1948 PLATE PROOF stamp. issue XI. Sokol festival - Scheiner 2Kčs, Pof.477, plate proof incomplete gravure (missing value statement) in/at original grey-blue color on white paper without gum; wide margins
1948 PLATE PROOF stamp. issue XI. Sokol festival - Vaníček 3Kčs, Pof.478, plate proof definitive gravure in/at grey-blue color on white paper without gum; wide margins
1949 PLATE PROOF comp. 6 pcs of fotonávrhů on stmp Stalin, Pof.531 and 532, contains refused designs I. Betušjaka, V.A. Schlossera and J. Flejšara and accepted designs J. Schmidt and J. Mráčka, in two "paspartách", originate originally from prezidentskéhoupomínkového album/-s; quite rare occurrence!
1958 PLATE PROOF Pof.999, Novotný 30h, plate proof - print original gravure in blue color on chalky paper, lightly through engraved wedge [ ˇ ] above "C"; exp. by Karasek
1971 Pof.1876, 1877 - Vernacular Architecture, Šariš 1,60Kčs and Hronsek 2Kčs, comp. 6 pcs of blocks, Pof.1876xa-a paper without optical brightener as blk-of-4 with date of print 19.II.71, Pof.1876xb - block of four on paper optically cleared, Pof.1877ya, paper fl.1 - corner blk-of-8 with date of print 18.IX.79, Pof.1877xa-a, paper without optical brightener, marginal block-of-4 with date of print 29.I.71, Pof.1877xb-b, block of four on paper optically cleared, Pof.1877xb-b, block of four on paper optically cleared, POSUNTISKU red and orange color; mint never hinged, placed on original sheet from exhibit, rare selection of
1968 Reg letter to Prague, franked with. i.a. imperforated stmp Coat of arms Prague 1Kčs with margin, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 7.XI.74; good condition, obvious philatelic purpose after all rare!
1945 ROŽŇAVA / philatelically influenced Reg letter sent in the place, franked with. 8 pcs of Hungarian stamp. with black overprint Czechoslovak Post. , values 1f - 80f, cancelled red CDS ROŽŇAVA 1.V.45/ Czechoslovak Post.; good condition
1945 comp. 14 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945" and provisory R label, from various post, for example. ČÍMĚŘ, FULNEK, RUPRECHTICE, STARÝ JIČÍN, ŠUMICE
1945-1946 comp. 8 pcs of Reg mailing from various with provisory cancel. and provisory Reg labels, from various post, for example. ČISTÁ in Giant Mountains, KUČEROV, SEDLEC by/on/at Mik., TOUŽIM
1946 comp. 12 pcs of entires from various post, with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1946", for example. DĚHYLOV, TELNICE, STAŇKOV, ŠILPERK, mostly good print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 31 pcs of entires from various post, with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945", for example. DOUPOV, CHVALEČ, KOBYLÁ, LODHÉŘOV, NOVÝ SVĚT-HARRACHOV, VELKÝ GRUNOV, mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 38 pcs of entires from various post, with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945", for example. ČISTÁ, LINDAVA, NĚMECKÁ BRUSNICE, OLŠINÁ, PETŘÍKOVICE, VEJPRTY 4, mostly nice print
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 pcs of entires from various post, with provisory circular cancel., for example. JEVÍČKO/ČSP, CSR/PODZÁMČÍ, BLATNICE, DALOVICE, MALÁ MORAVIA, NEŠTĚMICE, PODIVÍN, UHERSKÝ OSTROV; mostly nice print
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 120 pcs of larger part/-s dispatch notes, supplemented with 6 pcs of whole dispatch-notes, all with provisory postmarks, broken out postmark and provisional rubber postmark 1945 and 1946, i.a. contains provisory these post offices, CHOMUTOV, HRADEC U OPAVY, NÝŘANY, POBĚŽOVICE, LUŽICE, DLOUHÁ LOUČKA, HEJNICE etc..; various quality
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna, 6 Koruna, complete set 3 pcs of; value 6 Koruna new gum - excluded from sum, other mint never hinged in good quality, like that c.v.. 18.000CZK
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna, 6 Koruna; mint never hinged, very nice quality without hints of label and folds, in this quality sought
Pof.356Ms(4), 6 Koruna blue, vertical 4-stamp gutter with production flaw 6/A - large white circle after/behind 6 Koruna; mint never hinged, rare defect occures only on/for mizivé part/-s printing, sought!
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS s DV - "broken tlapa“, combination 112, shift red downward almost to k naznačené perf; R lower small bend, interesting, exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. normal plate variety 1.200Kč
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of s DV - "broken tlapa“, combination 111 (in lower margin nice production flaw v papíru, marked by Pofis.) and 112 (with production flaw - small/rare circle lower on/for svislici 2. „E“ name state at value 2 Koruna); mint never hinged, sound condition, cat. min. 2.400Kč
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized collection 75 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: 1-15/111, 1-5/222, 1-15/112, 1-15/211 and 1-15/221, all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality, small part with minor gum fault and minor faults, in this whole quite rare offer!
