Online Auction 65 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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225222 -  Pof.355, 5 Koruna dark grey, marginal piece, on reverse ful
Pof.355, 5 Koruna dark grey, marginal piece, on reverse full offset + Pof.355b, 5 Koruna light grey, horizontal pair with incomplete offset; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223863 -  PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.353-359 plate mark, 1,50 Koruna - 20K,
PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.353-359 plate mark, 1,50 Koruna - 20K, LL corner 4-blokys plate mark A1 + in addition marginal pair vertical 3-zn. gutter values 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna (5 Koruna bend in corner); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223988 -  PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.353, 357-359, values 1,50 Koruna, 9K, 1
PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.353, 357-359, values 1,50 Koruna, 9K, 13 Koruna and 20k with plate mark A1 (1., 2., 2., 2.), corner pieces, only 9K without L margins; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
226052 -  Pof.354-356M(4); 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, 2x set horiz. 4-stamp
Pof.354-356M(4); 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, 2x set horiz. 4-stamp gutter + 1x vertical 4 stamp.; 1x minor gum fault, otherwise very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
224766 -  Pof.354-356Ms, vertical marginal gutter in pairs, with colo
Pof.354-356Ms, vertical marginal gutter in pairs, with color marks in L margin; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
225361 -  Pof.354-356Ms(2), 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, selection of margina
Pof.354-356Ms(2), 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, selection of marginal vertical 2-stamps gutter., 5 Koruna with print "trámku" at L margin; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223864 -  Pof.354-356Mv(4), 2K-6K, horiz. 4-stamp gutter., 6 Koruna l
Pof.354-356Mv(4), 2K-6K, horiz. 4-stamp gutter., 6 Koruna light blue; mint never hinged, c.v.. 2.250CZK
Starting price: CZK
225368 -  Pof.354-356Mx(16), 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, large crosses with
Pof.354-356Mx(16), 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, large crosses with cancel. from favor PRAGUE 1/ 11.X.45; c.v.. 14.700Kč
Starting price: CZK
225359 -  Pof.354Mx(4), 2 Koruna red, small/rare cross; mint never hi
Pof.354Mx(4), 2 Koruna red, small/rare cross; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
225360 -  Pof.354Mx(4), 2 Koruna red, small/rare cross; mint never hi
Pof.354Mx(4), 2 Koruna red, small/rare cross; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223987 -  Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety -
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety - "broken paw" with 2 print CDS PŘELOUČ 31.VII.45, MS pos. 2; rare with CDS
Starting price: CZK
226067 -  Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of with plate
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of with plate variety - "broken tlapa“, 1x with CDS BRATISLAVA
Starting price: CZK
224302 -  Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of s DV „zl
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of s DV „zlomená tlapa“, combination 111 and 112; mint never hinged, nadstandardně sound condition incl. gum, cat. min. 2.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
223986 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with plate variety score in tail li
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with plate variety "score in tail lion" with 3 print CDS KOŠICE 1/ 17.II.46, MS pos. 8; original gum, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
224362 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 1 (according to J. Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 1 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224366 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 10 (according to J. Čtvrt
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 10 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 221; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224367 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to J. Čtvrt
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
215495 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 14, on stmp 5 Koruna circl
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 14, on stmp 5 Koruna circle below řemínkem helmy; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224363 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to J. Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224364 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4 (according to J. Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 221; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224365 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 7 (according to J. Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 7 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 221; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
223989 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, value 6 Koruna with white dot R to
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, value 6 Koruna with white dot R to character "K" below numeral, 2x imprint of daily postmark KOŠICE 1/ 17.II.46, MS pos. 13
Starting price: CZK
224368 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all combination 222, on/for 5 pcs of guide marks, by/on/at 6 pcs of significant stains and rings; on/for plate A4, description including, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
