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1907-1910 SG.23-33, Brunei River 1C-$1; complete and very fine set, in addition rare 4C grey black/ reddish purple - SG. 26a; c.v.. £250 U:A5
1908 SG.34-47, Brunei River 1C-$5, complete set + shade 10C - SG.42a; very fine, c.v.. £260 U:A5
1922 SG.51-59, Brunei River 1C - $1; complete set with overprint MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922; very fine, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1952-1958 SG.100-113, Sultan Omar, 1C - $5, 2x complete set, various shades, values $1 - $5, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, rare set U:A4
1895 Reg letter with 1. issue "Landscape with star" addressed to London, with SG.2-7, and on Labuan with additional franking 18c with black overprint SG.71, CDS BRUNEI, LABUAN, decorative REGISTERED, arrival red LONDON; nice quality, cat. shows only "SG.1-10 are rare used on cover", scarce letter, rare destination U:A5
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION / letter with SG.J10, J12, J13, "Water village with ships" 8C, 12C, 15C, with line overprints; very fine, cat. min. £245 U:A5
1894-1896 SG.62-74, stamps of North Borneo 1C - 24C with overprint LABUAN; basic set of 9 stamps, heavier hinges, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1895 SG.75-79, overprint North Borneo 4C - 40C/$1 with overprint LABUAN; complete set, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1900-1902 SG.111-116, overprint North Borneo 2C - 16C, overprint LABUAN; hinges, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1938-1941 6 Reg letters with multicolor franking issue KG VI., 1x mixed franking with stamp $1 issue George V., addressed to various destinations as India, USA, Iraq, Czechoslovakia and Netherlands, from that 3x Reg and airmail, censorship etc..; good condition, interesting set U:A5
1883-1891 SG.63-71, Victoria 2C - 96C, complete set, wmk Crown CA; very fine set, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1902-1903 SG.110-121, George V. 1C - $5, complete set 12 stamps + SG.118a, wmk Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £420 U:A5
1912-1923 SG.193-212, George VI. 1C - $5, selection of 26 stamps, wmk Mult Crown CA, basic set supplemented with shades - 2x 1C, 2x 10C, 2x 30C, 3x $5 (!); very fine, cat. min. £500 U:A5
1923 SG.240cs, George V. $100 carmine / black, wmk Multiple Script CA, overprint SPECIMEN; very nice piece, c.v.. £1.000, sought and rare stamp! U:A5
1936-1937 SG.260-274, George VI. 1C-$5, complete set, wmk Multiple Script CA; c.v.. £225 U:A5
1933-1934 PLATE PROOF SG.263, George V. 5C, set of 7 imperforated plate proofs on chalky paper in various colors, so-called. Survey Deparment Essays; only PLATE PROOF in black color minor faults, otherwise very fine U:A5
1902-1903 2 various p.stat reg covers Victoria 5c blue, 1x addressed to Germany and redirected to England, 1x addressed to Netherlands, both uprated with stamp Edward 8c, CDS SINGAPORE; good condition U:A5
1905-1913 3 various p.stat reg cover Edward 10c blue, addressed to Egypt, Netherlands and Germany, all uprated with stamps issue Edward and George V. various values, CDS SINGAPORE; good condition U:A5
1906-1913 10 PCs issue Edward, 4x 1c green from that 3x uprated and addressed to 2x to Germany and 1x to Belgium + 6 international PC 3c red, addressed to Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, to Java (Isl.) and to Sumatra; good condition U:A5
1930-1933 2 Reg and airmail postal stationery covers, 1x postal stationery cover George V. 6c red addressed to Netherlands with flight BANGKONG - AMSTERDAM, uprated with 5 values of KG V. i.a. 25c and 35c - sent back, 1x postal stationery cover 15c blue George V. sent by DUTCH AIRLINES ( K.L.M.) to Austria, uprated with stamp George V. 4x 10c and on reverse 12x 2c, both envelopes with mailing CDS SINGAPORE; good condition U:A5
1891-1901 selection of 10 letters, various issues of Victoria, from that 5x sent as Registered, multicolor frankings, part addressed to Europe, all with mailing CDS SINGAPORE; various quality U:A5
1914-1934 14 letters with issue George V., from that 5x as Registered letter, mixed franking, air-mail letters etc.., CDS SINGAPORE, addressed to mainly to Europe and USA; various quality, interesting selection U:A5
1935-1937 8 letters franked with issues Jubilee 3x and Silver Jubilee 5x, from that 3 as Registered, addressed to various destinations as China, England, Austria, Czechoslovakia to Java (Isl.); various quality U:A4
1939 WRECK & CRASH MAIL Reg letter sent from Singapur to London with red straight line postmark Salvaged Mail from Centurion, on reverse post. stick-on label Found open or damaged with CDS REGISTERED / LONDON 18. JNE 39, CDS SINGAPORE 8.JU.1939; rare U:A5