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow 5h - 2 Koruna, comp. 6 pcs of bloks of four and 2 pcs of pairs with plate errors/flaws, value 5h with plate variety 59/2 and 60/2, 20h with plate variety 12/1 and 92/3, 50h with plate variety 31 and 100, 1 Koruna with plate variety 91, 2 Koruna with plate variety 49 and 91; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4
1945 Pof.381, 382, 384, 385, 386, Moscow, comp. 7 pcs of corner blk-of-4 and one corner 8-pásky with omitted perforation hole and several plate variety; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.382, Moscow 10h brown-yellow, right vertical pair with margin and with 1 (!) registry cross, variant A1; mint never hinged, absolute major-part printing have/has registry dagger double!
1945 Pof.382, Moscow 10h, 2x marginal bnd-of-20 with significant shade color, upper bnd-of-20 with shade to light yellow color, lower bnd-of-20 standard brown-yellow color
1945 Pof.389DZ, 393DZ, London-issue, upper 40-pásy, value 20h with plate mark crossed out "C" with next to other "C" + oblique cut sheet, value 50h with plate mark letter "C" above pos. 7 + shifted perforation; mint never hinged
1949-1953 COUNTER SHEET / Pofis. 487, 488, 502, 721, comp. 4 pcs of complete sheets, from issue Personalities Hviezdoslav 50h (vertical povolená perf), postage stmp Gottwald 3 Koruna carmine in 100 pcs of sheet (type I.) and 5 Koruna in/at 50 pcs of sheet and 3 Koruna violet-red 100 stamps sheet z rotačkyWIFAG with date of print 5.I.53 (on edge by/on/at number sheet signature of engraver of Jindra Schmidt); sheets K.G. very sought
1948-1953 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.488, 521, 721, complete sheets Gottwald 5CZK blue - 50 pcs of sheet, Zvolen 10Kčs - divided 50 pcs of sheet (detached lower blk-of-10), Gottwald 3CZK violet-red - complete 100 stamps sheet with date of print 19.I.53; mint never hinged, only folded in perforation
1949 Pof.502-507, Personalities 50h - 8Kčs, selection of shades all stamps (some v blocích), incl. Jirásek c) grey-green; nice selection of on sheet Leuchtturm
1945 UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, values 5, 10, 20 and 50Kčs, comp. of stamps., stripe and bloks of four with production errors/flaws, without perf, shifts perf, without value, shifted print values; interesting
1950 Pof.A564 production flaw, miniature sheet Prague 1950 with production flaw - significant stěr grey color on pos. 1, 2 and 4; mint never hinged, decorative
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet Prague 1950, sought type III., combination B/28; superb gum, R at top chip of wood in paper, v této quality rare, c.v.. 20.000CZK
1952 Pof.637, 638, International Week of Youth, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, value 1,50Kčs blue with 3x omitted perforation hole on/for corner block of four, value 2Kčs green, 1x omitted perforation hole and 1x green band through/over 2 stamp.; mint never hinged
1952 Pof.649 plate variety, Agriculture 2Kčs with plate variety 70/1,2 - little arc by/on/at staff flags; mint never hinged, in catalogue underprized, sought defect!
1952 Pof.652, 653-654 production flaw, May Day pair 4Kčs brown with line on/for picture upper stamp., 9. May value 1,50Kčs corner blk-of-4 with 2 omitted perforation hole, stamp. 1,50Kčs with color line above picture stamp. and value 5Kčs blue with color obloukovitou line in the picture stamp.; mint never hinged
1952 Pof.697 production flaw, Congress Czechosl. Red Cross, 3Kčs red, vertical pair with upper margin - 2 red bands in/at upper stamp.; mint never hinged, significant production defect
1952 Pof.698, World congress after/behind peace, 3Kčs red, significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp L; mint never hinged, bend + dirty in the picture - viewing of quality recommended, after all very interesting production defect on this issue
1953 Pof.700, II. Czechosl. congress obránců peace, 1,50Kčs brown, LR corner blk-of-4 with vertical color line in the picture stamp. pos. 100; mint never hinged
1953 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.730, Soc. village 1,50Kčs, complete 100 stamps sheet incl. plate variety 37/1, coloured points in/at right upper margin, between 2. and 3. sloupemneproražený one perforation hole; mint never hinged, several yellowy dots, folded in perforation, several permit in margins
1953 Pof.730-731 production flaw, Agriculture, value 1,50Kčs brown with upper margin, with color point above picture stamp. + value 7Kčs green, block of four with R margin and white obloukovitou line in the picture 2 upper stamp.; mint never hinged
1945 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / Pof.363-371A+B, Bratislava's, selection of complete 100 pcs of and 200 pcs of unfolded (!) sheets, 2x complete set sheets of 100 all 5 values, 200 pcs of sheets all plate variety, i.a. value 10K incl. ST "close 0" on pos. 26, significant color stain between stamp. at value 4 Koruna etc..; mint never hinged, outside value 2,40 Koruna unfolded, placed in hard cover
1950 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A564, miniature sheet Prague 1950, comp. of 14 miniature sheets with identified types, contains types I, II, IV, V-XII, XIIa, XIII, XIIIa; only type VI with label, otherwise very nice quality, on pages A4 with descriptions, c.v.. ca. 12.000CZK, rare collection
1953 Pof.742, Charles Bridge 5 Koruna, selection of shades a), b) and c), z toho b) v rohovém block of four s datem 17.12.59, c) v rohovém block of four s datem 28.9.60 (very rare date, teprve second time v aukci), and as Pr