Online Auction 64 / Philately / Philatelic Literature

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221570 - 2019 Monograph p.stat Slovakia 1939 - 1945, O. Földes and S
2019 Monograph p.stat Slovakia 1939 - 1945, O. Földes and S. Havlíček; totally new book in/at plastovém cover, original price 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
223229 - 1971-1990 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, parts 2 and 4, supp
1971-1990 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, parts 2 and 4, supplemented with bulletins Agriculture and science 1923; good condition
Starting price: CZK
221572 - 1987 PERFINS / Catalogue perfínů from territory Czechoslov
1987 PERFINS / Catalogue perfínů from territory Czechoslovakia, Vojtěch Maxa, solid binding with Doplňkem from year 2008; as new
Starting price: CZK
222893 - 1969-1971 Časopis MERKUR, complete volumes 1969-1971 incl.
1969-1971 Časopis MERKUR, complete volumes 1969-1971 incl. zvláštního number, bound in 2 books; good condition
Starting price: CZK
222887 - 1937 EKSTEIN CATALOGUE / Deskové marks and commemorative po
1937 EKSTEIN CATALOGUE / Deskové marks and commemorative postmarks, 1918-1938, III. year/volume, 2. printing, Prague 1937, 118 sides; good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
222491 - 2013 POFIS / Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, spe
2013 POFIS / Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, specialized catalogue, issue 2013, printing rozebrán; totally new
Starting price: CZK
222895 - 1937-1963 SELECTION of / Forgeries Czechosl. stamps - J. Kar
1937-1963 SELECTION of / Forgeries Czechosl. stamps - J. Karásek 1963, Popřevratová postmark former Czechoslovakia - J. Vacek 1940, How with state filatelistou - J. Novotný 1940, Úprava collection postal stamps - J. Karásek 1961, Trial about/by philatelic collections Postal museum - E. Hirsch 1956, Catalogue national exhibition postal stamps - Bratislava 1937; mainly good condition
Starting price: CZK
223720 - 1991  Firebrace, John - BRITISH EMPIRE CAMPAIGNS AND OCCUPAT
1991 Firebrace, John - BRITISH EMPIRE CAMPAIGNS AND OCCUPATIONS IN THE NEAR EAST 1914-1924 - A POSTAL HISTORY. Published in 1991 by Christie's Robson Lowe, London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xii + 460 large pages. The essential Postal History study of the British, Indian, Australian and New Zealand participation in the Campaigns in Egypt, Gallipoli, Salonica and the Sudan, which are all described in greatest detail. A monumental handbook and reference work on the subject, profusely illustrated in black & white. A large and heavy handbook (2 KG), long out of print and sought after. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
1996-1997 THE ANNA-LISA AND SVEN-ERIC BECKEMAN 'MANDARIN' COLLECTION - 1878-83 THE LARGE DRAGONS (Sale 1-3). Auction held in 1996-1997 by Sotheby's & Corinphila, Hong Kong. The Handbook & Catalogue including 143 colour plates (hardbound) and the auction text catalogues for Sale 1-2 (card covers). A first part of the Beckeman collection, one of the most exceptional China collections ever formed. Including the First Custom Issue with Proofs & Essays, Domestic Mail, Mail Abroad and from Abroad. A scarce handbook and catalog including many beautiful colour plates. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223744 - 1978 GIBRALTAR / POSTED IN GIBRALTAR, Hine-Haycock 1978, Rob
1978 GIBRALTAR / POSTED IN GIBRALTAR, Hine-Haycock 1978, Robson Lowe London, specialized trial on/for more than 140 sides, postal history, single issue, plate proofs, specimens, forgeries etc..; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
223713 - 1971 Rogers, Col. Henry H.A. - A CENTURY OF LIBERIAN PHILATE
1971 Rogers, Col. Henry H.A. - A CENTURY OF LIBERIAN PHILATELY. Published in 1971 by K. Bileski Ltd, Manitoba. Hardbound, 204 large pages. The definitive handbook on the Stamps and Postal History of Liberia, covering all phases of the first hundred years of Liberian philately. Including the Regular and Semi-Postal Stamps, Registration Stamps & Labels, Postage Due and Official Stamps, Proofs & Essays, the Revenues and more.Published in a limited Library Edition of 2000 copies of which this is No. 1355, signed by the author. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223719 - 1991 Ibbotson, Peter - MAURITIUS POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS.
