Online Auction 64 / Philately / Czech Republic

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222493 - 1993-2014 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.16, Olomouc 8CZK, str-of-3 with
1993-2014 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.16, Olomouc 8CZK, str-of-3 with plate variety 65/2 „dole cut 8“, only on/for základním print, objevena v době, where was/were this printing beze zbytku vypotřebován, c.v.. very misvalues; Pof.711, Sokol 14CZK with plate variety 19/1B „modrá stain v těle sokola“ and plate variety 8/4B „žlutá stain by L leg sokola“ (very rare defect); Pofis. 797, Olympic Games Soči with plate variety 6/1 „bílý circle on/for kombinéze“ (other position, then is pictured v katalogu!); very interesting sestava
Starting price: CZK
222583 - 1994 FORGERY / Pofis. 35, 118, forgeries to defraud the post
1994 FORGERY / Pofis. 35, 118, forgeries to defraud the post Brno 3CZK - Strakonice forgery v krajovém block of four, Slohy 4CZK line perforation (paper -bp-), marginal blk-of-10; marked Padělek, nice study materiál
Starting price: CZK
223219 - 1994 Pof.41a plate variety, Children's Day 2CZK, bright red,
1994 Pof.41a plate variety, Children's Day 2CZK, bright red, plate variety 28/2 - rabbet on/for hrudi 2. figure, only on/for small part/-s printing (print 27.4.1994); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223001 - 1995 Pof.63 production flaw, European agreement 8CZK, horizo
1995 Pof.63 production flaw, European agreement 8CZK, horizontal pair with L margin, production flaw - without print grey color (warping in vlajkách); very fine, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
223003 - 1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3
1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
217248 - 1996 Pof.125 production flaw, Tycho Brahe 5CZK, UR corner bl
1996 Pof.125 production flaw, Tycho Brahe 5CZK, UR corner blk-of-4, incomplete-printing black color R with full also incomplete printings appliances, missing name state; mint never hinged, high c.v.., quite rare
Starting price: CZK
223002 - 1997 Pof.139 production flaw, Heartfelt congratulation 4CZK,
1997 Pof.139 production flaw, Heartfelt congratulation 4CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
222183 - 1993-1999 SELECTION of / 17 date postage stmp issue Towns, S
1993-1999 SELECTION of / 17 date postage stmp issue Towns, Stavební folder, Zodiac and Havel 4,60CZK, any other one, several sought reprints, z toho 9x bnd-of-10 and 1x 70-blok (Kozoroh z W2, jednodenní basic print 23.X.98 s odlišným shade); cat. only single stamps 1.380CZK, like that value daleko more/larger
Starting price: CZK
222470 - 2001 Pof.283, Zodiac 12CZK, marginal blk-of-10 s VV - signi
2001 Pof.283, Zodiac 12CZK, marginal blk-of-10 s VV - significant incomplete-printing black color v kresbě lion on/for three stmp; on/for upper right stamp incomplete-printing hřívy, on/for the bottom right incomplete-printing L leg and chodidla; on/for the bottom L incomplete-printing hrudníku and front tlap, very nice blok
Starting price: CZK
217279 - 2001 Pof.284 production flaw, Comenius 9CZK, without nominal
2001 Pof.284 production flaw, Comenius 9CZK, without nominal value; mint never hinged, catalogue misvalues., very rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
222328 - 1993-2008 PLATE FLAWS / selection of plate variety, producti
1993-2008 PLATE FLAWS / selection of plate variety, production flaw and other interest on stock-sheet A4, for example. catalogue Pof.2, plate variety 45/1, Pof.14 plate variety 86/1, Pof.256 s datem s VPO, Pof.A289 s velkým violet kroužkem, Pof.396, PB s TV 4/H, also Havel 4,60CZK Pof.168 v rohovém 16-bloku s ORZ (sice bohužel exactly nasazeno, but bright identifikovatelné according to vyhnutých perforation hole in horiz. upper perf); all described, c.v.. 6.630Kč
