1954 Pof.773 plate variety, Gottwald and Stalin 60h, L marginal block-of-4 with sheet number, 2x significant imprint of transfer roll on/for L margin counter sheet; mint never hinged
1954 Pof.785a, Profession 2Kčs, brown-orange s datem print 19.I.60, nesehnatelný surplus print, on edge signature of engraver Schmidt; for comparison ordinary kus
1954 Pof.810, České Budějovice 3Kčs, 2 pcs of, 1x very light color shade (darker yellow and extremely thin/light print die stamping), 1x common piece for comparison, decorative
1955 Pof.853-857, Praga 1955, selection of types - 853A type II., 854A type II., 853B IV. and VI. type, 854B IV. and V. type and 857A type II.; c.v.. 1.060Kč
1958 Pof.1000B, Novotný 60h, corner blk-of-18 z dotiskuz počátku 60. years, between pane position 48 and 49 omitted on various places two perf. holes (absolutely exceptional, in addition v lichém column), k tomu three different distinctive shades, 2x block of four + pair; sought
1959-1966 PLATE FLAWS / selection of five catalogue flaws in big blocích: Pof.1069, Raketa on the Moon 60h, corner blk-of-12 s DV 29/1 and 30/1 (in addition plate variety 24/1 significant oblique red broken line through last „O“ name state, will be cataloged); Pofis. 1360, Tourism 60h, corner blk-of-10 s DV 17/2; Pof.1532, XIII. Congress of Communists 30h corner piece s datems DV 46/1, Pofis. 1534, XIII. Congress of Communists 1,60Kčs, corner blk-of-8 s datem print s DV 32/1, nice selection of
1961 Pof.1120, Spartakiad 1Kčs, corner blk-of-6 s datem 11.VI.60, shifted perforation up through/over name engraver Švengsbír; still unpublished, decorative
1961 Pof.1170 production flaw, Space Exploration 2Kčs, the bottom corner blk-of-8, through/over 4 stamp. L column production flaw - significant light blue vlnovkovitá line; new discovery, very zajímavé
1961-1976 comp. of 5 various values with both types, Pof.1217 Butterflies 15h, 1575 Art - Kupecký 1Kčs, 1587 Water Birds 30h, 1878 Architecture 2,40Kčs, 2029 Constitution 60h + II. types Pof.701 Obrana peace 4Kčs, A2215 Toximania 2Kčs; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4, c.v.. 2.260Kč
1964 Pof.1405, Zahradní birds 1,20Kčs, 3 various variants joined printing red and blue on/for stylizovanémvajíčku above „K“ (Koruna), in addition shades blue color (1x corner piece, 1x corner Pr, both with registered cross), also with two marginal pairs and marginal piece Pof.1568, Game 40h (deer), three significantly different color shades; interesting
1965 Pofis. 1421, 1424, 1426, three significant plate variety in 4-blocích: 20h plate variety 35/2 red line above „O“ and „S“, 1,60Kčs plate variety 31/1 significant oblique line in/at „N“ state and 1 Koruna with 41/2 violet stains above „K“ currency; published in Philately 9/2018, nice selection
1965-1966DATATISKU / Pof.1480-1483, 1485-1486, 1488, 1563, 1565-1566, selection of 20 date issue Towns, much v páskách and blocks, z toho 11 pcs of rare dotisky on/for sought shades (for example. Nitra rare 30.XI.67 v nejvzácnějším shade in/at blk-of-10, Košice block of four 8.IV.66, Ostrava 3.IV.73 and 14.XI.73, Jindřichův Hradec 30.III.72 and 12.X.73, Prague 3.I.72 (St. růžová!), some date first-time v aukci
1966 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.1551, 70. Anniv Czechosl.O.C. 1Kčs, corner blk-of-8 and marginal strip-of-3 s katalogovou plate variety 18/2 and other five significant plate variety (index inserted s uvedením field), k tomu catalogue defect Pof.1557, Cosmos 20h plate variety 37/2 vertical violet line lower; unusual selection of
1968 Pof.1678, Svoboda 60h, selection of three date v blocích, z toho two very sought dotisky: 28.VIII.68 (single surplus print from WIFAGu2!!!) v rohovém blk-of-10 (bend through/over pos. 1) and 8.XI.71 (last surplus print) v krajovém block of 6, k tomu basic print v rohovém blk-of-18; on/for market doesn't occur, exceptional offer
1971 Pof.1875, Vernacular Architecture 1 Koruna, corner str-of-5, missing perf hole v průsečíku pos. 60, 70 and right margins; only small part two days one reprint, catalogue very misvalues
1971 Pof.1876, Vernacular Architecture 1,60Kčs, 2 marginal pairs on paper optically cleared with dates of print, 20.1.75 (2. surplus print) and date 3.2.76 (3. surplus print) - light green; mint never hinged
1971 Pof.1877c, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, corner vertical strip of 4 on paper optically cleared with date of print 24.X.77 (6. surplus print), shade yellow - grey-violet (!); mint never hinged
1971 Pof.1877xac, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, corner blk-of-10 s datem 17.X.73 (yellow / dark blue); in larger blocks very rare, c.v.. single stamps without date 2.700Kč