1991 Ibbotson, Peter - MAURITIUS POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS. Published in 1991 by The Royal Philatelic Society, London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 239 pages and MAURITIUS - REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS, published in 1995, Hardbound in dustwrapper, 117 pages. The reference handbook on the Mauritius, already sold out a few months after its publication and never reprinted, awarded with the Crawford Medal in 1992 by the Royal Philatelic Society of London. Together with the impressive Supplement 'Revisions and Additions' published after five more years of research on the Mauritius Islands. The pdf 'Book Review' will provide a detailed description of the 1991 Handbook (see: scans). A rare set of Mauritius handbooks, much sought after, but difficult to find. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223742 - 1967  Collins, R. J. G. - Burge, A.R. & Watts, C.W. (editors
1967 Collins, R. J. G. - Burge, A.R. & Watts, C.W. (editors) - THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF NEW ZEALAND - VOLUME V. Published in 1967 by The Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand, Wellington. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xxix + 818 pages, including 102 full page illustrations and colour plates. Volume V of the classic New Zealand reference books. Covering the Stamps and Postal History of the Pacific Islands under New Zealand Administration, History and Political Surveys for Cook Islands (and Rarotonga), Aitutaki, Penrhyn Island, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau and Kermadec Islands, Ross Dependency, Aukland Islands, Campbell Island, New Zealand Postal Agencies, Air Services in the South Pacific. A monumental and scarce handbook, in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
1983 Lee, Roger - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH NEW GUINEA AND PAPUA 1885-1942. Published in 1983 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, viii + 111 pages. The comprehensive study of British New Guinea and Papua including the Pre-Stamp period, Queensland Stamps used in B.N.G., Postal Stationary and Rates, the Post and Receiving Offices, Registration Handstamps, Postage Dues and more. The reference book on the subject, in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223715 - 2002  Hopson, S. & McCloy, B. M. - SEYCHELLES POSTAL HISTORY
2002 Hopson, S. & McCloy, B. M. - SEYCHELLES POSTAL HISTORY AND POSTAGE STAMPS TO 1976. Published in 2002 by the Indian Ocean Study Circle, Surrey. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xiv + 172 pp. The 2002 update of the handbook first published in 1976 by Sue Hopson. Without doubt the most important handbook on the philately of the Seychelles, covering all aspects of the Postal History and Stamps (see scans of the contents list). A splendid handbook and reference work, wll illusttrated. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223724 - 1979  Hibbert, Edward - St. HELENA - POSTAL HISTORY AND STAM
1979 Hibbert, Edward - St. HELENA - POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS. Published in 1971 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, viii + 200 pages. The classic handbook covering all aspects of St. Helena's Postal History and Stamps Issues up to1971. An excellent handbook and reference work, very well illustrated including some colour. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223736 - 1996  Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF SWAZI & ZULUL
1996 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF SWAZI & ZULULAND. Published in 1996 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 182 pages. A splendid study of the Postal History of Swazi and Zululand, with much bakground information and well illustrated with special attention to the Postmarks. The book is divided in two parts - the first devoted to Swaziland and the second part to Zululand. An important reference work in perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223745 - 1983 Minuse, Kenneth & Pratt, Robert H - THE ESSAYS AND PROO
1983 Minuse, Kenneth & Pratt, Robert H - THE ESSAYS AND PROOFS OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Published in 1983 by Sissons Publications, Ltd. Hardbound, 198 pages. The definitive publication on the BNA Essays and Proofs. The only edition ever printed and no other published work as since comes close to this one. The reference handbook, loaded with essential information on the subject. Hard to find and in excellent condition
Starting price: CZK
223737 - 1976 Chapman, Samuel - THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF MEXICO 1856-186
1976 Chapman, Samuel - THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF MEXICO 1856-1868. Published in 1976 by Quarterman Publications, Lawrence, MA. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xxxi + 376 pages. The reference handbook by Samuel Chapman who had business interests in Mexico and access to the Post Office archives there. Describing in greates detail all aspects of the "Eagle" and 'Maximilan" Issues. A classic handbook in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223735 - 1991 Proud, Edward B.. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE BRITISH P
1991 Proud, Edward B.. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD. Published in 1991 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 551 pages. An extensive study of the subjet providing fascinating background information, reprints of postal documents, a thorough listing and valuation of the Postal Markings. Including the British Post Offices in China, Japan, Macao, and Thailand, Postal Rates, Pacific Mail Routes, etc. Very well illustrated and in perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223734 - 1992  Proud, Edward B. & Rowell, Milo D. - THE POSTAL HISTOR
