1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, 2 pcs of used in II. postal rate, 1x without additional franking burdened with postage-due in/at neoprávněné value 15h with single-circle CDS TSCHASCHWITZ 26/5 19 and mailing CDS MASCHAU 24.V.19 + same PC uprated by. 5 pcs of stamp. Hradčany 1h, CDS CHEB 18.XI.19, on postcards are blocks of four rare!; sound condition, placed on sheet A4
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent in/at I. postal rate as Express to Switzerland!, uprated by. 3+3+5+10+20+20h Hradčany, CDS PRAGUE 4/ 23.I.19; good condition, exceptional Hradcany 4-coloured franking!, express mailing was/were povoleny only to several countries, ex Dražan
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent in/at I. postal rate as Registered + Express to Prague, uprated with stamp Hradčany 30+50h in front and 5h on reverse, nationalized CDS KAMENICE n. LÍPOU 23/4 19, commercial cancel.; good condition, corresponding franking!
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent in II. postal rate to Austria, uprated by. 2x 3h Hradčany, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 26.V.19; lowered postal-charge for near foreign countries, overfranked by 1 haléř, good condition
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent in II. postal rate as Registered to Čachovic, uprated by. 5+10+40h Hradčany, CDS POHLIG/ 15.V.19 (Poláky); good condition, tricolour Hradcany franking!
1919 CDV5, Small Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent in/at I. postal rate as Express to Jablonec n. N., uprated with Austrian stamp 10h Crown with overprint "German-Austria (Deutschösterreich)", Mi.231 and 3+5+10+20+25h Hradčany, CDS MARIENBAD 1/ 11.I.19; perfect condition, philatelically influenced mailing, mixed Austrian - Czechosl. additional franking are exceptional, ex Dražan
1919 CDV7, Hradčany 10h 2x Us, uprated by. 5h Hradčany addressed to to Teplice, CDS REICHENBERG 9.VI.19, here in red přepsána whole address, again paid 5+10h Hradčany, CDS TEPLITZ - SCHÖNAU 1/ 11.VI.19 and poslána to Litoměřice; sound condition, interesting
1919 CDV7, Hradčany 10h addressed to in II. postal rate to Teplice, uprated with stamp 3h Hradčany with ministerial perf 10½, Pof.2L + Express stamp 2h, CDS AUSSIG 1/ 27.X.19, express stmp disallowed, excess postage paid/franked stamp. 5h Hradčany with overprint "T"; good condition
1919 CDV7, Hradčany 10h addressed to in II. postal rate on/for Král. Vinohrady., uprated by. úhlopříčně halving 10h Hradčany with overprint "FRANCO", railway pmk PROSSNITZ - BÖHM. TRÜBAU/ 16.VII.19; on reverse hints after sticking in collection, bisected Hradčany stamp. as postage stmp are exceptional, non-philatelic zásilka
1919 CDV7, Hradčany 10h sent in II. postal rate Reg and Express to Písek, uprated by. 5+10+20+40+40h Hradčany, broken-out CDS PARDUBICE 29/6 19; good condition, 4-coloured Hradcany additional franking!, non-philatelic, ex Dražan
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h without initials sent in/at I. postal rate as Registered to Vienna, uprated by. 25h Hradčany, CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 7.V.19, snížený rate; sound condition
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h without initials sent in/at I. postal rate as Reg and Express to Germany, uprated with stamp 100h Hradčany with control-numbers, CDS NEUSTADT a.d. TAFELFICHTE 26.IV19 (Nové Město p. Smrkem), framed pmk "Registered" + hand-made "R 54" and "Parteifrankiert", German Reg label "VomAusland/ über railway mail 20.", arrival LÜNEN 30.4.19 in front; good condition, ex Dražan, rare occurrence!
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h without initials sent in II. postal rate as Express to Brno, uprated by. 5x 5h + 4x 10h Hradčany, CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 5.8.19, arrival BRNO 2/ 6.8.19 in front; on reverse hints after sticking in collection, sound condition, decorative commercial mailing, ex Dražan
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h without initials sent in II. postal rate as Registered to Austria, uprated by. 5+25+25h Hradčany, posting single circle cancel TELLNITZ 13/10 19, snížený rate; sound condition
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h without initials sent in II. postal rate as Registered to Ústí n. L., uprated by. 5+10+10+10+20h Hradčany, broken-out CDS KARLÍN 2/ 3.VI.19; good condition, decorative tricolour franking!