1902-1940 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY collection of 21 various unused p.stat PC, envelopes and letter-cards issues Edward, George V. and George VI., contains 12 single PC, 2x double PC, 2x Reg 4x ordinary postal stationery covers, from that 4x PC with overprint SPECIMEN, various shades and papers; mainly very good quality U:O5
1900-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 25 Ppc, only 3 unused, addressed to Europe, with issues Victoria, Edward and George V., 1x stamp with perfin, 2x lithography postcard with picture of ship "Prinzess Alice" and S.S. "Silvia" and other interesting topographical postcards of Singapur; mainly good condition U:O5
1894 SG.28a, 30a, overprint 3C/4C and 3C/4C in pairs, WITHOUT DOT AFTER "CENTS"; very fine and sought printing errors, c.v.. £320 U:A5
1960 SG.155-165, Sultan Izmael - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. £70 U:A5
1937 SG.60-68, Sultan Abdul 10C - $5, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; c.v.. £300 U:A5
1911-1915 SG.1-12, Coat of arms 1C - $25, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; lightly hinged, c.v.. £225 U:A5
1957-1963 SG.83-94, Sultan Ibrahim - Motives, 1 - $5, complete set + 3 types of perf values 50C, $2 and $5, SG.94a marginal piece; mint never hinged U:A5
1954-1957 SG.23-38, Elizabeth II. - Palms 1 - $5, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £60 U:A5
130 SG.42-62, Coat of arms 1C - $5, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £130 U:A5
1957-1962 SG.86a+86b, Sultan Abu Bakar $5, 2x - various shades: brown / bronze green + brown / yellow-olive, both stamps marginal, with perf P 13 : 12½; mint never hinged U:A5
1954-1957 SG.28-43, Elizabeth II. - Palms 1C - $5, complete set, value 50c marginal piece with plate number and value $1 with margin, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1950-1956 SG.128-148, Sultan Jusuf 1C - $5, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £130 U:A5
1957-1962 SG.29-4075, Syed Putra - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set + 1x 50C (perf type) ; mint never hinged U:A5
1888-1897 SG.8-21, Brooke 1C - $1, complete set, without watermark; hinged, value 50C brownish, c.v.. £600 U:A5
1932 SG.91-105, Brooke 1C - $1, complete set; hinged, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1946-1947 2 complete issues: SG.146-149, 100 years of Sarawak 8C - $1; hinged + SG.150-164, Brooke 1C - $5, overprint "G.R." (Georgius Rex), wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged U:A5
1934 SG.T12-T22, Brooke 1C-5$, with overprint TELEGRAPH; only 3C hinge, c.v.. £260 U:A5
1957-1961 SG.116-127, Sultan Hisamuddin - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set + 3 types of perf values 50C, $2 and $5; mint never hinged U:A5
1910-1919 SG.17s, Sultan Zain £25 SPECIMEN; toned as ususal, c.v.. £400 U:A5
1957-1963 SG.89-99, Sultan Ismail - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set + 3 types of perf values 50C and $5 (SG.99a); mint never hinged U:A5
1901 uprated postal stationery cover to Germany, uprated with overprint stamp 15C/15C, CDS SOERABAJA 2/3 1901, arrival BRÜHL; good destination U:A5
1897-1902 SG.92-109, Motives 1C - 24C, selection of 18 stamps, basic set supplemented with types of perf, value 3C used., in addition SG.110 (new gum) and SG.111; various quality, popular issue, cat. min. £1.100 U:A5
1899 SG.112-126, overprint Motives 4c/6c - 4c/$10, incl. $5 and $10 SG.125-126, missing SG.112, all "large overprints"; usual minor gum fault, c.v.. ca. £400 U:A5
1909-1923 SG.158-176, Motives 1C - 24C, selection of 23 stamps, fine perf, basic set, supplemented with shades; various quality, minor faults, c.v.. ca. £700 U:A5
1931 SG.295-302, 50 years of North Borneo Company 3C - $5; very fine set, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1939 SG.303-317, Motives 1C - $5, complete set; cheap 6C small spots, otherwise nice quality, c.v.. £1.400, rare set U:A5
1950-1952 SG.356-370, George VI. - Motives, 1C - $10, complete set of 16 stamps incl. SG.366a, value 50C with printing error "Jessleton", wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £140+ U:A5
1906 POSTAGE-DUE / SG.D50, D50a, D51, Motives 2C both types perf and 4C with overprint BRITISH PROTECTORATE and POSTAGE DUE at top; c.v.. £255 U:A5
1916 Reg letter to England franked with overprint stamps SG.186-188, CDS KUDAT 16.AUG.1917, on reverse arrival postmark.; rare letter, c.v.. £800 U:A5
1955-1959 SG.38-52, Elizabeth II. - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £130 U:A5