Online Auction 65 / Exclusive items
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1864 Sass.12, Coat of arms 50 Baj dark ultramarine (azurro oltremare scuro), left and lower close margins; unused piece with original gum, certificate Sorani and Bühler, c.v.. 65.000€ (!), classic rarity! U:DR
1859 Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr light pink (rosa chiaro); very nice piece with original gum, exp. and certificate Raybaudi, exp. Köhler, c.v.. 28.000€, rare classic stamp U:DR
1853- Sass.7d, Michel 7y, Lion 6Gr dark blue, unused; very fine piece, usual "Tuscany" margins, certificate and exp. Matl, exp. Diena, cat. Sassone 20.000€, Michel 5.000€, rare stamp! U:DR
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.16, Lion 9Gr brown violet; nice piece with certificate E. Diena, exp. R. Diena, c.v.. 11.000€ U:A5
1941 ITHAKA - Italian Occupation / Sass.9 "Segnatasse", Greek pair 25L with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; The 2nd issue with big "O" in overprint, always pair as 1 satmp with overprint for ITHAKU; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Oliva, c.v.. 8.000€; rare stamp U:DR
1941 ITHAKA - Italian Occupation / Sass.16, Greek 25Dr from the set "Mytology" with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine corner stamp, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Diena, c.v.. 6.500€++ U:DR
1919 ISSUE FOR BOSNU A HERZEGOVINU / Mi.27-29, overprint Zita 2H/6H - 2H/20F, complete set in blocks of four; very fine, certificate Bilandžič, c.v.. ca. 1.800€+, in blocks of four rare! U:A5
1880 SG.1, Brit. Victoria 1/2P with overprint CYPRUS, plate 19; short tooth, overall fine and extremely rare stamp with original gum; c.v.. £5.000; scarce U:DR
1935 SG.145l, Jubilee George V. 1½P with plate variety - "Kite and horizontal log"; very fine, c.v.. £950, fastly increasing speciality (SG 2018 - £650) U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE / Mi.1U "Galeere" 50C imperforated with overprint LIBERATION, on letter with CDS BATZ 11.5. 45, to LA BAULE 12.5. 45; very fine, exp. Brun, c.v.. 2.400€ U:A5
1913 Mi.25I A, Emperor´s Yacht 5M "Friedensdruck", perf 26:17 with CDS DUALA / 2.4.14/ CAMEROON; perfect piece with certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, exp. Grobe, Richter, ex. Mohrmann Auktion 1955, c.v.. 4.800€, scarce stamp! U:DR
1910 CAROLINE ISLANDS / Mi.10H (earlier MI.II), PROVISORIUM PONAPE, letter with bisected stamp "Yacht" 20Pfg, CDS PONAPE / CAROLINE ISLANDS 12/7 10; next to service pmk of postal office; very fine and very rare letter, certificate Bothe BPP, c.v.. 9.000€, important rarity from German colonies! U:DR
1900 Mi.5bII K, Eagle 25pf deep orange with INVERTED overprint MARIANEN 56º; very fine piece with certificate JÄSCHKE-LANTELME, signed Gentzsch and Kohl, c.v.. 2.800€, rare and attractive stamp! U:DR
1919 LOCAL ISSUE DZIEDZICE / letter to Tarnow, franked with Austrian Crown 5h green and bisected Coat of arms 40h with local violet overprint "20 halerzy", CDS DZIEDZICE 17.I.19; vert. fold, lower small tearing, scarce local issue, certificate Wallner and Šedivý Federation of Czech Philatelists, c.v.. 15.000Zl (!), rare offer! U:DR
1922 Mi.185A,B-189, " Day of the philately" 1Kop-10Kop with overprint RSFSR / PHILATELY FOR CHILDREN / 19-8-22, in addition also 1Kop imperforated; complete set in perfect quality, only 2x lightly hinged, exp. Dr. Serge Rockling - Romeko Paris U:A5
1843 ZÜRICH / Mi.2I, Numerals 6Rp with vertical background print, VF with certificate Neumann, c.v.. 1.600€ U:A5
