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1867 Ferch.37-39, for Hungary Ferch.III, IV, V; Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr on cut-square and pair 15 Kreuzer on cut-square, all with RED CANCELLATION KASSA (Košice) AJANLOTT; very fine, c.v.. 2.780€, rare! U:A5
1867 ANK.41I, Franz Joseph I. 50 Kreuzer rough print with blue HUNGARIAN (!) cancel. TEMESVÁR; nice piece with certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. Ferchenbauer (2008) 780€, ANK-catalogue " - " U:A5
1868-1876 set of 10 entires with VI. issue rough also fine print, 2x entire with 2 Kreuzer yellow Mi.35 II, 3x letter with 3 Kreuzer green Mi.36 I, 3x letter with 5 Kreuzer red rough also fine print Mi.37, from that 1x as Reg letter uprated with stamp 10Kr on reverse, 1x with blue CDS STORE, 1x letter with 10Kr blue rough print, Mi.38 I; good condition U:A5