Online Auction 64 / Other Collector`s Domains / Other Collectors domains

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223417 - 1938 GERMANY / Czechoslovakia - Summer Olympic Games BERLIN
1938 GERMANY / Czechoslovakia - Summer Olympic Games BERLIN 1936 / ADMISSION TICKETS, TICKETS, PHOTO photo album with 140 pcs of paste-in private photos size 8x6cm from výletu to Berlin on/for olympiádu and road/-s after/around northern Germany, photo Berlin, Hamburg, Zeppelin, war ship Admiral Spee etc.., supplemented with jízdenkami and 2 vstupenkami on/for olympiádu (!), originate from Sudetenland - Litoměřice; good condition
Starting price: CZK
223704 - 1939 JEWISH BADGE / Un and neostřižená nášivka on/for o
1939 JEWISH BADGE / Un and neostřižená nášivka on/for oděv from žlutého textilu with black printing "Jude"
Starting price: CZK
223712 - 1944-1945 VÁLEČNÉ LETÁKY /  comp. 13 pcs of various orig
1944-1945 VÁLEČNÉ LETÁKY / comp. 13 pcs of various original flyers "Feldpost (Field-Post)" issued Americkou army in/at West Europe and shazovaných above Germany; good condition
Starting price: CZK
223721 - 1945 USA / MILITARY NÁŠIVKY  comp. 3 pcs of nášivek, 3.
1945 USA / MILITARY NÁŠIVKY comp. 3 pcs of nášivek, 3. army - Gen. G.S. Patton, 4. army and 7. army
Starting price: CZK
223637 - 1947 Czechoslovakia / ENTRANCE TICKET/ entrance ticket for W
1947 Czechoslovakia / ENTRANCE TICKET/ entrance ticket for World Championship in ice hockey Prague 1947, supplemented with memorial envelope with commemorative postmark to/at same action; good condition
Starting price: CZK