Online Auction 65 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation

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224712 - 1938 letter addressed to from occupied Košice to Budapest,
1938 letter addressed to from occupied Košice to Budapest, with mixed franking of czechosl. stamp. Airmail 50h + 2-stamps gutter exhibition Košice 50h with Hungarian black additional-printing (!) on stmp and gutter KASSA/ Ismét magyarok vagyunk!/ 1938 Nov.11., all with propagandistic cancel. Visszatert and Hungarian CDS KASSA 38 XI.11.; good condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
224708 - 1938 ROŽŇAVA / whole postal order addressed to to already
1938 ROŽŇAVA / whole postal order addressed to to already occupied Rožňava, franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Fügner 1Kčs with mailing CDS KUNOVÁ TEPLICA 2.XI.38, sent back with by hand written text " NEPRÍPUSTNO OKUPOVANÉ UZEMIE", on reverse CDS ROŽŇAVA 4.XI.38; good condition
Starting price: CZK
224723 - 1938 comp. 4 pcs of from part/-s philatelically influenced l
1938 comp. 4 pcs of from part/-s philatelically influenced letters franked with. mixed frankings Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp. with propagandistic cancel. VISSZATÉRT occupied Slovak post offices as KASSA, KOMÁROM, LÉVA, 1x as Reg and Express, 1x addressed to to Khust; good condition
Starting price: CZK
224720 - 1938-1939 comp. 14 pcs of mainly philatelically influenced c
1938-1939 comp. 14 pcs of mainly philatelically influenced cards with propagandistic cancel. VISSZATÉRT occupied Slovak post offices, i.a. IPOLYSÁG (Šáhy - 2x postcard from that 1x photo postacard from ceremonial formation Hungarian units before/(in front of) town-hall), KOMÁROM, ÉRSEKUJVAR, LÉVA, LOSONC, ROZSNYÓ, RIMASZOMBAT, DUNASZERDAHELY; good condition
Starting price: CZK
224354 - 1939 MAGYARDIOSZEG 39.VII.13. - DIOSEK - present Sládkovič
1939 MAGYARDIOSZEG 39.VII.13. - DIOSEK - present Sládkovičovo, Hungarian CDS on/for Hungarian picture PC sent from annexed Slovak territory to Bohemia-Moravia; spots
Starting price: CZK
225006 - 1940 unpaid Reg letter in the place burdened with postage-du
1940 unpaid Reg letter in the place burdened with postage-due, mounted Hungarian Postage due stamp 3x 10f, three various CDS KOMÁROM/ 40 VI.28. in front also on reverse; in upper part fold
Starting price: CZK

Online Auction 65 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation - Information

Po Mnichovské dohodě bylo 2. 11. 1938 dovršeno jednání mezi Česko-slovenskem a Německem o odstoupení jižních částí Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi hortyovskému Maďarsku - První vídeňská arbitráž.