1919 CDV11, I. part from double PC for inland sent in II. postal rate as Registered to Austria, uprated by. 5+10+40h Hradčany (snížený rate), nationalized CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV 9.XII.19; good condition, decorative tricolour franking!
1920 CDV13, Hradčany 10h, I. part from double PC abroad, used inlandly, uprated by. 5+25+25h Hradčany, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 11/ 17.XII.19, administrative cancel. okreního court on face-side; good condition
1920 CDV14 I, Hradčany 15h, sent in III. postal rate as Registered to Bavaria, uprated by. 5h Pigeon-issue and 20+30h Hradčany, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 4/ 24.VII.20
1920 CDV14 II, Hradčany 15h carmine, thin/light smooth paper, sent in III. postal rate as Registered to Vysoké Mýto, uprated by. 5+50h Hradčany, broken-out CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 25.6.20, arrival postmark and cancel. mail room of District Court in front; good condition
1920 CDV14 II, Hradčany 15h sent in IV. postal rate to Liberec, uprated by. 20h Hradčany + Express stamp 5h - disallowed, CDS ZÁBŘEH 1/ 16.IX.20, excess postage 5+5h Postage due stmp, CDS LIBEREC 1/ 17.IX.20; good condition
1920 CDV14 II, Hradčany 15h, sent in II. postal rate as Reg and Express to Austria, uprated by. 50+60h Hradčany, CDS JABLONNÉ n. O. 7.II.20; 2x thin/light oblique bend, after all interesting
1920 CDV14 II, Hradčany 15h, sent in IV. postal rate as Registered to Austria, uprated by. 5+15+50+100h, CDS RUMBURK 2/ 25.VIII.20; good condition, 4-coloured Hradcany additional franking!
CDV16A, PC to USA, Hradčany 20h, česko-anglický text, comp. 6 pcs of Un with various printing varieties; good condition, for specialist, c.v.. 6.000CZK
1920 CDV18, Hradčany 20h with monogram, selection of 3 pcs of, 1x sent inlandly in III. postal rate, MC BRNO 9.VII.20, right postal-charge 20h, neoprávněně burdened by postage-due 4x 5h, CDS ČERNÁ HORA 10.VII.20; 1x sent in IV. postal rate to Germany, uprated by. 10h Pigeon-issue + 20h issue Chainbreaker, CDS ÚSTÍ n. L. 29.X.20; 1x sent Ex in IV. postal rate to Dobříše, uprated by. 20+20h Hradčany + 100h issue Agriculture and Science, CDS PRAGUE 3.IX.20; good condition
1921 CDV19, Hradčany 20h, double PC for inland, selection of I. and II. part sent in IV. postal rate to Germany, 1x I. part uprated by. 10h Pigeon-issue + 20h issue Chainbreaker, CDS POLEVSKO 9.II.21 + 1x II. part uprated by. 10+20h Pigeon-issue, CDS NĚMECKÉ JABLONNÉ 21.XI.21; good condition, on sheet A4
1920 CDV22, Hradčany 20h, sent in III. postal rate as Registered to Germany, uprated by. 4x 5h + 4x 10h Pigeon-issue, CDS ŽATEC 19.VII.20, arrival BRESLAU 21.7.20; unusual additional franking; signs of usage, good condition
1920 CDV22, Hradčany 20h, sent in IV. postal rate as Reg and Express to Varnsdorf, uprated by. 10+10+15+200h Hradčany and 2x 5h Pigeon-issue, CDS JINDŘICHOV 27.X.20, right postal-charge 2,65Kč; on reverse hints after sticking in collection, good condition, very color additional franking!
