h with overprint with line perforation 10½ and line perforation 10½ : 12½, gutter pair Hlinka 50h with overprint and line perforation 10½, supplemented with 17 pcs of various entires; placed in smaller stockbook A4, c.v.. ca. 770€ U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection without overprint issue (contains 8 zn.), supplemented with about/by some shades, wmk, perf line perforation 10¼, various papers by/on/at Tatra issue; all in/at small stockbook A5 U:Z
1939-1945 CELISTVOSTI / comp. 6 pcs of various entires, 3x R, from-that/of-it/ 2x to Bohemia-Moravia with censorship, 1x uprated by. certificate of mailing, 2x postage due U:A5
1939-1945 CELISTVOSTI / comp. 8 pcs of entires sent to Bohemia-Moravia with various frankings, 5 pcs of as forerunner with Czechosl. stamp., 3x overprint issue, 1x Reg etc.. U:A5