1945 [COLLECTIONS] CDV81/1-36, sought complete set picture Slovak PC CDV4 with overprint Czechoslovakia, machine overprint, only No. 11, 14, 18 and 28 with hand-made overprint; sound condition
1989-1991 Pof.CSO7, CSO8, CSO9, comp. 3 pcs of official postal stationery covers, Un, CSO9 incl. PF with signature Fr. Beneš; good condition, c.v.. 7.600Kč
1951 CPH6/11, view card with imprinted stamp sent by air mail to Brazil, richly uprated with stamp Pof.505, 609, 610, CDS OSTRAVA 17/ 10.X.51, sender Jóža Dvořák; good condition, rare air mailing!
1947 CZL4A, Hlinka 1,30 Koruna violet with red overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, size address line 111,5mm, CDS BRATISLAVA 18.9.47, arrival rolled cancel. PRAGUE 19.9.47 on reverse; incl. all margins, recipient V. Nebeský, good condition
1945 CPA2.3, comp. 2 pcs of p.stat příkazních sheets Hlinka 50h black with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, hand overprint in violet and red color; without defects
1945 C.O.D. postal order, comp. 4 pcs of Slovak double orders with additionally printed round/about 50h + 50h or 1Ks, all with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, 1x machine black, 3x hand-made in red and violet color
1945 Postal order, comp. 14 pcs of various Slovak postal orders with various overprints ČESKOSLOVENSKO, additionally printed revenues 50h, 50+50h, 1Ks or only Slovak emblem; good condition
1945-1985[COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY/ collection Us also Un PC, pictorial post cards, p.stat Ppc, postal stationery covers, letter cards, aerogram and pigeongrams, stovky p.stat on/for transparent pages in 5 spiral albums, part Us, balonové flights from exhibition PRAGA 68 and PRAGA 78 etc..; estate of collector from abroad, high catalogue value
1975-1983 [COLLECTIONS] selection 30 pcs of private added prints on/for p.stat from various philatelic exhibitions and sjezdů, 19 pcs of on/for CDV and 11 pcs of on/for postal stationery cover, from them 4 pcs of with Reg label, from that 1x provisional, 1 pcs of Us post; good condition
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in 21 šanonech, prevail cancel. stamp. and entires as documents/attributes usage single issues, contains i.a. vertical and horiz. Košice-issue gutter, better souvenir sheets as PRAGA 1950, Bratislava 52, "linen", Zápotocký type II., line PB, i.a. complete Art I. etc.., also first flights and air-mail mailing, several black-prints, papers and oths.; placed in 2 IKEA boxes, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1955-1972 [COLLECTIONS] ZÁKLADNÍ / collection in album Behrens with German descriptions, from year 1958 line complete sought ** set as Butterflies, Engines etc.., also souvenir sheets Praga 1962 etc..
1945-1985 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / on 36 cards A4, contains stamps from year 1945, also interesting 1970´s, mint stamps on 13 pages, rest is used; all in one box
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY / collection corner blk-of-4 and larger parts of sheets (can be udělat total 182 corner čtyřbloků) in 32-stránkovém stockbook; cat. only as single stamps 3.570 CZK, like that value much more/larger, interesting research material
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY / collection ca. 1.380ks various čtyřbloků, margins, corners, several datumů print, only 5x pair, sorted and placed in transparent envelopes in/at one little-box; c.v.. ca. 17.000CZK
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection v 32-stránkovém stockbook, contains types, plate variety, plate variety, shifts, color shades and other matters of interest; included to sum only catalogue item/-s (c.v.. above 18.000 CZK), but value is also in expressive nepublikovaných (also own výzkum), přidáno several entires, very nice collection
1967-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / selection of different shades, plate variety, production flaw and shifts on/for blocks of four printed ocelotiskemz plochých plates v osmistránkovém stockbook, total 29 PB (one used); all described, interesting and unusual kolekce
1979-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / wide collection date print z pozůstalosti after/around známém collector, total 691 date (any other one), by/on/at major-part stamps several various date, much catalogue plate variety, still nejrozsáhlejší offered collection date z tohoto period, budováno tens years; v 64-stránkovém stockbook and on/for seven pages, quite exceptional offer, cat. only single stamps 9.160 CZK, like that value multiply more/larger
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS / TOPOGRAPHY big collection mainly cut-squares with Czechosl. postmarks, arranged místopisně according to alphabet, various franking, among others. issue Profession etc.., supplemented with about/by Reg labels in packets; all described, originates from abroad, placed in 20 stockbooks in/at IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-2018[COLLECTIONS] TŘEBÍČ - REGIONÁLNÍ COLLECTION POSTAL HISTORY / big regional collection postal history Třebíč from freedom after/around dnešek, contains total 285 pcs of entires with postmarks single třebíčských post, provisory after/around freedom, letters and cards with added-print třebičských firm, dispatch-note, PC, part as Registered, Ex, surtax, postmark railway post office train post, memorial postmark and added-print, advertising labels, commemorative sheets etc.., on 93 pages A4 with descriptions in spiral folder; mainly good quality, rare regional collection with other parts in/at single kategoriích Austria - Hungary, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, ex Bulant
1955-1993 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL PRINTINGS, MEMORIAL POSTMARKS, CELISTVOSTI / selection of lot of black-prints and memorial/special prints issued to fialtelistickým exhibitions, exhibition courier post Brno, Zlín, balonová post PRAGA , zálesácká post, bohemika meter stmp USA - Specimeny, gravure, art graphics, Herčík, Schnidt, commemorative sheets PM, FDC etc..; all in/at full stockbook for entires