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1944 FIELD-POST - SALONIKI / Mi.V - 50C blue with red overprint "swastika and SOLDATEN PÄCKCHEN / FRONT-HEIMAT"; VF, marginal piece, exp. Pickenpack, certificate Zirath, c.v.. 1.200€; rare stamp U:A5
1944 FIELD-POST - SALONIKI / Mi.VI - 50C brown with red overprint "swastika SOLDATEN PÄCKCHEN / FRONT-HEIMAT"; VF, exp. Pickenpack, certificate Krischke, c.v.. 1.200€, rare stamp U:A5
1944 SS division PRINZ EUGEN / envelope sent by Italian member of division SS through field post FP 46936, CDS FP 6.2.44, supplemented with service cancel. and German censorship, without content; fold and toned U:A5
1912 2 air-mail cards, 1x preprinted orange air-mail card post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 1M/10Pf "Gelber Hund (yellow dog)" (printing only 10.000), Mi. IV. + 5Pf Germania, special postmark DARMSTADT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 19.6.12 + 1x green-grey postcard franked airmail stamp 10Pf (Mi. I.) and stamp 5Pf Germania, special postmark Darmstadt/ Flugpost am Rhein/ 13.6.12; perfect condition U:A5
1924 1. FAHRT NACH AMERICA / postcard of ship "Columbus" transported this flight to N.Y., with tricolor franking"air-mail" 1924, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15. SEP 24, confirmation cancel MIT LUFTSCHIFF Z.R. 3 BEFÖRDERT; very fine U:A5
1929-1931 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929 (2x) and ENGLANDFAHRT 1931, three entires franked with Zeppelin stamps 1RM, 2RM and 4RM, Mi.423-424, 455; posting FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 31.JUL 29, resp. deck LUFTSCHIFF (airship) GRAFZEPPELIN 8.8.31; very fine, rare set! U:A5
1929 ORIENTFAHRT 1929 / Sie.23f; postcard "Zeppelin", with Mi.382, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.MRZ 29, to Palestine, confirmation cancel and CDS JERUSALEM 27 MR 29; very fine, c.v.. 1.150€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1929 ORIENTFAHRT 1929, Sie.23A; postcard and letter, with Mi.382 and Mi. 383, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24. MRZ 29, to Constantinople and Port-Said, confirmation and arrival postmark.; very fine U:A5
1930 FAHRT IN DIE NIEDERLANDE / letter franked with Zeppelin stamp SAF 2RM, Mi.438, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 10.11.30, to Vienna (13.11. 30); c.v.. 500€, very fine and interesting entire U:A5
1930 SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Zeppelin-letter with two stamps 4RM SAF, Mi.439, deck cancel. LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / 19.5. 1930, red confirmation and arrival LAKEHURST; very fine, rare franking - c.v.. 1.100€ + stamp at left in addition with plate variety type "BIitz durch das Heck" (used 800€); catalogue total ca. 2.000€! U:A5
1931 2. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931, Sie.129D, card return flight with mixed franking, i.a. zeppelin 2RM, posting FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 18.9.31; very nice and attractive entire U:A5
1931 POLARFAHRT 1931, Sie.119E, postcard sent to Leningrad, then back to Germany, franked with 1RM Polar flight, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.7..31; confirmation cancel and arrival PAR AVION ZEPPELIN / LENINGRAD 25.VII 31; stamp with plate number 4, c.v.. 350€++ U:A5
1931 UNGARNFAHRT 1931 / Sie.101; postcard 5Pfg uprated with airmail 2RM Mi.383, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 28.3. 31, to Budapest, returned with label "Insuffisance d'adresse", confirmation cancel etc..; very fine U:A5
1939 DEUTSCHLANDFAHRTEN - EGER (Zeppelinlandung in Sudetenland), KASSEL, WURZBURG, ESSEN, BIELEFELD - 5x postcard and letters with nice frankings and cancel.; all in perfect quality, nice set! U:A5
1941 FRAUEN C.C. RAVENSBRÜCK preprinted postcard with information about/by placing in/at C.C., addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, without franking and posting postmark, according to text Dezember; good condition, very short period of usage, ex Procházka U:A5
1941 GHETTO WARSCHAU cut square with parcel dispatch-note addressed to Warsaw with almost complete frame cancel. JUDISCHE WOHENBEZIRK/ WARSCHAU, mounted strip-of-3 of stamps General Government with CDS STOPNICA 3.III.41; rare, ex Procházka U:A5
1939 C.C. BUCHENWALD / card to Protectorate from Czech prisoner, with 6Pf Hindenburg, posting MC WEIMAR 19.10.39; vertical fold and brownish in perforation stamps U:A5
1940 C.C. BUCHENWALD / envelope without preprinting with 12Pf Hindenburg, sent by Czech prisoner to Bohemia-Moravia, posting MC WEIMAR 25.10.40, without content ; good condition U:A5
1938 C.C. DACHAU preprinted postcard to Chomutov with notification about placing prisoner from occupied Sudetenland to C.C. with signature of commander C.C. and date 15.Nov.1938, posting MC MUNICH 30.11.38, supplemented with straight line postmark Frei durch Ablösung, Reich and round service postmark Kommandatur...Dachau; only several spots, very rare, ex Procházka U:A5
1940 C.C. FLOSSENBÜRG / RESISTANCE - JAN SMUDEK pre-printed envelope incl. letter sent from C.C. to Domažlice from prisoner, with 12Pf with CDS FLOSSENBÜRG 19.11.40, supplemented with violet round censorship cancel. Postzenzurstelle K.L. Flossenbürg "D" on envelope also letter; good condition U:A5
1940 C.C. FLOSSENBÜRG / RESISTANCE - JAN SMUDEK pre-printed envelope incl. letter sent from C.C. to Domažlic from prisoner, with 2x 6Pf with CDS FLOSSENBÜRG 8.10.40, supplemented with violet line censorship cancel. Zenzsiert on envelope also content, on letter intervention of censorship - blackened places; good condition U:A5
1941 C.C. GROSSROSEN / pre-printed letter-card addressed to General Government, with A. Hitler 12Pf, CDS GROSSROSEN 12.1.41, censorship mark with swastika on address-side + frame censorship mark inside Postzenzurstelle K.L. Gross-Rosen; small tearing lower U:A5
1941-1944 PRISON GOLLNOW / today Polish Goleniów, comp. of 3 letters, from that 1x addressed to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia incl. content on pre-printed letter sheet, CDS GOLLNOW 10.10.44 + 2x letter sent from Protectorate to prison, from that 1x also with content, CDS PRAGUE and BŘEZNICE U:A5
1941-1944 PRISON MÜRAU (Mírov - Sudetenland), comp. of 3 envelopes from Czech prisoner sent to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, 1x official pre-printed official envelope with CDS MÜRAU 17.9.44, 2x franked envelope without content with cancel. BRESLAU 1 and WOHLAU; good condition U:A5