Starting price: CZK
217295 - 2003 Pof.361 production flaw, Rozhledny 6,40CZK, vertical ma
2003 Pof.361 production flaw, Rozhledny 6,40CZK, vertical marginal blk-of-10 with production flaw - on all stamps violet stains on/for sky, in addition plate variety 42/1 - white stain below "CZK"; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
222315 - 2004 Pof.420, Christmas 6,50CZK, corner blk-of-6 with double
2004 Pof.420, Christmas 6,50CZK, corner blk-of-6 with double smykovým print green color (name and state and value) v 1. and 2. line, in 3 line double only value, still nepublikované, will be katalogizováno, for comparison common piece
Starting price: CZK
222359 - 2006 Pof.PL459x, Kytice 10CZK, PB with additional-printing T
2006 Pof.PL459x, Kytice 10CZK, PB with additional-printing "Tower clock" P...36444 with wrong uvedeným year 2007 place 2006; c.v.. 6.300CZK, sought
Starting price: CZK
222581 - 1993-2009 DATA TISKU / selection of 23 date print, any other
1993-2009 DATA TISKU / selection of 23 date print, any other one, mostly in larger strips or blocks, z toho 16 postage stmp (for example. 4 various dotisky Scorpio 5,40CZK, 2 dotisky Slohy 4,60CZK), but also for example. Eastern 2004 4CZK s DV 45/1, date z poštovního transport; unusual, c.v.. stamp. without date 1.140Kč, like that significantly větší
Starting price: CZK
222467 - 2007 Pof.A519, 2x miniature sheet Charles Bridge 45Kč s VV
2007 Pof.A519, 2x miniature sheet Charles Bridge 45Kč s VV: 1x large rose prstenec L from the first lampy from the L (the most significant catalogue ofsetová defect Czech Republic), 1x significant white stain L from kupole (sole production flaw in this miniature sheet directly on/for známce)
Starting price: CZK
222167 - 2008 Pof.544, Gate s pávem 10CZK, stmp 1. variants s lev
2008 Pof.544, Gate s pávem 10CZK, stmp 1. variants s levým coupon k 50. Anniv Holýšov, single case print přitištěných coupons on this stamp on/for printing-works Xerox v důsledku závady newer printing-plant Hewlett Packard (all other zakázky on/for printing-works HP); complete sheet still nebyl předložen, v kat. in Zpravodaji price struck through, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
222317 - 2009 Pof.A589, Protection polárních regions 35CZK, two sou
2009 Pof.A589, Protection polárních regions 35CZK, two souvenir sheets, 1x production flaw 2 - rose circle v pravé hroudě R lower (other position, then is pictured v katalogu), 1x production flaw 3 - „sjezdovka“
Starting price: CZK
222300 - 2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka A, complete booklet wi
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka A, complete booklet with production flaw - without pin hole, plate 4, green-blue (rarer shade, evidently last chance získat); c.v.. 40.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
223007 - 2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, stamp. with L
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, stamp. with L margin and hologram, production flaw - without pin hole; very fine
Starting price: CZK
223008 - 2010 Pof.635 production flaw, Mucha value Z, marginal stmp.,
2010 Pof.635 production flaw, Mucha value Z, marginal stmp., production flaw - shift náseku downward to inscription Czech republic; very fine
Starting price: CZK
222559 - 2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, complete booklet variants A (P.O.
