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1942 PR107 + PR110, comp. 7 pcs of Us entires with special postmark, from that 2x as Registered; good condition U:A5
1942 PR110, PLZEŇ 1/ Burgess brewery 1842-1942, comp. 9 pcs of various first day sheets, 5 pcs of Ppc and 1 envelope/-s, all with print cancel. PR110; good condition U:A4
1943 PR111 + PR113, comp. 10 pcs of Us entires with special postmark, i.a. 1x pictorial PC, 1x as Registered; good condition U:A5
1943 PR113 + PR114 + PR115, comp. 7 pcs of Us entires with special postmark, from that 2x as Registered, 1x on/for CDV; good condition U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare commemorative sheet with wide black printing on white paper with wmk and mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111, CDS BRÜNN 12/ 4.VI.43, in/at imprint 543; good condition U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare commemorative sheet with wide black printing on/for yellowy carton and mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111, CDS OLMÜTZ 1/ 4.VI.43, in/at imprint 630; good condition U:A5
1943 Pof.111, Hyedrich 60h on/for numbered mourning card with CDS OLMÜTZ + on sheet Tag der Briefmarke BRUNN, in addition portrait card; small spots, hodnotný set U:A5
1943 PR115, MÄHRISCH OSTRAU 1/ Tag der Briefmarke, comp. 2 pcs of folded first day sheets PaL b-a, b-b, 2 pcs of envelopes with additional-printing BPB a-a with red cachet and POB b-a with green cachet; without defects U:A5
1941-1944 PR75 + PR116, comp. 5 pcs of Us entires with special postmark, from that 1x as Registered; good condition U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!, letter with A. Hitler 2x 60h with one print special postmark from 29.I.45, mounted label BOLŠEVISMUS - NIKDY; good condition, decorative piece with superb print postmark and unique label! U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!, commercial response card sent in the place with A. Hitler 2x 10h + 30h with one print special postmark from 3.II.45, sender pplk. Protectorate army; good condition, rare mailing with rare commemorative postmark! U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!, paper slip with mounted stamp. cathedral St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna with one print special postmark from 1.II.45; superb U:A5
1945 PR117, PRAHA 1/ Bolshevism never!, R-fotopohlednice sent in the place, with A. Hitler 2x 1 Koruna + 1,60K with one print special postmark from 22.I.45 and CDS PRAHA 1/ 22.I.45; good condition, rare Reg mailing with rare commemorative postmark! U:A5
1939 CIZÍ MEMORIAL PRINTINGS S PROTEKTORÁTNÍMI special postmark / comp. 4 pcs of Ppc A. Hitler. with red postmarks PR1 and PR3; without poškozeni U:A5
1940 PAMĚTNÍ TISKY BEZ VLASTNÍHO PR special postmark / KONOPIŠTĚ 15.X.40, Zrušení poštovního úřadu, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets, PaL a-a, b-a, c-a; good condition U:A4
1940 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / Jindřichův Hradec first-time on/for post. stamp, CDS JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC 1.IV.40, comp. 5 pcs of small commemorative sheets, CDS a/, c/ red, g/ 2x, e/, date of printing 40 also 1940, black and blue print PaL, 1x PaL c-a; good condition U:A5
1941-1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / České Budějovice - day issue stamp. with motive of town Pof.46, Death Prague arcibiskupa K. Kašpar 1941, Prague sample fair, 600. years establishment cathedral St. Vitus 1944, comp. 4 pcs of commemorative sheets; good condition U:A4
1943-1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 5. Anniv BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, comp. 2 pcs of memorial/special lisů and 1 envelope/-s, Birthday A. Hitler. 1943 and 1944, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative sheets and 1 envelope/-s with additional-printing; good condition U:A5
1943-1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / comp. of 2 small commemorative sheets, 20 years Club stamp collectors in Přerov with mounted stamp. A. Hitler 1,60K, CDS PŘEROV 1/ 13.II.43 and German Red Cross with Surtax stamp. Pof.112, CDS PRAGUE 89/ 30.IX.43; good condition U:A5
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ (80. years Hlaholu) green CDS used as special on/for memorial sheet, PaL a-a, 9 copy-print postmark on/for mounted stamp., from that in the middle on stmp 5h with date 1.XI.40 - 1. day usage, all other print with date 9.XI.40, format A4; tearing and brownish in margins, rarest Bohemian and Moravian commemorative sheet, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ (80. years Hlaholu) green CDS used as special on/for memorial sheet, PaL a-a, stamp. 5h in the middle, cancel. with date 1.XI.40 - 1. day usage, format A4; only small tearing in upper margin, very good condition, rarest Bohemian and Moravian commemorative sheet, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ (80. years Hlaholu) green CDS used on cut-square POB, cut square with black additional-printing mounted stamp. Linden Leaves 30h and special cancel. with date 6.XI.40; only small folds, very good condition, very rare - small usage, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PDR1, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 2.XI.40 on cut-square with newspaper stamp. 2h; nice print, date outside 4.XI. are sought, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark!, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PDR1, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 4.XI.40 on cut-square with newspaper stamp. 2h; nice print, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark! U:A5