1992 Proud, Edward B. & Rowell, Milo D. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA AND BRITISH BORNEO 1941-1945 Published in 1992 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 327 pages. Including chapters on the General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Malayan Postmarks and Post Offices, the Thai Occupation of Malaya, Borneo Postmarks and Post Offices. The scarcest of all ProudBailey publications and much sought after. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223728 - 1976  Ringström, S. & Tester, H. E : THE PRIVATE SHIP LETTE
1976 Ringström, S. & Tester, H. E : THE PRIVATE SHIP LETTER STAMPS OF THE WORD - THE CARIBBEAN. Privately published in 1976. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 166 pages. The profound study of the Maritime Mail in The Carribean with special focus on the Stamps issued by the Private Shipping Companies for franking mail. Including chapters on St Thomas - La Guaira Puerto Cabello, the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., The Central American Steamship Co. and more. Including the six facsimile sheets of the
Starting price: CZK
223730 - 1966-1976 Buckley, G. D. & Marriott, W. B. - THE STAMPS OF T
1966-1976 Buckley, G. D. & Marriott, W. B. - THE STAMPS OF THE ORANGE FREE STATE, Part I - III. Published 1966-1976 by The Orange Free State Study Circle, Twickenham-Surrey-London. Hardbound, 282 + 211 + 247 pages. Part I : The Republican Era 1854-1900, Part II : the British Occupation 1900 and Part III : Orange River Colony 1900-1913. The complete 3 volume set of this classic work on the Stamps of the Orange Free State. A comprehensive study and still considered as the reference on the subject. Scarce handbooks in very good condition
Starting price: CZK
223718 - 2010  Marriott, Sir John & Medlicott, Michael & Ramkissoon,
2010 Marriott, Sir John & Medlicott, Michael & Ramkissoon, Reuben A - TRINIDAD - A PHILATELIC HISTORY TO 1913. Published in 1991 by British West Indies Study Circle, Alicante, Spain. Hardbound in dustwrapper, x + 359 large pages. The outstanding study of the Postal History of Trinidad and a wonderful addition to the book by Edward Proud also offered in this auction. While the Proud handbook is focusing on the Postal History and the Post Marks, the Marriott book has special attention for the various Stamp Issues, providing beautiful colour illustrations of the Stamps, Proofs and Essays. Part from the individual colour illustrations, the book counts 36 full colour plates. A splendid (and heavy) publication, without doubt an important reference work on the subject. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
223739 - 1980 Crabb, George F. - THE HISTORY AND POSTAL HISTORY OF TR
1980 Crabb, George F. - THE HISTORY AND POSTAL HISTORY OF TRISTAN DA CUNHA. Published in 1980 by the Author, Surrey, UK. Comb binding, 347 pp. Since his first publication of the Tristan da Cunha handbook in 1965 together with James Mackay, George Crabb continued his research of the Postal History of the island. The result is this monumental work, published 15 years later in 1980, which has become the reference book on the Postal History of Tristan da Cunha ever since. A scarce and magnificent publication, in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223741 - 1993 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF UGANDA AND ZAN
1993 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF UGANDA AND ZANZIBAR. Published in 1993 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 433 pages. A comprehesive study divided in two parts - the first devoted to Uganda and the second part to Zanzibar, including separate bibliography lists. Providing much historical background information, detailed chapters on the Postal History, the Post Offices and their Postmarks. Very well illustrated with special attention to the Postmarks as in all Proud-Bailey publications. A splendid handbook in perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
1973 Bulat, John - ILLUSTRATED POSTAGE STAMP HISTORY OF WESTERN UKRAINIAN REPUBLIC 1918-1919. Published in 1973 by Philatelic Publications Yonkers, New York. Hardbound, 96 pages. A profound study describing in detail the Lviv and Kolomyia Issues, the C.M.T. Romanian Occupation Samps and the Stanislaviv and Vienna Issues. An important handbook in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223723 - 1986  Skinner, Hubert C. & Gunter, Erin R. & Sanders, Warren
1986 Skinner, Hubert C. & Gunter, Erin R. & Sanders, Warren H. - THE NEW DIETZ CONFEDERATE STATES - CATALOG AND HANDBOOK. Published in 1976 by Bogg & Laurence Publishing, Miami. Hardbound, 270 pages. The authoritative handbook on the United States Civil War Stamps and Postal History. First published in 1929 by August Dietz, born in Prussia (1869) and major specialist in Confederate States, each later edition contained new information obtained after years of research. The 1986 edition became the reference work on the subject. The additional scans will provide more detailed information. A splendid publication and classic handbook, in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
223716 - 2005 Frajola, Richard C. & Kramer, George J. & Walske, Steve
2005 Frajola, Richard C. & Kramer, George J. & Walske, Steven C. - THE PONY EXPRESS, A POSTAL HISTORY. Published in 2005 by The Philatelic Foundation, New York. Hardbound, vi + 165 pages. A definitive study of the Pony Express, focusing particularly on the 251 Pony Express covers that are recorded and illustrated in the book. An indispendable addition to the Pony Express handbook published by Nathan and Boggs in 1962. A beautiful publication, in perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
1958 VENEZUELA / THE EARLY STAMPS OF VENEZUELA, C.W. Wickersham, 1958, very good condition, rare publication
Starting price: CZK

Online Auction 64 / Philately / Philatelic Literature - Information

Na filatelii je možno nahlížet mnoha způsoby, mimo jiné také jako na vědní obor, který je definován svým specifickým objektem zkoumání, metodami a technikou práce, terminologií, vymezenými pojmy apod. K prezentaci získaných poznatků i ve filatelii od počátků slouží odborná literatura, která sběratelům pomáhá určit směr jejich sběratelské činnosti a případně naznačuje „co má a nemá smysl".