Online Auction 65 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Postal Stationery B. and M.

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224727 - 1940 CDV67/4, Czechosl. pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK s
1940 CDV67/4, Czechosl. pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK sent as Reg, richly uprated by. 5 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp., general postage 2,50 Koruna, CDS train post PARDUBICE - NĚMECKÝ BROD/ No.98/ 8.V.40; good condition, philatelically motivated mailing, small/rare výskyt!
Starting price: CZK
224731 - 1939 CDV69/39, Czechosl. pictorial PC issue Know Your Countr
1939 CDV69/39, Czechosl. pictorial PC issue Know Your Country T. G. Masaryk 50h, CDS MALENICE N. VOLYŇKOU 28.IX.39, addressed to to Prague; good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
225886 -  CPV12, Czechosl. forerunner p.stat post. order card Coat of
CPV12, Czechosl. forerunner p.stat post. order card Coat of arms 80h violet, part I., CDS LHOTA ZA ČERVENÝM KOSTELCEM 28.XII.39, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 55/ 30.XII.39, refused, sent back; bend, toned, after all very rare forerunner p.stat, still only teoretický usage, c.v.. -,- CZK
Starting price: CZK
225002 - 1939 CDV6, double PC Linden Leaves 60h, in both directions U
1939 CDV6, double PC Linden Leaves 60h, in both directions Us (!), addressed to as Registered to Slovakia, rich mixed franking Czechosl. postage stmp and Bohemian and Moravian overprint issue from last of day her validity, CDS JOSEFOV 15.XII.39, cancel. customs control D.K./ PRAGUE, part II with mixed franking Czechosl., Bohemian and Moravian and Slovak stamps; philatelic mailing, exceptional usage, good condition
Starting price: CZK
225896 - 1941 CDV7, PC Linden Leaves 60h violet, sent Reg and airmail
1941 CDV7, PC Linden Leaves 60h violet, sent Reg and airmail to USA, uprated with stamp Pof.26, 35, 38, posting red cancel. Victoria BRNO 1/ 12.VIII.41, PR68, on face-side transit NEW YORK 31.8.41, on reverse arrival BERKELEY 2/Sep 41, passed through German censorship, without attributes of air forwarding, decorative p.stat!
Starting price: CZK
226003 - 1942-1944 CDV11 + CDV16, comp. 2 pcs of uprated by. Bohemian
1942-1944 CDV11 + CDV16, comp. 2 pcs of uprated by. Bohemian and Moravian PC sent as Registered, 1x 60h Linden Leaves uprated with stamp 3 Koruna, Pof.61, CDS HEŘMANŮV MĚSTEC 7.I.42, 1x PC A. Hitler 60h, addressed to to Serbian Banatu, uprated with stamp Pof.79, 82, 91, general postage 4,50CZK, CDS PLZEŇ 3/ 21.II.44, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition
Starting price: CZK
225854 - 1943 CDV13 II, PC abroad, II. part Linden Leaves 1,50 Koruna
1943 CDV13 II, PC abroad, II. part Linden Leaves 1,50 Koruna sent as Reg to Slovakia, uprated by. i.a. stamp. Heydrich, Pof.111, 110, CDS ŽINKOVY 4.VI.43, passed through German censorship; good condition, decorative, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
226332 - 1945 CDV16 production flaw, PC A. Hitler 60h violet with ful
1945 CDV16 production flaw, PC A. Hitler 60h violet with full machine offset (!) on reverse, posting nationalized CDS 14.V.45; good condition, rare production defect!
Starting price: CZK
225935 - 1939 CTU1a, telegram with posečkaným account, Linden Leave
1939 CTU1a, telegram with posečkaným account, Linden Leaves 40h brown, rough perf; Un, only light vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
225951 - 1940 CAZ1 + CAZ1Pa, recording address card with printed stmp
1940 CAZ1 + CAZ1Pa, recording address card with printed stmp Linden Leaves 50h dark-blue, 2 pcs of, 1x on/for grey-blue and 1x on/for hnědošedém paper; very fine
Starting price: CZK
225937 - 1940 CMO4, international reply coupon with value 2,60K, with
1940 CMO4, international reply coupon with value 2,60K, with one CDS PRAGUE 3/ 27.XII.41; very fine, without folds
Starting price: CZK
225967 - 1938-1940 comp. 4 pcs of used decorative telegrams with enve
1938-1940 comp. 4 pcs of used decorative telegrams with envelopes, 770 Lx8, issue IV-1939, II-1940, IV-1940 supplemented with same blanketem issue II-1938 and 2 envelopes issue IV-1939 and II-1940 ; only 1x small tearing envelope/-s and 1x filling holes, good condition
Starting price: CZK
225941 - 1939-1941 comp. 3 pcs of used decorative telegrams with enve
1939-1941 comp. 3 pcs of used decorative telegrams with envelopes, contains complete 770 Lx1, Lx7 and Lx11; only folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
225968 - 1940 comp. 3 pcs of used decorative telegrams with envelopes
1940 comp. 3 pcs of used decorative telegrams with envelopes, contains complete 770 Lx10 issue IV-1940, Lx7 form/blank II-1940, envelope IV-1937, Lx3, form/blank II-1940, envelope IV-1937; only folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
225945 - 1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS]   incomplete collection Bohemian and
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection Bohemian and Moravian p.stat and blank forms on free sheets with descriptions, contains picture PC, double PC, letter-card/-s, PC insurance company, urgent message, posting p.stat card, recording address card, blank form/-s order, dispatch-note, mainly Un, part Us; placed in box on album sheets
Starting price: CZK