1934CDV52/1-8, Carpathian Ruthenia, complete set of 8 pcs of pictorial post cards; only 52/2 bumped corners and 52/8 hint of gum, other very fine, c.v.. 20.000CZK
1919-1926 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Un PC Hradčany and T. G. Masaryk, contains i.a. CDV17 overprint SO 1920, double CDV19, CDV20, CDV36 2 pcs of, set set CDV31 with additional-printing Olympic Congress in all colors (slightly browny), 17 pcs of Un CDV30 + 22 pcs of with special postmark - printing varieties; mainly good condition, high catalogue value
1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS] CDV23, CDV26, CDV28, selection of Un PC issue Liberated Republic, 6 pcs of 40h, 20 pcs of international 150h red and 10 pcs of 50h green, various papers, plate variety and flaw print; mainly very good condition, c.v.. 2.400CZK, for specialist
1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS] CDV23, CDV27, CDV28, collection of ca. 260 pcs of PC Liberated Republic, value 50h green ca. 220 pcs of and 40h brown ca. 40 pcs of; mainly good condition, suitable for specialist
1928-1930 [COLLECTIONS] CDV39, CDV40, selection of 31 pcs of Us pictorial post cards T. G. Masaryk 50h, 1x complete set of Jubilee issue CDV39/ 1-18, supplemented with in addition other 9 pcs of + 4 pcs of CDV40, part sent as Reg, Ex, Reg and Express, part abroad as Italy, USA, Austria, Yugoslavia, Germany; all good condition, valuable selection of
1919 CZL1, Hradčany 20h green, paper grey, without margins, sent as Reg of castle in Decin, uprated by. 5+50h Hradčany, CDS KVASICE 19.7.19, resent to castle Chlumek (Schloss Perglass), 2x arrival postmark Dassnitz 22.7., resp. 27.7.19 on reverse; interesting, recipient is last owner děčínského castle Francis Anton from Thun-Hohensteina, sound condition
1920 CZL1, Hradčany 20h green, paper grey, without margins, sent in IV. postal rate to Josefova, uprated by. Surtax stamp. 40+20h Č. cross Pof.170, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 23.XII.20; rare franking, sound condition
1920 CZL1, Hradčany 20h, green, paper grey, sent as express to Plzen, uprated by. 10+60h Hradčany, CDS KLATOVY 5.VII.20, arrival postmark PLZEŇ 1 on reverse; with 2 margin, R margin dusky, otherwise sound condition
1927-39 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / collection 21 pcs of letter cards Coat of arms 1CZK, Pof.CZL2 - various variants, sent 8x Ex (from that 3 pcs of pneumatic-tube post, 1x strictly private), then 3x Reg and 1x Reg and Express, 8 pcs of abroad (4x Germany, 1x France, 3x Austria); placed in letter file A4, sound condition
1918-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of various Us p.stat Czechoslovakia I., i.a. contains 7 pcs of Us letter cards CZL1, several pictorial post cards, supplemented with neprošlými p.stat CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., i.a. Un Slovak recording address card Tiso 50h with overprint CAZ3, Bohemian and Moravian letter-card with overprint Malostranské credit bank in Prague, several larger parts parcel cards with frankings Hradčany, or postage-due to exhaustion-, supplemented with entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and příměsí abroad; various quality, suitable to other elaboration
1918-1943 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / smaller incomplete collection mainly used stamp. on/for 59 unbound pages, from Hradčany after/around exile London MS, supplemented with several entires
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / more/larger accumulation unused stamps from issue Hradčany after/around postage-due and SO 1920 in big 32 sheet stockbook, in addition supplemented with about/by better sets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from 50. and 60. years; mainly hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION in 5 various stockbooks, Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint, other issue as postage-due, newspaper etc.., various plate variety etc..
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / small collection Un stamp. with also mint never hinged, supplemented with duplication, contains basic set stamp. Hradčany, incl. imperforated 10h green, 25h ultramarine, basic incomplete set stamp. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Scout 20h light red, stamp. from miniature sheet Anthem-issue also sheet issue corner blk-of-4 with L coupons and Pl 1, set Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, part opposite facing pairs, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk 1920, postage-due, newspaper, supplemented with several entires; all in/at one older 12-sheet stockbook
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / comp. of ca. 400 pcs of entires, letters, p.stat, postcard, part R, line sent abroad (Switzerland), various more interesting franking issue Hradčany, letterpress issues, also Festival, Congress, air-mail etc..; originates from abroad, various quality, part only front sides, as multiple interesting, placed in 5 letter files for entires in/at smaller box