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1880 SG.1, Brit. Victoria 1/2P with overprint CYPRUS, plate 19; short tooth, overall fine and extremely rare stamp with original gum; c.v.. £5.000; scarce U:DR
1894-1896 SG.40-49, Victoria ½Pi - 45Pi, complete set, DIE II, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1923 SG.100, George V. 10Sh, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £400 U:A5
1924-1928 SG.102, George V. £1 purple / black on red paper, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1935 SG.145l, Jubilee George V. 1½P with plate variety - "Kite and horizontal log"; very fine, c.v.. £950, fastly increasing speciality (SG 2018 - £650) U:A5
1938 SG.151-163, George VI. - Motives 1/4Pia-£10, very fine set (19 values), mostly **, c.v.. £250 ++ U:A5
1955-1960 SG.173-187, Elizabeth II. ½M - £1, complete set of 15 stamps; hinged, c.v.. £110 U:A5