Online Auction 65 / Collections
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1849-1967 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting used collection in 3 superb screw folder on hingeless sheets DAVO, from issue 1863 mainly complete incl. many better sets and miniature sheets, contains i.a. Mi.35-38, 42-47, 81-88II, 104-106, 121-128, 191-203, 235-243, 315-321, 347-353, 366-372 etc.., also souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1-6, 20, 21-22, 23, 24, also for example occupied territories, Eupen, Malmédy, railway stamp., parcel etc..; various, mainly good quality, high catalogue value by estimation more than 5.000€, it is worth seeing U:Z
1961-1997 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 4 spiral folders on hingeless sheets Lindner, contains various sets and souvenir sheets; c.v.. ca. 1.400€ U:Z
1962 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / Mi.1324-1328, 1329-1333, Bl.9, Varna Chess Olympic, interesting selection, contains i.a. complete 25-counter sheet, perforated also imperforated, FDC, souvenir sheets, faze prints etc..; c.v.. ca. 500€ U:Z
1939-1943 SHEETS / selection of 6 complete sheets of 25, Mi.552, 561, 553 (2x), 594 (2x), in addition supplemented with block-of-25 of stamp Mi.511 and 493; very fine, interesting U:A3v–
1849-2010 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection, from 1930´s mainly complete, on pages in 10 (!) spring folders, from classic issues Napoleon and Ceres - used, from issue 1900 as unuused and used, contains many better stamps also sets as Mi.136, 139, 144-151, 152, 169-172, 177-180, 211-214, 222, 229, 248, 255, 305-311, 408-415, Bl.4, 865, 987-990, 1053-1058 etc.., then stamp bklts Red Cross from year 1952 (i.a. Mi.956 (!), 984-985, 1032-1033 atd.), also joined printings, higher valid face-values etc..; to year 1945 part various quality */**/(*), overall very high catalogue value, we advice examination, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR BOSNA AND HERZEGOVINA / specialized collection on 12 pages in glassine envelopes, single issues, blocks, production flaws - shifts overprints, inverted, double etc.., postage-due etc..; supplemented with 4 certificates, high catalogue value, interesting U:Z
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR CROATIA / specialized collection on 12 spages, overprint issue and other issues, blocks, production flaws - inverted overprints, offsets, shifts, different types etc.., also so-called. Zagreb provisionals etc.; 1x certificate Zrinjšćak (Mi.96U), interesting U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR SLOVINSKO / specialized collection on 26 pages, from issue Chainbreakers, single issues, blocks, papers, shades, perf, production flaws - omitted perf, double, offsets, also postage-due etc.., supplemented with several dispatch-notes; interesting U:Z
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / SERBIA / MONTENEGRO / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / YUGOSLAVIA in full 16-pages stockbook A4, mint also used stamps, complete also incomplete sets, incl. some classical stamps etc.., single stamps more times; various quality U:Z
1912-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Safe in spiral stockbook, without better sets of 1920´s and 1930´s, after 1935 more complete, i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.2-5 etc..; part of stamps hinged, higher catalogue U:Z
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] BALTIC STATES / small collection Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia on pages in spring folder + on several sheets in folders, part complete sets, also some air-mail and postage-due issues, several miniature sheets etc..; various quality U:Z
1947-1959 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of mint and used stamps in smaller stockbook, i.a. contains ** Mi.267-271, 291 with margin, 297, 298 etc..; c.v.. ** ca. 1.000€ + used ca. 1.200€ U:Z
1948-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps and miniature sheets, strong 1949-1953, i.a. contains Mi. 35-41, 42-60, 61-63, 75-79, 80-81, 82-86, 88-90, 101-105, 106-109 etc.., in smaller stockbook; c.v.. ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, almost complete - issue Horns to 60Pf, part hinged, part however also mint never hinged; c.v.. according to the quality ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1918-1972 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting and almost complete old collection on pages in spring folder, from Mi.2, mainly complete sets, also part of issue POCZTA POLSKA, many miniature sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.1 (stamps mint never hinged), air-mails, postage-due etc.., in addition issue PORT GDAŇSK, Levant, local post, charitable stamps etc..; mainly mint hinged, overprints without guarantee, we advice examination, high catalogue value! U:Z
