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1932 SG.81-90, George V. - Motives ½P - 5Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £225 U:A5
1862 SG.19a, Victoria "Chalon Head" 6P lilac without watermark; very fine piece (issued without gum) with certificate BPA (i.a. legendary Robson Lowe), c.v.. £2.750, rare stamp U:DR
1911-1919 SG.75-80, Stairways 1P - 3Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1920 SG.106-110, George V. - Jubilee of peace 1P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged U:A5
1920 SG.110a, George V. 1Sh dark green with rare wmk - SUBSTITUTED CROWN; lightly hinged, c.v.. £1.800, very rare stamp! U:DR
1930 SG.126-130, Coat of arms 1P - 3Sh; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. £70+ U:A5
1931-1946 SG.131-132, 2x 2Sh, 3x 3Sh, selection of 5 stamps of various shades, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, 1x 2Sh mint never hinged, 1x spots in margin, c.v.. £93 U:A5
1935 SG.143g, Jubilee George V. 1Sh with plate variety - Dot to left of chapel; superb, c.v.. £250++ U:A5
1935 SG.144h, Jubilee George V. 1Sh with plate variety - Dot by flagstaff; superb, c.v.. £325++ U:A5
1966 SG.273-287, Elizabeth II. - Motives, 1C - $3, complete overprint set; mint never hinged U:A5
1905 SG.135-144, Seal ¼P - 2/6Sh, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Mult Crown CC; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1916-1919 SG.191y, Allegory 3Sh dark violet with INVERTED and also REVERSED transparent wmk Mult Crown CA; lightly used, c.v.. £2.250, rare stamp! U:DR
1921-1924 SG.213-228, Seal ¼P - 3SH, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; mainly hinged, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1953 SG.289-301, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1C - $2,40; complete mint never hinged set U:A5
1865-1903 SG.1-11, Victoria 1P - 1Sh, selection of 13 stamps, various shades, all wmk Crown CC; cat. min. £1.500, interesting set U:A5
1920-1921 SG.59-67, Tercentenary ¼P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; c.v.. £110 U:A5
1938-1953 SG.116, 117, 117a, 118, 119, George VI. 2Sh - 10Sh in basic colors, perf 14 and in addition rare 2Sh 6P perf 14¼; very nice selection of, 2Sh **, c.v.. £1.380++ U:A5
1943 SG.146w, Nelson ½P green, marginal block-of-4 with transparent INVERTED wmk; c.v.. £400+ U:A5
1877-1879 SG.4-6, 8-9, Victoria ½P, 1P, 2½P (*), 6P and 1Sh, all wmk Crown CC; value 2½P exp. Brunn (without gum), c.v.. £590 U:A5
1921-1922 SG.62-70, Port Roseau ½P - 2/6Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1954-1962 SG.140-158, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½C - $2,40, complete set + SG.142a, 2C chocolate / grey-green, wmk Mult Script CA, superb, c.v.. £85++ U:A5
1886 SG.37-39, fiscal 1½P, 4P, 1Sh orange with provisional overprint 1P; very fine, c.v.. £280 U:A5
1890 SG.46a+46c, two joined opposite facing pairs Victoria 1P/8D grey-brown, right upper stamp with plate variety - No stop after "1d"; very fine, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1902 SG.57-66, Edward VII. ½P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1935 SG.146l-148l, Jubilee George V. 1P - 1Sh, all with plate variety - Kite and horizontal log; 1P mint never hinged, c.v.. £635++ U:A5
1938-1950 SG.163c, Sailing Ship 10Sh, perf 12; toned, c.v.. £750, rarest perforation! U:A5
1889 Mi.P6-9, 12, Postage due stamps "numerals" 5-20C and 50C; very fine, 50C VF exp. Schlesinger; c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1884-1950 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection on pages, from issue 1884, mainly complete sets, types, shades, imperforated stamps, also air-mails, postage-due etc..; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€, rare offer! U:Z
1889-1891 SG.27-39, Victoria 1P - 2½P, complete set of 3 stamps + SG.30, Victoria 2½P/4P red-brown; hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1903 SG.33+33a, 36+36a; pairs Coat of arms 1/2P - 5P, 1x printing error "SER T" instead "SERVIET"; very fine and complete set, c.v.. £970 U:A5