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, complete booklet variants A (P.O. Box), on/for šesti right/genuine stmp significantly skidding print black (flowers R significantly double), catalogue for the present doesn't report, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
222301 - 2011 Pof.674a, Towns A, corner blk-of-4 s malými perforati
2011 Pof.674a, Towns A, corner blk-of-4 s malými perforation hole; c.v.. Pofis evaluates čtyřmi asterisks (only small part first of day print), very rare
Starting price: CZK
222483 - 2011 Pof.677, Eastern A, selection of blocks s výrazně od
2011 Pof.677, Eastern A, selection of blocks s výrazně odlišnými shades: 2x L corner blk-of-6 (lighter and darker green, z toho 1x shifted perforation L-wards), 1x lower corner blok of 4 (darker green s posunem perf up) and 1x L bnd-of-10 (significantly dark green, shifted perforation L-wards), last selection of from same zdroje as tickets 1664 and 1665 v minulé auction, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
222488 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas 2011 A, complete sheet from field 1
2011 Pof.707, Christmas 2011 A, complete sheet from field 1 first reprint (2012), rare to růžova zabarvené background on all stamps, in addition s katalogovou production flaw 38/1 „černá stain above upper kolenem srny“ (surplus print z roku 2012); c.v.. 15.000CZK (production flaw excluded from sum), quite exceptional offer from same zdroje as ticket 1589 z 62. auction, on request photo-certificate labour
Starting price: CZK
222471 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas 2011 A, marginal block-of-8 z prvn
2011 Pof.707, Christmas 2011 A, marginal block-of-8 z prvního reprint (2012), upper two horiz. line rose zbarvené, the third line crossing, lower row common ochre yellow; c.v.. evaluates only rose shade (4x 300CZK), gutter-pair neither přechody on one counter sheet doesn't report, rare, on request exp. labour
Starting price: CZK
215632 - 2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus A, block of fou
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus A, block of four with R margin and significant shift pin hole L-wards closely k pravému frame; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
223005 - 2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus value A, samole
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus value A, samolepicí, vertical pair, production flaw - without pin hole and náseku; very fine, c.v.. 15.000+, sought defect!
Starting price: CZK
223006 - 2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslas value A, horizon
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslas value A, horizontal strip-of-3 with left margin, production flaw - significant shift pin hole and náseku L-wards to picture of stmp; very fine, sought variant defects shift!
Starting price: CZK
222476 - 2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, complete booklet, variant B (rough n
2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, complete booklet, variant B (rough násek, old hologram), stamps v dolní middle significantly skidding print (rozostřený and double) dark blue color; catalogue for the present doesn't report, very rare, significant defect from same zdroje as ticket 1675 v minulé auction
Starting price: CZK
222162 - 2013 Pof.772 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, LR corne
2013 Pof.772 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 s nápisem on/for right margin with production flaw - significant shifted perforation downward transport to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, decorative, still known only one arch!d
Starting price: CZK
222465 - 2014 Pof.828, Lada A, marginal vertical strip of 3 with plat
2014 Pof.828, Lada A, marginal vertical strip of 3 with plate variety 13/3 „světlý circle on/for střeše“ + corner blk-of-6 with plate variety 37/3 „růžový crescent by/on/at tree by/on/at rámečku“; sought catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
222466 - 2014 Pof.828, Lada A, selection of two marginal block-of-4,
2014 Pof.828, Lada A, selection of two marginal block-of-4, 1x extremely light and 1x extremely dark color shade, k tomu vertical pair s posunem perf L-wards to picture of stmp, very nice and decorative selection of, c.v.. 3.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
222914 - 2014 Pof.PA829-PA830, own stmp Cimrman A + Z, two complete 2
2014 Pof.PA829-PA830, own stmp Cimrman A + Z, two complete 25-kusové counter sheet; face-value 1.775Kč
Starting price: CZK
222565 - 2015 Pof.842, Eastern A (hare), four corner blocks of four w
2015 Pof.842, Eastern A (hare), four corner blocks of four with čtyřmi fázemi katalogové production flaw 41/1 significant red stain (below kolenem, in thigh, v šosu and v kabátku); catalogue shows only three stage, c.v.. 1.400CZK, exceptional selection of
Starting price: CZK
222472 - 2015 Pof.845, championship v ledním hockey 30 CZK, corner
2015 Pof.845, championship v ledním hockey 30 CZK, corner blk-of-4, L upper stamp. with production flaw 4/4 - significant incomplete-printing numeral(s) 3 values; catalogue very misvalues
Starting price: CZK
222310 - 2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, selection of two ver
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, selection of two vertical pairs s katalogovými VV: 1x production flaw on pos. 33 - violet circle v modré area lower, 1x other defect on pos. 33 - yellow stain in red field flags above „li“ (republic), both on reprint; mint never hinged, sought catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
222311 - 2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, three corner blocks
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, three corner blocks of four s katalogovými production flaw on pos. 7 - rose circle v modrém field blízko pin hole in two fázích v horní třetině and in lower třetině blue area (1. surplus print) and other production flaw on pos. 7 - large blue oval v modré area (basic print); sought catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
223004 - 2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech republic value A,
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech republic value A, samolepicí, vertical pair, production flaw - without pin hole and náseku; very fine, sought!
