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1939 card sent Flight to USA, franked with. air stamp. Sy.L2 3x, L7, general postage 6.50Ks, CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE 14.XI.41, Us Slovak censorship; good condition
1941-1944 comp. 5 pcs of airmail letters with air stamp. both issues, 3x sent to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 2 pcs of as Reg, express and airmail, 2x addressed to to Germany, censorship, without attributes of air forwarding; good condition U:A5
1943 comp. 2 pcs of Reg, express and airmail letters addressed to Hungary, multicolor frankings airmail stamps Sy.L3, L7 and postage stmp Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, Sy.46, CDS NITRA 8., resp. 28.IV.43, Us Slovak censorship, censor stick-on label, arrival postmark BELBOR and GYERGYÖHOLLÓ, 1x redirected; good condition U:A5
1943-1944 comp. 4 pcs of airmail letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia + 1x first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV letter Reg and airmail, all franked with. air stamp. Sy.L1-L6, L8, 1x Reg, express and airmail, 1x special delivery and airmail, German censorship; good condition, outside 1. flight, without attributes of air forwarding U:A5
1949 ROMOTIONAL LABELS / SLOVENSKÉ KRÍDLA and SLOVAK LETECKÝ SBOR, two marginal blk-of-10, 2x set after/around 5 pcs of in brown color, on stamp paper with gum and perf; mint never hinged, only 1x spot in margin, rare! U:A5