1919-1921 SG.78-89, Landscape and George V. ½P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1902-1903 SG.3-7, Edward VII. ½P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Crown CA; hinged, value 6P spots, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1921-1926 SG.60-67, George V. 3P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1950 SG.135-147, George VI. - Motives ¼P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £80 U:A5
1897 SG.9+9a, Victoria "Diamond Jubilee" ½P dark violet and green, block of four, left bottom stamp DOUBLE additional printing; stamp with double printing MNH, very fine multiple with certificate BPA, c.v.. £1.400++, scarce U:DR
1905-1908 SG.29-35, Edward VII. ½P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, cheap value 1P spots, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1921-1932 SG.79a, George V. emerald / red with plate variety - Break in scroll; very fine, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1938-1951 SG.95-111c, George VI. ½P - £1, selection of 40 stamps, basic set with shades, for example. 1Sh 3x, 2Sh 2x, 10sh 3x and £1 3x; rare selection! U:A5
1892 Mi.26-38, Allegory 1C - 1Fr; complete set, c.v.. 300€, sought U:A5
1899-1906 Mi.39-46, Allegory 5C - 5Fr; complete set, c.v.. 320€+ U:A5
1912 Mi.74I+74II, 75I+75II, Alegory05C/25C and 10C/40C, selection of horiz. pairs, combination types I. + II. and II + I; cheap Mi.75I thin place U:A5
1912 Mi.76I+76II, Yv.81+81A, overprint Allegory 10C/5Fr, horizontal pair, left stamp sought type II; toned as usual, exp. A. Brun, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1886-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting mainly complete collection on sheet, from issue 1886, mainly complete sets, also shades, types, PLATE PROOFs, air-mail, postage-due etc..; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€, rare offer! U:Z
1914 SG.48, George V., 5Sh red / green on yellow paper, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £95 U:A5
1953-1962 SG.136a-149, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½C - $4,80, complete set + 4 shades, i.a. SG.149a, $4,80 black / dark (II), all wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged U:A5
1929-1931 Mi.104-106, 108-120, Airmail 50C/12½ - 2G/15C and 10C - 2.80G; two complete air-mail issues, c.v.. 115€ U:A5
1941 Mi.175-182, Airmail 10C+10C - 50C+100C; complete sought set, lightly hinged, c.v.. for * 240€ U:A5
1942 Mi.183-197, Airmails 10C - 10G; complete set, c.v.. for * 120€ U:A5
1899 SG.43b, 46a, St. Ursula ½P with printing error - HALlPENNY and rare 4P brown with printing error FOUR PENCF (certificate PF New York); very fine, c.v.. £835 U:A5
1956-1962 SG.149-161, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½C - $1, complete set of 13 stamps + 2 shades of values ½C and 1C (SG.149a, 150a), wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £135 U:A5
1923 SG.48-60, Old Road Bay ½P - £1, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA and Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £1.200 U:A5
1860 SG.1-3, Victoria 1P-6P with wmk "star"; very fine and complete first issue, 2P blue with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £625 U:A5
1860 SG.1b, Victoria 1P rosa-red, wmk "star", "Double impression"; usual condition of perforation, certificate BPA (i.a. Holcombe), c.v.. £2.500 U:DR
1864 SG.11x, 12x, 14x; Victoria 1P black, 4P yellow and 1Sh orange, all wmk CC REVERSED, perf 12½; very fine, c.v.. £485, rare! U:A5
1864 SG.13w, Victoria 6P violet, used block of four with wmk CC - INVERTED, perf 12½; cat. min. £600 U:A5
1864 SG.14b, Victoria 1Sh orange, wmk CC, perf 12½; very fine piece with certificate Brandon, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1883-1886 SG.33a, Victoria 2½P blue, CA, with sought plate variety - TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED; very fine piece, c.v.. £1.000, very rare U:A5
1883-1886 SG.34a, Victoria 4P brown, CA, with sought plate variety - TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED; very fine piece, c.v.. £850 U:A5
1886-1887 SG.41a, Victoria 6P violet / blue, CA with sought plate variety - TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED; very fine piece, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1891 SG.54 + 54d, 2x bisected 6P with provisional overprint 1/2P; 1x normal overprint, 1x with OMMITED "2" in "1/2"; very fine, on cut-square with whole cancel. ST. LUCIA / FE 4; c.v.. £600 U:A5