Starting price: CZK
222309 - 2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech Republic A, two c
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech Republic A, two corner 2-pásky: production flaw on pos. 1 - red circle on/for rozhraní white and red area, production flaw on pos. 4 – yellow circle v červené area, sought catalogue defects z 1. reprint
Starting price: CZK
222308 - 2015 Pof.867VV, Vlajka A, selection of three stripe and bloc
2015 Pof.867VV, Vlajka A, selection of three stripe and blocks s katalogovými VV: 2x production flaw on pos. 5 (1x two yellow rings v červené area, 1x only one circle – rare stage defects) and 1x production flaw on pos. 35 - oblique river through/over whole blue face (in/at corner block of four); sought catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
222485 - 2016 Pof.880 production flaw, Jaderný institution 27 CZK, 2
2016 Pof.880 production flaw, Jaderný institution 27 CZK, 2x marginal block-of-4 s VV 12/3 (1x rose stain v levé part/-s šedého atomu below „n“, 1x rose stain v pravé part/-s šedého atomu) and production flaw 16/3 (1x white stain in lower part/-s blue atomu, little overlapping to šedého atomu below ním and 1x rose stain L between two šedými atomy); other stage catalogue defects then v předešlé auction, sought
Starting price: CZK
222482 - 2017 Pof.942, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade st
2017 Pof.942, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade stamps as blk-of-4; for comparison including commemorative sheet PF 2019 s 2-páskou stamps normal shade, still unpublished, rare usage this výrazného shade
Starting price: CZK
222469 - 2018 Pof.964, Eastern A, block of four and pair with product
2018 Pof.964, Eastern A, block of four and pair with production flaw 42/4B - red stain on the bottom hands and production flaw 50/4B - yellow line below „Velikonoce“; catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
222299 - 2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické
2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with plate variety - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare significant variant defects!
Starting price: CZK
220697 - 2019 Pof.A1019/1020, miniature sheet Hanzelka and Zikmund, 2
2019 Pof.A1019/1020, miniature sheet Hanzelka and Zikmund, 2 nonstandard pieces: 1x R part miniature sheet significantly lighter, above notice "Evropa-Asie" violet map, gate R lower and her surroundings light brown, grey obelisk, in addition vzájemný shift OT and ofsetu (double outlines kontinentů, die-stamping below ofsetem); 1x dark blue map, gate and her surroundings grey, obelisk hnědošedý, also double outlines kontinentů, die-stamping above ofsetem
Starting price: CZK
222475 - 2019 Pof.A1038-1041, 2x miniature sheet Zoologické garden I
2019 Pof.A1038-1041, 2x miniature sheet Zoologické garden IV, 1x significantly lighter ofsetové background (green-blue color place dark green), very rare; 1x normal shade, but s VV - significant yellow stain v těle kozy on/for L margin miniature sheet, sought
Starting price: CZK
222486 - 2019 Pof.A1049-1050, Medřická and Lukavský 23CZK and 27K
2019 Pof.A1049-1050, Medřická and Lukavský 23CZK and 27Kč, four souvenir sheets s výrazně odlišnými shades (face Medřické brownlila, grey-brown, brownish grey, brown-black), significant differences also in yellow color; fine selection of
Starting price: CZK
222165 - 2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 with strong smykov
2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 with strong smykovým print black color, k tomu pair common print black, but s VV pos. 12 - yellow stain above „včela“
Starting price: CZK
222578 - 2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, horiz. bnd-of-10 with significantly ob