224370 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. 12 pcs of with specializatio
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. 12 pcs of with specialization on/for guide marks by/on/at 10 pcs of, various plate variety, rings, stains and shifts background print and stamps (according to J. Čtvrtečka); all mint never hinged, nice quality, on/for plate A4, description including
Starting price: CZK
224369 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 23 pcs of with variou
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 23 pcs of with various plate variety, shift stamp. 2 Koruna, rings in the picture stamp. or in state emblem / symbol, guide marks or other matters of interest (according to J. Čtvrtečka); all mint never hinged, 2 pcs of minor gum fault, otherwise nice quality, on/for plate A4, description přiložen
Starting price: CZK
223907 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 28 miniature sheets,
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 28 miniature sheets, every other combination, contains all 15 fields, 2 various combinations plate variety „tlapa“, 3x sought combination 211; described měkkou by pencil, field according to Kassay, combination according to Čtvrtečka
Starting price: CZK
225224 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, big paper crease near/in/at cut co
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, big paper crease near/in/at cut corner MS pos.; mint never hinged, quite rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
225223 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, significant circle above 2. charac
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, significant circle above 2. character "S" on stmp 5 Koruna; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
225267 - 1945 CDV73, uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna red, CDS K
1945 CDV73, uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna red, CDS KOŠICE 20.VI.45, to Spiš. Soboty
Starting price: CZK
224001 - 1945 CDV73Pa, uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna red and
1945 CDV73Pa, uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna red and T. G. Masaryk 50h green Pof.384, with two print rare provisory cancel. BIDOVCE, with by hand additionally written date 23.X.45; one from most precious postmarks, in/at A59 Reg letter sold for 14.000CZK, here in addition on/for p.stat PC - extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
224007 - 1945 Reg letter franked with. corner block of four 2CZK red,
1945 Reg letter franked with. corner block of four 2CZK red, Pof.354 with plate mark A1, provisional framed pmk ŠAHY 25.IX.1945 supplemented with provisory Reg cancel, pre-printed address, on reverse arrival postmark ROŽĎÁLOVICE 26.IX.45; good condition, rare entire with rare provisory postmark!
Starting price: CZK
224424 - 1945-1946 comp. 6 pcs of entires: 1x Reg postcard franked wi
1945-1946 comp. 6 pcs of entires: 1x Reg postcard franked with. 3x 2 Koruna, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 25.VII.45; 3x Reg letter, from that 1x in the place franked with. pair 2 Koruna with straight line postmark TREBIŠOV, 1x philatelically influenced franked with. 20K with special postmark DOMAŽLICE; 1x with by hand kreslenou Reg label PLEŠIVEC franked with. 2 Koruna + Pof.397, CDS PELSÖC/ 45.IX.27; 2x letter, from that 1x franked with. 2 Koruna, CDS GELNICA 6/8.45 and 1x after validity franked with. pair 2 Koruna + Pof.391, 451KL, CDS VELKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 11/9-45; good condition
Starting price: CZK
225365 - 1946 Reg letter franked with. Košice miniature sheet with p
1946 Reg letter franked with. Košice miniature sheet with plate variety - paw, CDS SLIAČ 30.I.46, on reverse arrival postmark OSTRAVA 1/ 3.II.46; good condition
Starting price: CZK
226568 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniat
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: AP1-AP15, combination 111 according to Čtvrtečka; all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality
Starting price: CZK
226569 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniat
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: AP1-AP15, combination 112 according to Čtvrtečka; all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality
Starting price: CZK
226570 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniat
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: AP1-AP15, combination 211 according to Čtvrtečka; all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality
Starting price: CZK
226571 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniat
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: AP1-AP15, combination 221 according to Čtvrtečka; all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality
Starting price: CZK
226567 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniat
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, specialized comp. 15 pcs of miniature sheets with identified combinations according to Čtvrtečky: AP1-AP15, combination 222 according to Čtvrtečka; all identified and detailně described; prevails nice quality
Starting price: CZK
225709 -  [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.353-359, values 1,50 - 20CZK, collection
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.353-359, values 1,50 - 20CZK, collection 220 pcs of stamps according to intended pos. (!), description according to last trial; all mint never hinged, in stockbook A4, rare offer for specialist!