1863-1921 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary specialized mainly complete collection on pages with descriptions in 3 spring folders, from first issue 1863 Toughra and postage-dues, various issues Duloz, overprint, Sultan road, then postage-due, Surtax, i.a. issue 1911 and 1916, then local issues, blocks, shades, postmarks, also several entires etc..; rare, very high catalogue value! U:Z
1893 SG.137, Victoria £5 orange with thimble CDS EDINBURGH AP/4/93; very nice piece, c.v.. £4.750 + 75% (lightly used) U:DR
1855 SG.20a, "Sandbach" 4C light blue, RETOUCHED; some minor fault, c.v. £1.000, rare stamp U:A5
1921 T.A.G. (Transports Aeriens Guyanais) / Yv.3, air T.A.G. 0.75C; very fine, exp. Brun, c.v.. 1.600€, rare stamp! U:A5
1950 SG.87b, George VI. 1½P orange with wmk - ERROR - ST. EDWARD´S CROWN; mint never hinged piece, c.v.. £1.300, very rare stamp! U:A5
1870 SG.46, Britannia 6P orange-vermilion, wmk LARGE STAR, irregular "rough" perforation. 14-16; very nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £1.000; rare classic stamp U:A5
1873 SG.64, Britannia 5Sh, dull rose; very nice and rare stamp with original gum, c.v.. £950 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.118df, George VI. 5Sh green / red / yellow with plate variety - "Gash in chin"; very fine, c.v.. £1.200, rare stamp! U:A5
1938-1953 SG.120d, George VI. 12Sh6P grey and lemon, on ordinary paper; very fine corner blk-of-4, rare, color and in addition right at top plate variety "break in frame and leaf at 7 o'clock", certificate RPSL from J. H. Wilson, c.v.. £3.000++ U:DR
1938 SG.157a, George VI. "St. George" 2½P blue; very rare perforation 12½ / 13½; VF, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £11.000, scarce! U:DR
1938-1951 SG.114ba, George VI. £1 with plate variety -Missing pearl in medallion, fragment CDS; c.v.. £1.500 U:DR
1891 SG.53c, Victoria 6P with provisional overprint ONE HALF PENNY; stamp with plate variety - TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED; very fine, c.v.. £1.400 U:A5
1861 SG.2, Victoria "Perkins Bacon" 6P deep yellow green, without watermark, perforaion 14-16 typical "rough to intermediate perforation", see the scan; fine, certificate RPSL (1926) signature "E.D. Bacon", c.v.. £7.000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1895 SG.33-45, "Light and Liberty" 1/2A-5Rp with hand-made overprints BRITISH EAST AFRICA; c.v.. £2750; very fine, rare set, (for stamp 1 Ann certificate RPSL from J. H. Wilson) U:DR
POSTAGE-DUE / Yv.13, Numerals 1Fr with overprint DIEGO-SUAREZ, used; signed Brun and Scheller, c.v.. 1.650€, very rare stamp! U:A5
1934 TRIPOLI - POSTA AEREA Sass.34-40; VF, c.v.. 2.800€, scarce U:A5
1891 Mi.8-13, POSTES FRANCAISE MADAGASCAR 5C - 5Fr; complete used set in perfect quality, 1Fr signed Calves, end 5Fr Scheller and F.R. Turpin London, c.v.. 1.900€, exceedingly rare issue! U:A5
1848-1859 SG.14, Blue Mauritius POST PAID "intermediate impressions", blue; very nice piece with full margins, c.v.. £4.000 U:DR
1863 SG.56-72, Victoria 1P-5Sh, nominal complete set with wmk CC without stamps 10P; F-VF, some values rarer colors, 1Sh orange with wmk INVERTED (!), c.v.. £2.660 U:A5
1902 SG.163a, overprint Coat of arms 12C / 36C, overprint INVERTED; lightly hinged, rare stamp in very nice quality with certificate BPA London, c.v.. £800 U:A5
1901 SG.39a, Victoria 3C/36C brown, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; hinged, c.v.. £750, sought U:A5
1913 SG.260b-260g, high values Dhow 20Rp-200Rp with overprints SPECIMEN; very nice and rare stamps, c.v.. £900 U:A5
1938 Mi.176I-177I, air-mail Motives 1Fr red-brown and 1.75Fr ultramarine with frame overprint PAR AVION / BATIMENT DE LIGNE / RICHELIEU; lightly hinged, rare issue, c.v.. Michel 1.400€, rare U:A5
1935 SG.181c-184c, Jubilee George V. 1P - 1Sh, all with plate variety - Ligtning conductor; mint never hinged, c.v.. £950 U:DR