2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, horiz. bnd-of-10 with significantly oblique print all stamps with regard k náseku and cut; L stamps have significantly wider lower margin, right stamps upper margin, kuriózní and unusual defect
Starting price: CZK
222561 - 2020 Pof.A1085, Vesmírná architecture 45Kč, 3 pcs of s r
2020 Pof.A1085, Vesmírná architecture 45Kč, 3 pcs of s různými zajímavostmi: 1x stínovaný name state, 1x white „vykřičník“ below right part/-s vznášedla on stmp, 1x darker shade and white circle on/for right from two UR lopatek vrtule
Starting price: CZK
222329 - 1998-2001 [COLLECTIONS]  ČÁSTI ARCHŮ / selection of sough
1998-2001 [COLLECTIONS] ČÁSTI ARCHŮ / selection of sought joined printings s kulatým razítkem: Pof.179-182, Animals in upper bnd-of-20 s datem, 209-212 Butterflies v půlarších s daty and corner 9-blocích; k tomu booklets SL166 Tradition of Stamp Production (with date), SL193-195, Švejk (1x s datem) and SL189-90 For Children-issue s příležitostnými postmarks Joseph Lada, resp. Child's post (sought) and several ocelotiskových PB
Starting price: CZK
221820 - 1993 ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) Prague (red); most sou
1993 ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) Prague (red); most sought booklet Czech Republic, very fine, c.v.. 2.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
223232 - 1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS]  collection 33 pcs of stamp booklets
1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS] collection 33 pcs of stamp booklets, i.a. contains ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5, ZS6 etc.., several booklets with in advance used stamp.; very fine, c.v.. 7.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
223231 - 1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS]  collection 45 pcs of stamp booklets
1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS] collection 45 pcs of stamp booklets, i.a. contains ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5, ZS6 etc.., several booklets with in advance used stamp; very fine, c.v.. 9.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
221930 - 1993-2002 [COLLECTIONS]  selection more than 100 pcs of stam
1993-2002 [COLLECTIONS] selection more than 100 pcs of stamp booklets; only face-value more than 3.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
222306 - 2018 card s aršíkem Bombajský letter, lower inscription
2018 card s aršíkem Bombajský letter, lower inscription Czech post, distribuovaná together s PT 37C/a exclusively on/for official recepci Czech post on/for exhibition Praga 2018; missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print, catalogue shows (illustrated on/for page. 270), but for the present doesn't evaluate
Starting price: CZK
221832 - 1994-2002 PTR1-PTR9, comp. 9 pcs of commemorative prints fro
1994-2002 PTR1-PTR9, comp. 9 pcs of commemorative prints from annual volumes, incl. hledaného PTR1, Contemporary Art; c.v.. 11.190Kč
Starting price: CZK
221834 - 1995-2002 PTM1-18, selection of 17 pcs of commemorative prin
1995-2002 PTM1-18, selection of 17 pcs of commemorative prints Postal museum (without PTM6); c.v.. 14.300Kč
Starting price: CZK
221838 - 1993-2002 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting comp. of ca. 100 pcs of
1993-2002 [COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of ca. 100 pcs of commemorative prints, commemorative sheets etc.., contains i.a. PT1-12 incl. b) variants, PTR2, CSO2, 12 pcs of special commemorative print Mercure revue (i.a. special commemorative print B10a + B10b, Barrand, T. G. Masaryk), PAL1x ("President"), PAL2, PAL4 etc.., then various special commemorative print to exhibitions, publikacím (Butterflies) etc..; high catalogue value, part various quality, suitable to other elaboration and sale
Starting price: CZK