1940 PDR1, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 8.XI.40 on cut-square with stamp. Linden Leaves 10h; nice print, date outside 4.XI. are sought, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark!, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / comp. 2 pcs of Us Ppc with cancel. Autopošty, 1x PRAGUE 13.V.40/ 1d, PRA1B with one print cancel., 1x PRAGUE 15.IX.40/ 1c - PRA1D with two print postmark; good condition U:A5
1939 PRAČ1A, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 15.III.39/ 1e, 38. jarní Prague sample fair, print forerunner postmark on/for Un Czechosl. PC mobile post-office (on a bus), 1. day Protectorate; superb print, very fine U:A5
1939 PRAČ1A, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 1e, 38. jarní Prague sample fair, comp. 3 pcs of Us Ppc with same cancel., with date 16.III., 18.III. and 19.III.39; very fine print, good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 3.VI.39/ 1d, Vzorkové and exhibition market, envelope with two print oranžového postmark through/over two stamp. Coat of arms 10h, Un; good condition, very rare usage, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 4.VI.39/ 1d, Vzorkové and exhibition market, Us letter franked with. Czechosl. stamp. 1CZK T. G. Masaryk with print oranžového postmark, addressed to to Kvasin; good condition, according to literature postmarked only 532ks letters, very rare usage Us correspondence! ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRAČ2B, PLZEŇ/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 8.X.39/ 1e, Vzorkové and exhibition market, card with mounted 2-stamps. gutter Linden Leaves 20h red with 1 print oranžového postmark; good condition, superb print, rare postmark, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / PRA1B, PRAGUE/ Mobile post office on a bus/ 1c, Agricultural exhibition, first day sheet with 4 print and envelope with 2 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) + PR21; first day sheet cut with patina U:A4
1939 SRP1, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Dálnice bridge republic, PRAGUE 14/1c/ 15.III.39, 1. DAY OF PROTECTORATE, nice full print on/for official letter; only vertical fold in envelope, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 SRP2, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Větší post offices ...užívejte picture postal PC, ÚSTÍ N. O. 29.IX.39, nice print on letter with 1 Koruna Prague; good condition, rare print machine postmark, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 SRP6, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Postal razítkový stroj..., PROSTĚJOV 1/ 12.II.40, print on/for oblong window envelope with 1 Koruna Prague; only light fold U:A4
1940 SRP7, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Užívejte výhod levných listovních telegramů..., HUMPOLEC 11.I.40, nice print on/for commercial window envelope, franked with. 2x 50h Karlštejn (castle); only very light vertical fold, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 SRP10, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Mother's Day, PRAGUE 55/ 19.V.39, green print, on envelope franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 20h as Printed matter; good condition U:A5
1939 SRP11, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Zboží abroad zasílejte..., BRNO 2/ 1.IV.39, nice print on envelope franked with. Czechosl. coil- stamp. Coat of arms 20h as Printed matter; good condition, rare U:A5
1939 SRP12, forerunner machine slogan pmk - International telephone hovory levnější..., HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 24.XI.39, very nice print on/for commercial letter with 1 Koruna Prague; good condition U:A5
1939 SRP13, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Připojte his/her/its electric hodiny..., HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 12.XII.39, letter with 2x 50h Karlštejn; good condition, superb print, rare U:A5
1939 SRP15, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Vyplácejte post. zásilky..., PODĚBRADY/ 11.VIII.39, nice print on/for commercial window envelope with 60h Kutná Hora; good condition, rare slogan pmk, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 SRP16, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Use telephone service for nepřítomné..., PŘÍBRAM/ 22.VI.39, very nice print on/for franked with. envelope Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 20h sent as Printed matter; good condition, rare U:A5
1940 SRP30, machine slogan pmk - Every Czech once in Prague, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 3/ 8.VI.40, very nice print on/for commercial envelope with Kutná Hora 60h and 2x 30h Linden Leaves; good condition, very nice print, rare U:A5
1940 SRP32, machine slogan pmk - Woche des Deutschen (German) Buches, BRNO 2/ 1.XI.40, very nice print on/for franked with. envelope Surtax stamp. German Red Cross 1,20k with coupon; good condition, superb print, very rare occurrence usage in Brno, ex Bulant U:A5