1920-1925 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION 1920-1925 / collection of 36 PC from II. - XIV. postal rate, mostly with various supplementary frankings addressed to Czechoslovakia, some also as Printed matter, interesting rates (near abroad), supplemented with 1 letter and 14 Ppc; total 50 pc, it is worth seeing, good condition, in stockbook A5 U:Z
1945-2003 [COLLECTIONS] general mainly complete collection of used stamps and miniature sheets, without overprints 1945, Renner blocks and Masks issue and several joined printings from last years, placed on sheets Schaubek in 2 folders; very nice collection, c.v.. ca. 2.200€ U:Z
1829-1918 [COLLECTIONS] TŘEBÍČ - REGIONAL COLLECTION OF POSTAL HISTORY / large regional collection of postal history of Třebíč, contains total of 229 entires with postmarks also with picture of buildings, then i.a. 12 prephilatelic letters with postmarks V:TREBITSCH, oldest from year 1829, various varieties of line also circle cancel., contains receipts, dispatch-note, letter-cards, postal stationery covers, PC, 1x order letter, part as Registered, Ex, surtax, cancel. of railway post office train post, Postal Agency, from period of I. war postmarks of hospitals, advertising added prints of some companies, on 78 sheets A4 with descriptions in spiral folder; mainly good quality, valuable and rare regional collection, ex Bulant U:Z
1850-1880 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 80 letters with I. - VI. issues, various cancel., i.a. GÖRKAU, SCHLUKENAU, BÄRRINGEN, KARLSBAD, BUCHAU etc..; various condition, letters unfolded U:K
1949-1952 Mi.Bl.13, miniature sheet Stalin and other better issues in Ministerial album of delegation USSR on Congress UPU, Brussels 1952, contains i.a. Mi.1528, 1535-36, 1599-1600, 1627-1630, 1557-1558, 1601-1605, 1513-14, 1618 and other; cat. over 1.500€; very rare U:Z
1951-1976 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection on hingeless sheets Lindner in two spiral albums, many complete sets; overall good quality U:Z
1938-2000 [COLLECTIONS] mainly used collection in two spiral albums Lindner on hingeless sheets, contains complete sets and miniature sheets, part unused hinged, i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 + FDC, then for example set PAX etc..; various quality, higher catalogue U:Z
1863-1921 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary specialized mainly complete collection on pages with descriptions in 3 spring folders, from first issue 1863 Toughra and postage-dues, various issues Duloz, overprint, Sultan road, then postage-due, Surtax, i.a. issue 1911 and 1916, then local issues, blocks, shades, postmarks, also several entires etc..; rare, very high catalogue value! U:Z
1863-1926 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / contains i.a. r incomplete collection on pages in spring folder, i.a. 48 stamps from issue Sultan road, then duplication in 5 small stockbooks, i.a. several stamps of issue Toughra etc.., identified postmark etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing U:Z
1937-1980 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / collection of complete also incomplete booklets in stockbook A4, various issues etc..; various quality U:Z
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in album Scott (only small part of classic period), supplemented with duplication in two full stockbooks; various quality U:Z
1930-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / AIRMAIL STAMPS / FDC accumulation FDC, air-mail entires and p.stat in letter files in full IKEA box, mostly modern issues after 1930; ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1930-1980 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / FDC / ca. 200 entires - FDC also Used uprated p.stat, mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia; placed in spiral stockbook U:Z
1954-cca 1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of stamp on cards in middle box, also several joined printings, miniature sheets etc. U:K
1969-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection 1969-1980 on pages in two screw folders, contains unused and used stamps, also FDC and blocks of four + collection of entires Children's Day 1979 + first day sheets UNPA; placed in middle box U:K
1859-1940 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8-pages in stockbook A4, various issues, complete also incomplete sets, air-mails etc..; various quality U:Z
1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA / accumulation of mainly used stamps in large 15-pages stockbook, contains i.a. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Columbia etc.., always part of classic period, some values also more times etc..; various quality U:Z
1898-1900 COUNTER SHEET / MOROCCO AGENCIES / SG.5+5c+5d, Victoria 40 Centimos orange-brown, overprint MOROCCO AGENCIES, complete sheet of 120 with gutters, plate 2, contains 1x plate variety - Deformed "M" in overprint and 2x plate variety - (Exlamation mark for I); hinge remnant on sheet margins out of stamps, certificate RPSL, cat. min. £1.470, rare U:A3v–