1892-1903 SG.12-13, Coat of arms £5 and £10, rare unused highest value; without gum, certificate Diena, c.v.. * £4.350 U:DR
1855 SG.10, Allegory "Hope" 4P blue; very fine piece with perf "UNOFFICIALLY ROULLETED", c.v.. £2.250; very rare stamp U:A5
1853-1864 [COLLECTIONS] ALLEGORY - TRIANGLES/ extraordinary collection on pages with descriptions, issue Allegory Triangles Perkins Bacon, De La Rue, 2x Wood-block etc.., contains many pairs, blocks of four also larger multiples, cut-squares, 9 covers etc.., major part of the stamps originate from old aquisitions from auctions of Harmer, Robson Lowe, Mohrmann etc.; many pieces exp. Bühler, Bolaffi, Diena, etc..; mainly very nice quality, chosen pieces, c.v. by estimation more than £40.000! U:Z
1922-1937 SG.113, George VI. - Coat of arms 15Sh grey / violet-blue; very fine high face-value, lightly hinged, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1920 SG.39, 39a; complete sheet unissued imperforated stamps "Ships at the port" 1 Pence carmine / black; incl. catalogued plate variety "DOUBLE DERRICK FLAW'S" on pos. 18, 26, 42; hinges in corners out of stamps, very fine and unique block U:A4
1912-1915 SG.321w, George V. 100R grey / black with INVERTED WATERMARK CROWN CA; VF, full original gum, certificate Philatelic Foundation N.Y. (as basic stamp), exp. Diena, c.v.. £7.000++, important rarity! U:DR
1891 SG.13-31, Indian Victoria ½A - 5Rp with overprint PATIALA STATE; very fine set + shades in addition (included to sum as normal stamps), c.v.. £1.050 U:A5
1854 PLATE PROOF SG.11, Victoria 1 Ann; black, blue and red PLATE PROOFS from 1854 for first issue; very fine, Spence nr. 38-40, rare U:A5
1929 SG.224b, George V. - airmail "De Havilland" 8a, REVERSED SERIF in "INDIA"; very fine, c.v.. £950 U:A5
1908 SG.34-48, "Brunei River" 1C-25$, wmk multiple CA; very fine, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION / SG.J1-J19, "Brunei River" 1C-25$ (issue 1908) with blue-violet overprint; very fine, some usual toning, $5 and $25 exp. Milo David Rowell, c.v.. £3.900 U:DR
1882 BRITISH POST OFF. - BANGKOK, SG.16, Straits Settlements Victoria 4C pink-red with overprint "B", wmk CA; very fine piece, exp. Oliva, c.v.. £900, very rare stamp U:A5
1882 SG.37, Victoria 10C deep blue-green, wmk CA; very nice and rare stamp, c.v.. £1.800 U:A5
1972 ABU DHABI / SG.84a, overprint provisional 5F with overprint UAE, overprint INVERTED; superb piece, c.v.. £950; rare stamp U:A5
1939 CHESS / ARGENTINA / TORNEO AJEDREZ NACIONES B. AIRES. ARGENTINA / 18.SEP.39 / rarest special postmark of CHESS motive on envelope with Mi.408, Moreno 5C brown; 8th CHESS OLYMPIC; only 9 pieces known, with official letter of expert G. H. PAPAZIAN 1979, extremely rare! U:DR
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, big paper crease near/in/at cut corner MS pos.; mint never hinged, quite rare occurrence! U:A5
1945 CDV73Pa, uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna red and T. G. Masaryk 50h green Pof.384, with two print rare provisory cancel. BIDOVCE, with by hand additionally written date 23.X.45; one from most precious postmarks, in/at A59 Reg letter sold for 14.000CZK, here in addition on/for p.stat PC - extraordinary offer! U:A5
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, sought type III., combination B / 28; very nice quality, rare offer, c.v.. 20.000CZK U:A5
1968 UNISSUED / XIV. Congress of Communists 30h and 60h; superb, c.v.. significantly misvalues, missing in most collections U:A5
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.A2334/2335A, miniature sheet Tizian, plate proof miniature sheet in/at hnědočerné color on/for hand-made carton size 160x195mm, signed Herčík; very fine, very rare usage! U:A4