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1946 ministerial FDC M B/46b, Hradčany - blue, on reverse with number 2 (!), sent as Reg on/for K. Gottwald, mounted stamp. Pof.446-443, red special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 29.X.46, content letter with dedication minister post F. Hály is as single item/-s in/at kategorii autografů, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 8/ 29.X.46; good condition U:A4
1947 FDC 1B/48, Two-year plan, 2 pcs of with whole sets, different rozmístění postmarks; 1 pcs of with inserted paper slip novinkové service, common condition U:A5
1948 Presidential Election republic, commemorative envelope V A/48, mounted stamp. Pof.475, 477, red special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 14.VI.48, signature Neumann, sent to parliamentarian NS; sound condition U:A5
1950 FDC Exhibition PRAGUE 1950, 4 pcs of with block of four Pof.558-561, 1x T I., 1x T II. and 2x T II. with shifted prints at value 1,50 and 3Kčs; sound condition U:A5
1951-1979 comp. 3 pcs of FDC, 1x different mounting stamps - Costumes III, 2x neohlášené FDC - Common Space Flight 1978 and BIB with coupons 1979; very fine U:A5
1952 FDC 26/52p, Exhibition Bratislava 1952 with 2 print postmark place one + FDC 25/52, unannounced envelope with miniature sheet Exhibition Bratislava 1952 Pof.A691/692, used as Registered, signs of usage U:A5
1961 FDC 5B/61b, Personalities of Cultural Life 1961, with Pof.1174 type I and Pof.1175, Mrštík 60h type II - closed numeral(s) "6"; very fine, c.v.. 2.000CZK, sought variant U:A5
1958 40 years Czechoslovak post. stamps, small/rare commemorative sheet issued Ústředím Czechosl. stamp collectors with picture stamp. Hradčany with white valuable label, gravure J. Schmidt used on/for FDC (17/58), print on/for dvojlistu hand-made paper; very fine U:A5
1973-86 SPECIAL ENVELOPES comp. 5 pcs of, P A/73, P 1/82, P A/83, P 2/84, P 5 /86; very fine 1977-1978 ENVELOPES A NEW YEAR CARDS comp. 2 pcs of envelopes and New Year cards ministry communications, additional printing on envelope from FDC Postal Uniforms 1977 supplemented with PF with picture stamp. Old Prague, Pof.2333 + envelope with additional-printing Day of Stamp 1978 supplemented with PF with picture stamp. A. Mucha, Pof.2355; Un U:A4
1947-1982 [COLLECTIONS] FDC selection of 23 pcs of, contains set 11 pcs of FDC with wmk STANDARD, 1A/47 and 2A/47 with odlišně umístěnými cancel., 6a/49+6b/49, 15/51 with odlišnou color stamp., 2 FDC Day Czechosl. stamps 1972 with defective and opraveným cancel., 15A/77 without postmarks and 2 FDC Sochařství 1982 with odlišnou color gravure; sound condition U:O5