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1924 SG.10-20, incl. SG.11d, 15d, George V. 1/2P-3Sh, highest 3Sh **; very nice set, c.v.. £610 U:A5
1934 SG.21-30, George V. - Landscape ½P - 5Sh; very fine and complete set, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1934 SG.21-30, George V. - Motives ½P - 5Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1938-1953 SG.38-47, George VI - Landscape ½P - 10Sh; complete set in perforation 13; complete set 13½ and additional values with perf 14; very fine, c.v.. £670 U:A5
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. Motives" 1/2P-10Sh; hinged, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1935 SG.14i, Jubilee George V. 6P with plate variety - Dash by turret; superb, c.v.. £600++ U:A5
1961-1963 SG.69-79, Elizabeth II. - Landscape, ½C - 1R, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; superb, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1964 SG.84-92, Elizabeth II. - Landscape, 1C - 50C, complete set; mint never hinged U:A5
1891-1904 SG.33-37, Brit. Victoria 1P - 1Sh; complete set with overprint "BRITISH BECHUANALAND"; hinged U:A5
1913-1924 SG.73-82, Brit. George V., ½P - 1Sh, complete set with overprint "BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE"; hinged, c.v.. £65 U:A5
1892-1893 SG.1-10, Coat of arms 1P - £1, in addition supplemented with 6P dark blue; very fine, c.v.. £750 U:A5
1897 SG.66-73, Coat of arms ½P - £1; complete set, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1917-1921 SG.255-322, George V. - Admirals, selection of 38 stamps, all Head DIE III (without distinction A-B, issues 1922-1923), various shades, value 7Sh/6P minor faults in corner, £1 horiz. fold; included to sum as cheapest types, cat. min. £2.000, rare! U:A5
1897-1900 SG.43-50a, Coat of arms 1P - 10Sh, set without value 6P; very fine, c.v.. £950 U:A5
1935 SG.111c, Jubilee George V. 1P with plate variety - Lightning conductor; luxury piece, c.v.. £400++ U:A5
1935 SG.112c, Jubilee George V. 2P with plate variety - Lightning conductor; VF, c.v.. £180++ U:A5
1935 SG.113c, Jubilee George V. 3P with plate variety - Lightning conductor; c.v.. £200 U:A5
1935 SG.114b, Jubilee George V. 6P, corner block of 4 with plate variety - Short extra flagstaff; c.v.. £270 U:A5
1858 SG.8, Allegory 1Sh bright yellow-green, pair, light line cancel.; right lower touched to marginal line, otherwise very nice piece with significant color, c.v.. £600++ U:A5
1877 GRIQUALAND / SG.4-10, overprints "G" type I on stamp CGH 1/2P-5Sh; complete set, various quality, c.v.. £360, ex. Maurice Burrus (auction Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963)! U:A5
1877 GRIQUALAND / SG.7a + 7f, vertical pair 4P (without frame) blue with joined types I + VI overprints "G"; VF, cat. only as singles £900, ex. Maurice Burrus (auction Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:DR
1879 GRIQUALAND / SG.24-29, overprints "G" (type 17) on stamps CGH 1/2P-5Sh; complete set, VF, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1879 GRIQUALAND SG.24-29, overprints "G" (type 17) on stamps CGH 1/2P-5Sh; complete, VF, c.v.. £1.540, rare U:DR
1900 MAFEKING / SG.6, overprint Victoria 1P/½P MAFEKING BESIEGED; very nice piece, exp. Richter, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING - SG.18, "Goodyear" 1P dark blue / blue; VF, CDS MAFEKING MY 11 / 1900, c.v.. £350 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING - SG.21, "General Baden-Powell" 3P light blue / blue; VF on cut-square with cancel. MAFEKING MS pos. 19 / 1900, c.v.. £1.300 U:A5
1902-1903 SG.145, Edward VII. £10 orange / green; very fine unused example of this scarce high value with large part o.g., certificate B.P.A., c.v.. £14.000, important colonial rarity!! U:DR
1905-1909 SG.148-151, Edward VII. ½P - 1Sh, complete set, value 1Sh marginal piece with plate number **, wmk Mult Crown CA; others hinged, c.v.. £100+ U:A5
1901 TRANSVAAL / BOER WAR postcard franked with stamp 1P with overprint E.R.I., CDS PRETORIA 23.9.01, to Germany by so-called. Forwarding Agent - see three-line cancel., supplemented with cancel. Censor/ Passed/ Pretoria; interesting, good condition U:A5
1938 SG.105-108, Motives ½P+½P - 3P+3P; mint never hinged, c.v.. £110+ U:A5
1932 SG.29-30, Victoria Falls, value 2P and 3P; mint never hinged U:A5
1937 SG.40-52, George VI., ½P - £1, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1934-1935 SG.114-122, George V. - Leopard ½P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; 1Sh minor faults, c.v.. £45 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.130-143, George VI. ½P - £1; hinged, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1945 SG.144-157, George VI. - Motives, ½P - 20Sh, complete set of 14 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; superb, c.v.. 85 U:A5
1954-1956 SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. ½P - £1; complete set, only cheap ½P and 2½P lightly hinged, otherwise very fine MNH, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1959-1962 SG.18-31, Elizabeth II. ½P - £1, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1925-1929 SG.1-17, George V. ½P - 20Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £800 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.25-45, George VI. 1/2P - 20Sh, i.a. 3x value 1P - various shades, hinged, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1908-1911 SG.64-70, Edward VII. 2½P - 10Sh, complete set + values 4P and 6P on ordinary paper (SG.66b + 67b), wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1935 SG.126g, Jubilee George V. 6P with plate variety - Dot to left of chapel; c.v.. £800, rare U:A5
1938 SG.131-140, 149-151, George VI. - Coat of arms 1/2P-10Sh incl. color shades 135a, 136ab and 1P-2P (1949); c.v.. £175 U:A5
1953 SG.153-165, 155a, Elizabeth II. ½P- 10Sh; complete and very fine set, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1933 SG.11-20, George V. ½P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £180 U:A5
1938-1954 SG.28-38a, George VI. ½P - 10Sh; complete set, hinged, c.v.. £95 U:A5
1961 SG.78-89, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½C - R2, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, only value 25C hinged U:A5
1954 SG.14-27, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½P - 10Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £90 U:A5