1853-1864 [COLLECTIONS] ALLEGORY - TRIANGLES/ extraordinary collection on pages with descriptions, issue Allegory Triangles Perkins Bacon, De La Rue, 2x Wood-block etc.., contains many pairs, blocks of four also larger multiples, cut-squares, 9 covers etc.., major part of the stamps originate from old aquisitions from auctions of Harmer, Robson Lowe, Mohrmann etc.; many pieces exp. Bühler, Bolaffi, Diena, etc..; mainly very nice quality, chosen pieces, c.v. by estimation more than £40.000! U:Z
1967 HADRAMUT / Mi.PL169-176, Art 10F - 150F, complete set of perforated and imperforated print sheets; very fine, c.v.. 180€ U:A3v–
1937 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS / George VI. - CORONATION; VF, complete set, mostly corner blocks-of-4, in addition single; cat. min. £1.200 U:Z
1937-1970 [COLLECTIONS] area of 13 pages in stockbook A4, contains mainly stamps and sets Southeast Asia and Malaya states, Ceylon, Singapore, South Africa etc..; part mint never hinged, higher catalogue U:Z
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / Worldwide in 4 stockbooks + on sheets and in folders, contains i.a. England, colonies, France, Belgium, Norway, Russia, Austria, Hungary etc.., part also classic period, various incomplete also complete sets, more interesting single stamps etc..; various quality, placed in middle box U:K
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in full stockbook A4, contains cheaper items, part also more interesting; various quality, we advice examination U:Z
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH COLONIES / small collection on ca. 40 pages, contains mainly basic sets of 1920´s-1940´s, i.a. Algeria, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Syria, Dahomey, Gabon, Indochina, Martinique etc..; various quality U:Z
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] PORTUGUESE COLONIES / accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, from Azor - Zambezii, contains incomplete also several complete sets, several blocks, airmail stamps etc..; part **, higher catalogue, interesting destination U:Z
1943-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / POLAND, KUBA, USSR large collection of ca. 800 entires with postmarks and added-print on envelopes, cards and p.stat all with motive of chess, placed in 13 stockbooks for entires; ca. 25kg of material in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1920-1940 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL STAMPS / collection of air-mail issues - Switzerland, USSR, Spain, Hungary, Gdańsk (Danzig), Greece, Yugoslavia, north Europe; many better stamps and sets, high catalogue value U:O4
1950-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / BELGIUM, FRANCE, ITALY, AUSTRIA, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, SWEDEN, DENMARK, FINLAND, USA, INDIA, BRAZIL , ARGENTINA etc.., large collection ca. 1000 entires with postmarks and added-print on envelopes, cards and p.stat all with motive of chess, placed in 15 stockbooks for entires; ca. 30kg of material in IKEA box, rare, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1947-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / WORLDWIDE / extraordinary collection of thematic stamps, sets, miniature sheets, printing sheets, FDC etc.. in 46 stockbooks (!), contains stamps worldwide, from first issue of Bulgaria 1947, Europe, Asia, Caribbean, Africa etc.., also i.a. imperforated variants and oths.; practically all mint never hinged, in 3 full IKEA boxes, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1933-2010 CHESS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA - Czech Republic / collection of entires with postmarks and added-print with Chess theme, ca. 300 entires, contains i.a. special postmarks as MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ/ DURASŮV SJEZD Ú.J.Č.Š., 2x on envelope and card + commemorative sheet with 2 print special postmark, BRATISLAVA 1948/ XX. JUBILEJNÍ SJEZD CZECHOSL. ŠACHISTOU in orange also violet color, PODĚBRADY 1956/ FINÁLE PŘEBORU Czechoslovakia V ŠACHU etc.., placed in 4 stockbooks for entires; part from rare thematic collection U:Z
1950-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / OLYMPIC / exhibit, ca. 350 letters, p.stat, FDC, also stamps and miniature sheets on 240 pages A4 with descriptions, placed in 4 spiral cover, supplemented with ca. 60 letters in box and collection cards of correspondence CHESS games; ca. 10kg of material in larger box U:K