Starting price: CZK
225225 - 1945 Pof.363 production flaw, Bratislava-issue 1,50Kčs, com
1945 Pof.363 production flaw, Bratislava-issue 1,50Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with various errors/flaws stírací color; interesting, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224017 - 1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.372-375, 376, 379, 380, Linden Leav
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.372-375, 376, 379, 380, Linden Leaves, comp. 7 pcs of complete 100 pcs of and 200 pcs of sheets, values 10h to 60h in/at hlubotisku sheets of 100, values 60h, 300h and 500h die-stamping in 200 pcs of sheets; only folded in perforation, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224768 - 1945 Pof.381-386 production flaw, Moscow 5h-10h and 50h-2K,
1945 Pof.381-386 production flaw, Moscow 5h-10h and 50h-2K, comp. 11 pcs of, from that 1x pair and 10x block of four to block of 8, all with omitted perf holes; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4
Starting price: CZK
224767 - 1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow 5h-2K, comp. 14 pcs of marginal blo
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow 5h-2K, comp. 14 pcs of marginal block-of-4 all values with registry dagger; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4
Starting price: CZK
210331 - 1945 Pof.384 production flaw, 386 production flaw, Moscow 50
1945 Pof.384 production flaw, 386 production flaw, Moscow 50h, LR corner blk-of-4 with omitted perforation hole on/for all four sides corner stmp + 2 Koruna grey-blue, upper marginal Pr, omitted upper horiz. perf and vert. perf with omitted perforation hole; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
225962 - 1945 Pof.385 production flaw, Moscow 1 Koruna red, vertical
1945 Pof.385 production flaw, Moscow 1 Koruna red, vertical strip of 3, 1x double perf between stamp.; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
225961 - 1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, vertical
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, vertical block of 6 with upper margin with production flaw - omitted upper horiz. perf; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
225226 - 1945 Pof.387 production flaw, London-issue 5h, corner blk-of
1945 Pof.387 production flaw, London-issue 5h, corner blk-of-4 with big perf folded paper; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224771 - 1945 Pof.389, London-issue 20h, upper corner blk-of-4 with p
1945 Pof.389, London-issue 20h, upper corner blk-of-4 with plate mark - crossed out C and C; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
210311 - 1945 Pof.390 production flaw, London-issue 25h, pair with pr
1945 Pof.390 production flaw, London-issue 25h, pair with production flaw - band rozmazaného print over both stamps; decorative
Starting price: CZK
226246 - 1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, 2 complete upper bnd-of-20, 1x with common comb perforation from below up, very fine and 1x with inverted comb perf (inverted comb perforation), 2x in perforation vert. fold, hinged only in/at L and right margin counter sheet, stamps mint never hinged; sound condition, c.v.. 8.000CZK, cheaply offered
Starting price: CZK
219556 - 1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, upper and lower bnd-of-20 with inverted comb perf and plate number 1A; superb, c.v.. 14.000CZK, in/at set rare!
Starting price: CZK
226104 - 1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50Kč
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50Kčs, vertical corner blk-of-50 with upper margin with inverted comb perforation - inverted comb perf; mint never hinged, exp. Kulda, on/for exponátovém sheet
Starting price: CZK
225227 - 1945 Pof.398VV, War Heroes 2,50CZK, corner blk-of-4 with cor
1945 Pof.398VV, War Heroes 2,50CZK, corner blk-of-4 with corner perf paper crease; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
210336 - 1945 Pof.403 production flaw, 1. anniv of Slovak National Up
1945 Pof.403 production flaw, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 1,50 Koruna, L marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - significant shifted perforation L-wards and up to picture of stmp.; rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
223983 - 1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS with 3 print denního postmar
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS with 3 print denního postmark 1. of day issue BRATISLAVA 1/ 29.VIII.45 on face-side, MS pos. 8; only little wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
224374 - 1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, 2 pcs of, 1x MS pos. 4a with
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, 2 pcs of, 1x MS pos. 4a with thin/light red ryskou through/over right value stamps 1,50 Koruna, 1x MS pos. 9, with guide mark R at top; both very fine
Starting price: CZK
224371 - 1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 4a, wide L margin wi
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 4a, wide L margin with guide line in the middle; very fine, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
224373 - 1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 9  with guide mark R
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 9 with guide mark R at top and rozostřená brown color on stmp 4 Koruna and upper inscription; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224372 - 1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, shift stamps 4,50K up to per
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, shift stamps 4,50K up to perf and rozostřená brown color on stmp 4 Koruna; very fine
Starting price: CZK
223870 - 1945 Pof.420 production flaw, Portraits - Beneš 1,60Kčs gr
1945 Pof.420 production flaw, Portraits - Beneš 1,60Kčs green, vertical pair with production flaw - significantly shifted perf downward; minor gum fault, after all exceptional and decorative!
Starting price: CZK