1943 SRP38, machine slogan pmk - Šetři uhlím, order period of!, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 1/ R2/ 27.XII.43 + MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 1/ 26.IX.43, 2 commercial franked with. letters with both varieties machine postmark from Moravská Ostrava ; good condition U:A5
1943 SRP38, machine slogan pmk - Šetři uhlím, order period of!, PLZEŇ 1/ 20.X.43, very nice print on cut-square; rare U:A5
1939-1942 SELECTION of / 22 pcs of special and commemorative sheets with special postmark on stmp, much better pieces, i.a. mobile post office on a bus, "Victoria", Velechrám St. Vitus etc..; it is worth seeing U:O4
1939 [COLLECTIONS] PR8 JIHLAVA 1/ Jihlava celebration, collection 13 pcs of entires with violet special postmark, 3 really Us entires, memorial postcard PaP a-a, a-b, commemorative sheet PaL a-a, memorial envelope POB a-a, supplemented with 2 pcs of invitation cards on/for celebration with 1 envelope, total 21 copy-print violet postmark from all days performance action 23., 24. also 25.6 1939; good condition, on pages A4 in/at transparent covers with description, ex Bulant U:O4
1944 [COLLECTIONS] SRP39, machine slogan pmk - Ehret die labour ..., PRAGUE 7, 15, 25 (1ch, 3ch), collection 11 pcs of and 2 pcs of cut-squares with uvedeným machine cancel., PRAGUE 25/ 1ch only on cut-square, on pages A4 in/at transparent covers; good condition, ex Bulant U:O4
1941 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS VIKTORIA / PR58-72, complete collection red postmarks Victoria from all 15 post offices - PRAGUE 1 - ZLÍN 1, contains total 95 pcs of entires, 8 pcs of commemorative sheets and 55 pcs of cards with postal imprints, outside Prague is on all towns cut square with print postmark from 1. and last of day usage, mainly really Us letters, cuts dispatch-notes, 7 pcs of entires with date 31.XII.41 after/around restriction usage!; good condition, all on 25 pages with descriptions A4 in/at transparent covers in spiral folder, rare collection propagandistic postmarks, ex Bulant U:Z
1942-1951 [COLLECTIONS] PR98, BURG KARLSTEIN/ HRAD KARLSTEIN, collection more than 260 pcs of entires, cut-squares with commemorative sheets, all with print hnědého postmark, major-part Us with various date and additional cachets, almost complete collection nedělí incl. chybných seting up, 14 pcs of entires sent as Registered, postmark after/around war only as ukázkové print, on 76 pages A4 incl. listing zjištěných copy-print in spiral folder; very good condition all entires, much years vytvářená and evidently nejkompletnější study collection this postmark, ex Bulant
1943 FP letter with Olomouc with cancel. KROATISCHE FLAGLEGION .. ERS. ABT; in addition CDS OLMUTZ 30. XI. 43; very fine, incl. content; is known only small lot of mailing from chorvatských soldiers in territory of Protectorate! U:A5
1940 PRISON GESTAPA BRNO / CDV4, PC 60h addressed to to prison Gestapo Brno / Cejl, cancel. BRÜNN 2/ 6.VII.40; good condition U:A5
1943-1945 TEREZÍN - MALÁ PEVNOST / off. preprinted postcard for written traffic prisoners put in/at Small Fortress, with A. Hitler. 60h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 17.VIII.43 + cut from parcel dispatch-note addressed to on/for prisoner Small Fortress with red straight line postmark Häftling/ Teresienstadt/ Kleine fortress, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 6.III.45; good condition U:A5
1945 WORK CAMPS - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / franked with. card sent from work camp in/at Osterode, CDS OSTERODE/ (HARZ)/ 28.2.46, (wrong set up date of printing ), addressed to deportované wife directly to ghetto, address supplemented with about/by statement "L 106", date-stamp arrival 14.IV.1945; good condition, little known work camp U:A5
1940 CDV67/4, Czechosl. pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK sent as Reg, richly uprated by. 5 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp., general postage 2,50 Koruna, CDS train post PARDUBICE - NĚMECKÝ BROD/ No.98/ 8.V.40; good condition, philatelically motivated mailing, small/rare výskyt!
1939 CDV69/39, Czechosl. pictorial PC issue Know Your Country T. G. Masaryk 50h, CDS MALENICE N. VOLYŇKOU 28.IX.39, addressed to to Prague; good condition, rare usage U:A5
CPV12, Czechosl. forerunner p.stat post. order card Coat of arms 80h violet, part I., CDS LHOTA ZA ČERVENÝM KOSTELCEM 28.XII.39, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 55/ 30.XII.39, refused, sent back; bend, toned, after all very rare forerunner p.stat, still only teoretický usage, c.v.. -,- CZK U:A5
1939 CDV6, double PC Linden Leaves 60h, in both directions Us (!), addressed to as Registered to Slovakia, rich mixed franking Czechosl. postage stmp and Bohemian and Moravian overprint issue from last of day her validity, CDS JOSEFOV 15.XII.39, cancel. customs control D.K./ PRAGUE, part II with mixed franking Czechosl., Bohemian and Moravian and Slovak stamps; philatelic mailing, exceptional usage, good condition U:A5
1941 CDV7, PC Linden Leaves 60h violet, sent Reg and airmail to USA, uprated with stamp Pof.26, 35, 38, posting red cancel. Victoria BRNO 1/ 12.VIII.41, PR68, on face-side transit NEW YORK 31.8.41, on reverse arrival BERKELEY 2/Sep 41, passed through German censorship, without attributes of air forwarding, decorative p.stat! U:A5