1970-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / YUGOSLAVIA big collection of ca. 1.000 entires with postmarks and added-print on envelopes, cards and p.stat, all with motive of chess, placed in 16 stockbooks for entires; ca. 30kg of material in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1927-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / FRG, GDR, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY large collection of ca. 800 entires with postmarks and added-print on envelopes, cards and p.stat all with motive of chess, placed in 14 stockbooks for entires; ca. 30kg of material in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1938-1953 PHILATELIC MAGAZINES / selection of titulů: Tribuna stamp collectors 1940-1943, Czech philatelist 1940-1944, Oběžník June - November 1945 (quite unknown titul), Rozhledy philatelist 1945, National collector 1939, Philatelic revue 1938, Philately 1951-1953, supplemented with Okno to world 1940-1941, Basika: 100 years post. stamps 1840-1940; outside one year Philately all bound, good condition U:K
1997 HORKA: Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, issued Trojan; as new, incl. map/-s air-mail lines U:Z

1928-2019 LITERATURA SBĚRATELŮ CZECHOSL. ZNÁMEK / big box full expert literature nezbytné for collectors Czechosl. stamps and entires, contains i.a. Hirsch - Franěk: Czechoslovak stamps 1935, Novotný: Spec catalogue Czechoslovakia 1918-1949, Novotný: Catalogue p.stat and commemorative postmarks Czechosl., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and Slovakia, Novotný: Special catalogue Slovak stamps 1944, Novotný: Specializovaná manual Czechosl. stamps 1970, Weis: Czechosl. PC 1931, Philatelic handbooks notebook 1-2, 4-7, 1928, Jonáš: Trial about/by Czechosl. otiscích frankotype 1933 and 1934, Schödelbauer: Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, issue 2002, Pofis: Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA issue 1999 and 2012, Pressfil: Příležitostná cancel. 1918-1939, Nebeský: Czechosl. commemorative postmarks 1919-1969, Holoubek: Revolutionary issue 1996, Trojan: Privátní added-print 1945-1996, Synek: cat Slovakia 39-45 issue 2019, Földes: Catalogue Slovakia 1939-1945, ZSF: Spec. catalogue Slovakia 1939-45 and 1993-200, Vápenka: Scout added-print on/for p.stat, etc.., supplemented with lot of other philatelic guides about/by Czechosl. razítkách, air-mail post, R labels etc..; almost 20kg philatelic literature, ATTENTION, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:K
1931-2009 LITERATURA SBĚRATELŮ POSTAL HISTORY / box expert literature nezbytné for collectors postal history in Czechoslovakia and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, contains i.a. Postal service výkonná 1931, Postal index 1939, Postordung - Postal Order 1944, Listing village/community in/at countries Czech and in Slovakia, Kratochvíl: Listing post Czechoslovakia 1945-1987, Kratochvíl: Prague post 2009, Kratochvíl: Czech, Moravian and slezské post 1938-1945 etc..; all good condition, today hard dostupná literature! U:K

1939-2012 LITERATURA SBĚRATELŮ PROTEKTORÁTU BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / box full expert literature nezbytné for collectors Bohemian and Moravian postmarks, commemorative sheets, stamps and postal history, contains i.a. J. Bochmann: Sudeten Germans Befreitungs-Stempel 1939, Gedenkblaten mit Sonderstempeln Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, Gedenkkorespondenzkarten Gedenkumschlagen Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, Bouška: Catalogue postage imprint Sudetenland 1938-1945, Bouška: Catalogue postage copy-print BOHEMIA-MORAVIA - out of Prague uživatelé, Engel: Schmuckblätter ... Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, notebooks Arbeitsgemeinschaft Protektorat Bohemia and Moravia Nr.161, 166, 168, Novotný: Catalogue commemorative postmarks 1919-1941, Neumann: postmarks post offices BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1939-1940, Deutsche Service Post (Dienstpost) Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, Zpravodaje Company for poštovnictví in Czech lands 1938-1945 from y. 1991-1998, T. Pasák: Soupis legálních newspapers, journals and věstníků in Czech lands 1939-1945 etc..; all good conditionU:K
2002 MERKUR REVUE Czechoslovakia 1918 - 1939, V. Schödelbauer, specialized stamp catalogue of and entires; as new U:Z
1968-2018 MONOGRAFIE Czechoslovak stamps, parts 1-5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 I. + II. and 17 I. + II., 20 I. + II., 25 I. + II., 40, Monograph p.stat Slovakia 39-45; very good condition, complete set still vyšlé monografické literature for collector Czechosl. stamps, 20kg literature, ATTENTION, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:K
1998-2001 POFIS / Czechoslovak p.stat 1918-1992 I. and II. part; 1. part with hints usage, sought, printing rozebrán! U:Z
1998 POFIS / specialized catalogue Czechoslovak p.stat 1918-1992, I. part; as new U:Z
2006 AUSTRIA 1850-1918, Monograph and specialized catalogue, Hirš Paul, the first issue., Prague 2006, incl. CD with picture insert and signature of author; good condition U:Z
1976-2000 VZÁCNOSTI A ZAJÍMAVOSTI ČS. ZNÁMEK,, J. Karásek 2000 + REVOLUTIONARY STAMPS 1945 (J. S. Grau 1976) U:Z