1971 Pof.1879, Vernacular Architecture 3,60Kčs, selection of corner vertical str-of-4 and 2 single stamp. with margin, optically cleared paper, dates of print 20.3., 22.3. and 24.3.75 (all 2. surplus print); mint never hinged, interesting collection
1971-1992 comp. of points of interest: Pof.1908, Silniční congress 1Kčs, R bnd-of-20 s kupóny and gutter-pairs; Pofis. 2296 Common Space Flight 30h, two half-sheets s kat. plate variety 1/1 and 8/1 (with shift inscription up); ditto upper bnd-of-20 s DV 10/2 (shift inscription up and red doleva!!) and lower bnd-of-20 s datem; Pofis. 2451 Papercutting 2Kčs, right/genuine blk-of-20 PA1s kat. plate variety 10/1, 28/1, 47/1 and R27/1; Pof.2467, 7. PLP 50h s DO 1/1 (ST II + I) ve 30-blokus datem and number counter sheet; Pof.2999, Christmas 50h, right/genuine half-sheet PA2s výraznýmiDV: 36/2 „ryska above nulouhodnoty“, 48/2 „ryska above 5 hodnoty“, 68/2 „ryska above the first K“, 79/2 „dlouhá black vertical guideline below OV name státu“ and mainly 86/2 „červená stain L from čepice right krále“ (will be katalogizována); Pof.3007, Olympic Games Barcelona, sheet without lower margins s D V15/1 and 28/1; c.v.. 1.674 Kč
1972 Pof.1961-1962, Czechoslovakia world champion, values 60h and 1Kčs in 28-blocích, several plate variety incl. most valuable plate variety 21 - interrupted letter "T"; mint never hinged, cat. min. 4.000CZK
1972 Pof.1966, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, selection of corner horiz. str-of-4 - fluorescing paper 1 (good condition), date 27.9.79 (4. surplus print), single stamp. on paper without opticaly clearing agent with date 9.8.72 (PLATE PROOF) and horiz. pairs on paper optically cleared with date 24.8.77 (3. surplus print); mint never hinged
1964-1973 COUNTER SHEET / comp. of 8 complete archů: Pof.1366, Shakespeare 60h (Liesler), sheet B; Pof.1383, Silesian museum 30h (sheet B); Pof.1704-5, 120. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 30h and 60h (both B); Pof.1837, Palné weapon/-s 1,80Kčs (sheet B); Pof.1862, Intercosmos 1,20Kčs, sheets A and B and Pof.2010, Tennis 30h (sheet A), k tomu sheet Pof.1803, Day of Stamp 1Kčs without bottom margins s DV 26/2 and omitted perforation hole v okraji, very interesting selection of
1974 Pof.2106, 100. Anniv UPU 60h, collection all 4 date print this stamp., and) rose date 23., 24. and 25.9.74, b) violet with date 26.9.74 - only one day; mint never hinged, nice set
1974 Pof.2110, Postal emblems 20h, comp. of 12 date z pěti editions z let1974‒1980, any other one, contains date 4.XI.75 z velmi rare dvoudenního reprint; fine selection of, exceptional
1974 Pof.2111, Postal emblems 30h, 2 marginal block-of-4, 1x tropical gum with date of print 3.III.76, 1x production flaw No.1 - shaded sachet; mint never hinged, exp. Kulda
1974 Pof.2112, Postal emblems 40h, block of four on paper -fl1-, through/over all stamps blue rovnoběžné shading (very rare, vyskytlo with the first day print on/for this paper), k tomu stmp on paper –oz‒s posunem light blue (klobouk) downward (on/for this paper rare)
1976 Pof.2129 plate variety, 30. Anniv destruction Czech and Slovak village/community 1,20Kčs, block of four with plate variety 35/2 - cut notch in addition in/at růži + plate variety 35/2 - thin lines through/over "1" and next to values; mint never hinged
1975 PLATE PROOF Pof.2159, History motorcycles 1.80Kčs, proof print definitive gravure in black color, on/for chalky carton greater size, signed J. Herčík; without defects
1977 Pof.2253, 2255 plate variety, Postal Uniforms, comp. of 4 various plate variety, value 60h in horiz. pair with margin with plate variety 31, 32/2, value 2Kčs with plate variety 18 and 24/1; mint never hinged
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2294, 30. Anniv of February 48, proof print - gravure in/at definitive colors on white paper greater size without gum, signed Herčík; very fine
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2300, Mint in/at Kremnici 1,40Kčs, plate proof - gravure in black color on/for chalky carton greater size, signed J. Herčík; without defects
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2304, IX. world's odborový congress, plate proof - master die in/at definitive colors on/for white carton greater size, signed Herčík; very fine
1978 Pof.2308, European Championships in light athletics 40h, plate proof unfinished gravure - missing inscription state and value, in black color on/for larger chalky carton; without defects
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2321, Prague bridges 5,40Kčs, print original gravure in/at definitive colors, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C" on white paper greater size without gum, in addition on reverse print yellow hlubotiskovou color same stamp., signed Herčík; good condition